Legislative Session Week 4 Recap

Last week brought a wave of progress! Our funding request received top priority and we will continue to advocate that it remains in the final budget. Plus, we've got a full rundown of advocacy day highlights, along with key insights into bills from our policy priority areas including Medicaid bills. And don't miss out on Immigrant Day on the Hill tomorrow or upcoming dates for our Color Collective writing series! Finally, get acquainted with our stellar 2024 Policy Interns – the passionate minds that help us drive change and innovation. We hope to keep you informed, inspired, and empowered!

Committee Prioritizes YWCA Utah's Funding Request

The Executive Offices and Criminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee (EOCJ) prioritized $300,000 of our $1.7M safety and security request championed by Rep. Jen Dailey-Provost!

Ranked 32 out of 45 requests to be covered using reallocated funds, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the committee for their support in a tight budget year.

Keep an eye out for upcoming action alerts as we lobby the Executive Appropriations Committee for additional support from the General Fund.

EOCJ Reallocated Funds Ranking List.


If you have a few moments, please reach out to one or a few EOCJ Committee Members to thank them for prioritizing our request.

Contact info is linked for each and text is best:

Sen. Derrin R. Owens (R), Senate Chair

Rep. Jefferson S. Burton (R), House Chair

Rep. Sandra Hollins (D), House Vice Chair

Sen. Curtis S. Bramble (R)

Sen. Kirk A. Cullimore (R)

Sen. Wayne A. Harper (R)

Sen. Don L. Ipson (R)

Sen. Stephanie Pitcher (D)

Sen. Jen Plumb (D)

Rep. Cheryl K. Acton (R)

Rep. Tyler Clancy (R)

Rep. James A. Dunnigan (R)

Rep. Matthew H. Gwynn (R)

Rep. Karianne Lisonbee (R)

Rep. Calvin R. Musselman (R)

Rep. Judy Weeks Rohner (R)

Rep. Angela Romero (D)

Tomorrow is Immigrant Day on the Hill!

February 13, 2024

3:30 - 5:30 PM

Capitol Rotunda

350 N State Street, SLC, UT 84114

Free and open to the public!

Spread the word, invite your friends and family. See you there!


Three women standing together on a marble staircase in the Utah State Capitol.

From left to right: Audrey Pan, Gabe Archuleta, Charlize Lara.

Meet Our YWCA Utah 2024 Policy Interns

Every year, we have the privilege of collaborating with extraordinary interns and fellows who hail from diverse backgrounds – be it community members, recent graduates, or current students driven by a shared commitment to champion race and gender equity. Charlize Lara and Audrey Pan joined our team through the esteemed Justice Advocacy Fellowship Program at the University of Utah. In the upcoming weeks, we'll spotlight these remarkable individuals, and you'll learn firsthand what ignites their passion for policy advocacy.

Last Week's Advocacy Days on the Hill

Last week we joined and supported partners for their advocacy days at the Utah State Capitol because our collective impact far outweighs our individual efforts. These advocacy days were not just about making noise; they are aimed at influencing public policy and igniting greater civic engagement within our community.

Utah Domestic Violence Coalition Advocacy Day on the Hill

Feb. 5, 2024

A woman standing behind a podium and next to a screen speaking to a room of people.

Domestic violence advocates and legislators from across the state called for enhanced protections and resources for domestic violence survivors.

In the above photo, Leah Moses spoke poignantly at UDVC's press conference about the need to protect children who are court-ordered into parent-time with abusive parents.

HB 272 Child Custody Proceedings Amendments (Rep. Cutler, Sen. McKell) - Strong Support, also known as Om's Law in honor of Leah's son who was killed by his father on Mother's Day 2023, will ensure a court will consider a history of domestic violence when determining custody and will increase child abuse training for court personnel. Fact sheet here.

Status: The bill passed in committee and could be voted on by the House Floor later this week. Stay tuned for action alerts.

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault Advocacy Day on the Hill

Feb. 6, 2024

Screen shot of a news article of advocates sitting in a room at the Capitol listening to a speaker.

Utah's alarming rape per capita rate surpasses the national average, highlighting the pervasive issue of sexual assault. Advocates promoted legislation for prevention education, safety, and resource accessibility.

HB 322 Sexual Assault Investigation Amendments (Rep. Romero, Sen. Escamilla) - Support, requires the creation of a model sexual assault investigation policy for law enforcement and requires sexual assault investigation compliance reports.

