Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunities

CORRECTION: The link for the Cancer Control Meeting below was incorrect in the newsletter yesterday. Please see below for the correct link.

HDFCCC Core Facilities: What They Are and How They Can Help You

May 17, 4pm - 5pm

Part of the HDFCCC Postdoc Professional Development Series. The HDFCCC shared resources represent state-of-the-art support services and technology that provide critical support to investigators. Ben Braun, MD/PhD, HDFCCC Associate Director for Shared Resources, will discuss what is available to faculty and trainees. Open to all.

Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

Characteristics of Successful Applicants

June 5, 4pm - 6pm

This panel features representatives from medical schools, physician assistant, and nursing program admission offices. Panelists give tips and best practices for completing your applications. Open to HDFCCC staff and post-bacc, undergraduate and high school students.

Leadership Development Opportunities

LEAD Women's Leadership Conference

Enriching Experiences for Women in Hematology and Oncology

October 13-14, 2023. The goal of this conference is to empower women leaders in the hematology and oncology space by providing essential clinical updates, career development, and professional networking. Registration

AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar

June 22-25, 2023. Brings together junior faculty from across the United States and provides guidance for pursuing career advancement in academic medicine. Open to early career faculty and postdocs.

HDFCCC Cancer Control Program Meeting Featuring Presentations by UCSF Global Cancer Program Cancer Research Training Program in Tanzania

May 23, 3:10pm - 4:30pm

Dr. Sarah Kutika Nyagabona - The prevalence, presentation, treatment, and survival of women with breast cancer and HIV in Tanzania

Dr. Ahlam Nasser - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Response Dynamics and Molecular Mechanisms of Treatment Resistance in Tanzania

Dr. Asteria Kimambo - Implementation of m(Health) ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy and rapid on-site evaluation practice for cytology samples in a low resource setting. Contact Meredith Donnelly. Open to all trainees.


Bench to Bedside Workshop - Clinically Driven Discovery Science in Cancer

July 24 - 28, 2023

Provides trainees and early career faculty a rigorous foundation for hypothesis-driven patient-focused research, covering clinical and preclinical iteration. Open to postdocs, graduate students, senior clinical fellows and early career faculty.

Beyond Academia - Exploring Careers in Drug Development

May 18, 11am - 12pm

Presented by the Cancer Research Training & Coordination Network. Speaker: Chafiq Hamdouchi, PhD, Co-Director of Drug Discovery and Development, Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center and former Senior Research Adviser at Eli Lilly & Company. Virtual. Open to all.

Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research (HEAR) Symposium - Call for Abstracts

Deadline June 30, 2023. This symposium showcases research and action to advance health equity and anti-racism. We encourage submissions that focus on health equity, anti-racism research, and health and healthcare disparities. Symposium scheduled October 2023 in San Francisco (in-person). Open to faculty and trainees.

Trainee Funding Opportunities

Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website