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June 2023 Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic News

STL Surgery = 836

Rolla Surgery = 316

STL Wellness = 327

Rolla Wellness = 48


June- National Pet Preparedness Month

July- National Lost Pet Prevention Month

August 21- Pizza Head Fundraiser (stay tuned)

October 20, 2023


Gala @ Forest Park Golf Club

(stay tuned)

November 28 - Giving Tuesday

Spay/Neuter is THE Answer to Ending Overpopulation and Full Shelters/Rescues

Walk-In Wellness Clinics

Our wellness clinics are walk-in ONLY. Wellness clinics may vary from week to week. Please check the calendar on our website for the most up-to-date wellness clinic schedule. We only see feral cats on surgery days

Click to view the STL calendar

For Rolla Wellness information

please call (573) 465-3099

We love to get wonderful reviews from our clients!

Amber brought in 7 community cats (1 male and 6 females) to be altered at our Rolla Clinic. These cats will no longer be reproducing and will be healthier and less likely to fight or mark now that they are spayed/neutered

June Raffle

Check out our June raffle

4 tickets to Six Flags

One entry is just $5, or for $20 you get FIVE entries! When you participate, your entry fee goes into our “SNF Fund” Special Needs Fund - which helps our clients that need a little assistance with their pet’s care or surgeries

Thank you to Six Flags St. Louis for donating 4 tickets

ENTER TODAY here: Raffle Entry

or come by the clinic at 1218 S. Jefferson Ave in St. Louis.

Drawing will be held June 30

If you or your business would like to donate

$100 value item (gift cards, tickets or cash so we can create a gift basket), we

will acknowledge you in the E-Newsletter and on our social media pages

You can drop items off at our clinic or mail them to us.

Thank you for your support!!!

We want YOU to join our TEAM!

At Carol House Pet Clinic, we have a FUN staff and do quality work that impacts our community in a POSITIVE way!!! We are looking for employees for both our St. Louis and Rolla locations.

Click for St. Louis job openings

Click for Rolla job openings

Thank YOU for your donations to help keep the dogs and cats in our community healthy, altered, and safely in their homes! 

By using our PayPal Giving Fund 100% of your donation goes directly to Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic!


Thank you to our 2022 Fall Fundraiser Sponsors




Tom & Teri Seiler

Bebb Asphalt

George and Jayne Blue

This E-Newsletter is proudly sponsored by Helix Realty!

We thank them for their generous support! If your business wishes to

sponsor an E-Newsletter email Development Director

or call 314-771-PETS (7387)

Serving U-City Loop, Central West End, Maplewood, Richmond Heights, Clayton, both office and residential properties.

Call  314-367-7646

Click for their website:

Helix Realty Website

Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic
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