Status: It is on the Senate 2nd Reading Calendar after having passed unanimously through a House committee, the House floor, and a Senate committee.

Appropriations Request:

Rep. Clancy sponsored a request for Statewide Sexual Assault Prevention Education. Unfortunately, it was placed on an "unprioritized" list.

Child Care Advocacy

Day on the Hill

Feb. 9, 2024

Four women standing side by side outside the doors of the Utah House Floor.

From left to right: Rep. Rosemary Lesser, Theresa Ellis, Melonie Trujillo, and Patsy Archuleta.

Three women talking with a Utah senator outside the Senate Floor.

From left to right: Theresa Ellis, Sen. J. Johnson, Patsy Archuleta, and Melonie Trujillo.

Various organizations, child care professionals, parents, and caregivers rallied at the Capitol to advocate for more affordable child care options.

YWCA Utah teamed up with Grandparents With Open Arms, an organization from Ogden, Utah founded by Melonie Trujillo, that is dedicated to assisting grandparents raising grandchildren. They expressed to legislators the urgent need for affordable childcare, crucial for those on fixed incomes.

Two bills that would increase access to affordable child care are: HB 461 Child Care Wage Stabilization Amendments (Rep. Matthews) and

SB 176 Child Care Services Amendments (Sen. Escamilla).

Asian American, Native Hawaiian,

Pacific Islander

(AANHPI) Day on the Hill

Feb. 9, 2024

A screenshot of an X post with two pictures: one of Senator Kwan speaking on the Senate Floor and another of attendees of AANHPI Advocacy day on the steps inside the Utah State Capitol.
Two people standing side by side smiling.

Jakey Siolo and Gabe Archuleta

This event celebrated AANHPI legislators and candidates, such as Sen. Karen Kwan, Verona Mauga, and Jakey Siolo, who spoke to the crowd. Additionally, it encouraged civic engagement among high school students and community members as everyone gathered for a delicious lunch from Mo Bettah's.

In her remarks, Gabe Archuleta of YWCA Utah urged students at the event to envision themselves as future leaders and lawmakers of the state.

Earlier in the day the Senate unanimously passed SJR 9 Joint Resolution Honoring Utah's Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Cultures and Communities (Sen. Kwan, Rep. Clancy) - Support and community leaders were also recognized on the House and Senate Floor.

Update on Key Medicaid Bills

HB 463 Medicaid Funding Amendments (Rep. Brammer) - Strong Oppose

Utah's Medicaid funding is fiscally solvent yet this bill seeks to find an easy path to eliminate critical coverage such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy that are beneficial for anyone who needs those therapies but particularly so for survivors of domestic violence who need to heal from physical injuries. Status: This bill is assigned to the House Business and Labor Committee. It was set to be heard last week but was pulled from the agenda. It could be heard this week.

2nd Sub HB 193 Hospital Assessment Revisions (Rep. Ward) - Support

The first version of this bill would have removed the five year waiting period for lawful permanent residents (green card holders) to be eligible to apply for Medicaid post-partum coverage. Last week the House Business and Labor Committee voted down that portion of the bill and passed out a stripped down version that extends Medicaid sunset dates which later passed with a favorable recommendation. For that reason, our position changed from Strong Support to Support.

YWCA Utah proudly stands with the transgender community. We are open for anyone who needs our services and we welcome all transgender, non-binary, queer and gender non-conforming individuals.


A picture of several books by Indigenous authors on a table.
A facilitator standing in front of a screen.

Jessica Nichole Begay (Diné) facilitating the workshop First Peoples - Where We Come From.

Feeling called to express yourself through writing and creating? Check out the Color Collective series for womxn, femmes, and non-binary persons of color.

The third session, Immigration and Migration - The Borders that Create Us, is on February 24, 2024. Find out more and register here. 

Get involved! 

  • Share action alerts with your network 

Save the Date!

Join us on Friday, March 22, 2024 from 5-7 pm for our annual Legislative Recap where we recognize a Public Official of the Year and hear from legislators and community members and the inspiring advocacy work they do. More information to come!

Follow Us On Twitter

Follow @ywcautah and Director of Public Policy, Gabriella Archuleta, on Twitter @_Gabe_Archuleta for LIVE updates during the legislative session.

Instagram @utahsy

YWCA Utah | | Business Line: 801-537-8604 | Crisis Line: 801-537-8600 | TTY 711
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