10:30 AM
“O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
"I Come with Joy"
"Praise with Joy the World's Creator"
This week's Hymns sheet music is here. Click the Music icon!
Special Music links redirect to videos.
We are so glad you are here!”

As we enter our church, as we live as members, as we experience important life-cycle events (falling in love, marrying, parenting, baptism, coming out, transitioning, etc.), words of welcome and support, understanding and love are what we all long for. This manifestation of God’s Extravagant Welcome and the justice and social witness that accompany it are the heart of what we hope to show our community and all who walk through the doors of Christ Congregational United Church of Christ.

That's Rene Brodsky in the process of creating our new Pride drape pictured flowing from our Peace Pole. Thanks Rene!
June 9, 2023

Dear Congregation, 

    Greetings CCC members and friends! 

On Tuesday evening I, as well as Karen Kett and her mother Rene Brodsky, attended an event at our sister church Coral Gables Congregational UCC, titled “A Sanctuary for Banned Books”. Pastor Lorrie Hafner, along with Mitch Kaplan the president of Books and Books, led this time of celebrating books and the freedom for all to read as a response to recent laws passed in Florida banning books in schools and libraries across the state.
It was truly a wonderful and inspiring time as speakers read from three books that have been targeted as inappropriate for the age group for which they were written, The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman, The ABC’s of Black History  by Rio Cortez, and Love to Langston by author Tony Medina who read his book. Celebrated author Edwidge Danticat spoke, as did others, including representatives from the ALCU and the President of the Miami/Dade Teachers Union.  

There was a standing room only audience of hundreds of people passionately against book banning, full of enthusiasm to work against the censorship of books and for the FREADOM to read, as was printed on the bag holding copies of the three books that everyone received. 

As we know, many of our freedoms are under attack through laws that have recently been passed. Now is a crucial time for people to stand in opposition to oppression. It was very heartening to be in that crowd and know that we are not alone in the struggle. There are many like-minded people who are determined to bring about positive change. 

Here at CCC you will be hearing more about what we can do to respond faithfully as followers of Jesus Christ, standing against threats to freedom and democracy itself. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” (Galatians 5a.) Thanks be to God for being part of a community that cares and acts! 

In Christ’s love, 
Pastor Candy 
Rene Brodsky was busy last week! Pictured lower right corner, displaying free giveaways of three challenged books chosen as part of CGUCC 's celebratory event for their Sanctuary of Banned Books.
Thanks also to Mitch Kaplan of Books and Books for their support of "FREADOM"!


Sun. June 11 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
 & Facebook Live
Join the Choir for practice Sunday 9:45 am

Thurs. June 15 | 7 pm
Worship in the Sanctuary

Sun. June 18 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
 & Facebook Live

Plan to stay after worship to hear from Safe Schools South Florida speakers about their work on behalf of LGBTQ+ schoolchildren and youth in our community. Get to know SSSFL better by clicking their logo. Then, click the STONEWALL PRIDE banner for a great quick read and an invitation to allyship.
Margarita Morell, pictured far right making another one of her many runs to SOS in Homestead. This time she's dropping off surplus from May's Period Pack action. Thanks Margarita
Thanks to the many hands that pitched in, among them; Judy Carlson, Sonya and David Williams, Rita Smith and Frank and Mary Tirb (pictured left to right).

Thanks also to Karen Kett who shopped and organized so well that we assembled 31 packs (exceeding expectations!) that Church World Service will distribute where the need is greatest.

Subscribe using these links and keep up with the latest Florida news.
Global Ministries offers a weekly prayer for one of our global mission partners. This week's prayer is with the Republic of Congo. To read their mission moment, please click the Global Ministries IMAGE. Below is this week's prayer, let us unite in praying:

To you, Lord our God, belong the greatness and the power, the majesty, and the splendor. All things in heaven and on earth are yours. The text of the day plunges us into the beginning of a true story that will later spread to all continents and therefore also to Africa and more precisely to the Republic of Congo.

We are grateful to God for the geographical situation in Central Africa crossed on both sides by the equator. On the maritime facade of the Atlantic Ocean with a length of 220 km, the Congo River and the Oubangui form part of the border with the DRC. The tropical rainforest extends over nearly 2/3 of the territory, with its great variety of natural landscapes and the richness of the soil and subsoil.

We pray for:
  • the maintenance of peace, dearly acquired after the civil war of June 11, 1997
  • the social and economic progress of the country as unemployment pushes young people to ignore their values
  • the improvement of dismal working conditions
  • regular payments of scholarships to students and retirees
  • the improvement of the educational and health system
  • the marginalized population including indigenous people and people living with disabilities
  • the security of refugees and all foreigners living in the Congo
  • the farmers who work tirelessly for the survival of their families
  • entrepreneurship and the preservation of ecosystems

We pray for the Disciples of Christ Church in Congo that it will go forth as a witness of Christ everywhere, proclaiming the Gospel and making people into Disciples. May it fulfill its mission well through the Gospel, witnessing in public life, and accompanying the faithful. Amen.

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Joy Reid, Jay Harragin, Joan Hansen, Maggie McDowell, Daniel Best,
J.J. Ketzle, Jim and Cindy Ketzle, Carol McCreary, Mary Ellen Prather, Kevin Zhang, Neal and Pam Watkins & family, Frank Tirb,
George Colimorio, Bradley Everhardt and Marsi Ott Miranda,
Rhonda Johnstone Cespedes’ family and friends
Marlyn Baker & family and friends, Jean Richardson and Cuca Curbelo

For Pastoral Care Needs, please call Pastor Candy directly at 925-640-9289 or you may call and leave a message with the Church Office, 305-235-9381.
Thank you so much for the generous gifts of your time, treasure and talent in pursuit of A Just World For All!
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The Rev. Candace Thomas | Pastor

Graham Bryan | Moderator & President

Jay Harragin | Music Director

Miriam Grissett | Editor