The Florida Legislature adjourned the 2023 Regular Session in Tallahassee in May. During those 60 days, lawmakers filed a total of 1,828 bills – of which only 356 passed, including several bills that provide changes to land development and environmental practice areas, as well as the rights of developers, homebuilders, and landowners. 

Below are summaries of these important bills. For more information, please contact us.

The Live Local Act Provides Opportunities to Incentivize Affordable Housing Throughout the State of Florida

Senate Bill 102, also known as the Live Local Act, is a transformative piece of legislation representing the largest housing investment in Florida’s history. The Live Local Act provides several mechanisms to incentivize affordable housing, including land use administrative approval opportunities, ad valorem tax exemptions, and state funding opportunities. For a comprehensive review and analysis of the Live Local Act, please visit Stearns Weaver Miller’s article available here. SB 102 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023.

Changes Made to Statute of Limitations Period for Real Property Improvements and Definition of Material Violations to the Florida Building Code

Senate Bill 360 amends section 95.11, Florida Statutes, to reduce the statute of limitations period for actions founded on the design, planning, or construction of an improvement to real property. The bill changes the limitations period from ten years to seven years starting on the earliest date the authoritative jurisdiction issues a temporary certificate of occupancy, certificate of occupancy, certificate of completion or date of abandonment when construction is not completed. The bill also clarifies the statute of limitations if the real property improvement involves multiple buildings. The bill also amends section 553.84, Florida Statutes, to provide a cause of action for material violations of the Building Code instead of violations. SB 360 was signed into law on April 13, 2023 and was effective immediately. View More.

Changes Made to Allow Two Flags to be Displayed and Items to be Stored on Property Regardless of Restrictions from Homeowners’ Associations

House Bill 437 amends sections 718.113, 720.304, 720.3075, Florida Statutes, and creates section 720.3045, Florida Statutes. These sections have been amended to prohibit homeowners associations from restricting their homeowners and tenants from displaying up to two flags and storing items on their land so long as those items are not seen from the front of the property or any adjacent properties. HB 437 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023. View More.

Changes Made to Allow Recovery of Attorney Fees for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Challenges and Clarify Types of Claims Allowed in Comprehensive Plan Consistency Challenge

Senate Bill 540 amends sections 163.3184(5)(g) and 163.3187(5)(a), Florida Statutes, to provide an entitlement of attorney fees and costs to the prevailing party in a Comprehensive Plan or Plan Amendment challenge. Appellate attorney fees and costs may be awarded. The bill also adds a new subsection (6) to section 163.3202, Florida Statutes, to exclude Florida College System institutions from land development regulations other than use, intensity or density of use. Finally, the bill amends section 163.3215, Florida Statutes, to resolve a conflict in the courts (Heine v. Lee County and Imhof v. Walton County) as to the types of claims that may be raised in a lawsuit challenging a development order’s consistency with the adopted comprehensive plan. The bill adopted the interpretation as set forth in Heine v. Lee County. SB 540 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023.

Changes Made to Annexation and Contraction Procedures of Municipal Boundaries

Senate Bill 718 amends sections 163.3167 and 171.031, Florida Statutes, to prohibit land development regulation initiatives and referendums. The Bill also requires a “feasibility study” to be conducted prior to starting annexation procedures under section 171.0413, Florida Statutes. The Bill also amends section 171.051, Florida Statutes, regarding contraction procedures of municipal boundaries by requiring consent from the owners of 50 percent of the acreage of land when the area proposed to be contracted is 70 percent owned by individuals, corporations or legal entities. SB 718 was signed into law on June 28, 2023 and took effect July 1, 2023. View More.

Milestone Inspections Required by Condominium and Cooperative Associations

Senate Bill 154 significantly amends a variety of Florida Statutes to require milestone inspections (the first occurring after the building reaches 30 years old, and every 10 years thereafter), structural integrity reserve studies, and turnover reports. It also includes provisions for disclosure required by the developer and non-developer unit owners selling their units. SB 154 was signed into law on June 9, 2023 and was effective immediately. View More.

New Program Created to Preserve and Maintain Historic Cemeteries

House Bill 49 creates section 267.21, Florida Statutes, to establish a Historic Cemeteries Program which provides for the identification and maintenance of abandoned and historic cemeteries. The bill details how the program’s administrators will be selected and the functions they possess. HB 49 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023. View More.

New Amendments Made to Building Standards to Prevent Imposing Retroactive Permitting Requirements

House Bill 89 amends section 553.79, Florida Statutes, to prohibit local enforcing agencies from making substantive changes to plans after a permit has been issued except changes in compliance with the Florida Building Code, Fire Prevention Code, or the Life Safety Code. HB 89 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023. View More.

Grants Allotted Under Florida Resilient Grant Program Expanded and Consideration of Sea Level Rise Mandated in State Financed Projects

House Bill 111 amends section 380.093, Florida Statutes, to include potential grants for feasibility studies to reduce flooding and sea level rise and provides for water management district support of the Florida Food Hub for Applied Research and Innovation. HB 111 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023. View More.

Florida Legislature Addresses Notice Requirements for Continued Public Hearings in Response to Testa Case

Senate Bill 170 amends section 125.66, Florida Statutes, and section 166.041, Florida Statutes, to allow local governments to continue a duly noticed meeting without repeating publication and mailing requirements so long as the date, time, and place of the subsequent public meeting are publicly stated and the continuation is communicated in the agenda for the subsequent meeting. Senate Bill 170 also requires local governments to prepare business impact estimates prior to passing an ordinance, summarizing the ordinance’s public purpose, direct economic impact on businesses, and an estimate on the number of businesses to be impacted. SB 170 was signed by the governor on June 29, 2023 and becomes effective on October 1, 2023, except as otherwise provided in the bill. View More.

New Measures Adopted to Aid Natural Disaster Recovery Efforts

Senate Bill 250 protects the validity of temporary shelters erected after natural disasters. Local governments are also empowered to take out larger loans for recovery efforts but are prohibited from substantially altering land use provisions in select areas affected by recent hurricanes. SB 250 was signed by the governor on June 29, 2023 and became effective on July 1, 2023. View More.

New Prohibitions on Government Dealing with Select Foreign Entities and Land Development

Senate Bill 264 creates section 287.138, Florida Statutes, which prohibits a local government entity from entering into a contract with a private or government entity associated with a foreign government of concern. The bill also prohibits members of these foreign governments from select property interests in the State of Florida. SB 264 was signed into law on May 8, 2023 and took effect July 1, 2023. View More.

Stricter Standards Imposed on Homeowners’ Associations to Reduce Fraudulent Activities

House Bill 919 revises chapter 720, Florida Statutes, to add provisions addressing recent fraud and embezzlement scandals involving homeowners’ associations. The comingling of funds and accepting gifts by homeowner association officials is prohibited. Criminal penalties are imposed for other fraudulent activities. HB 919 was signed into law and becomes effective on October 1, 2023.

FDOT to Study the Use of Phosphogypsum as a Construction Aggregate Material

House Bill 1191 creates section 337.02611, Florida Statutes, to allow phosphogypsum to be studied and considered as a construction aggregate material. The bill requires FDOT to conduct studies testing its suitability for construction. The act also amends section 403.7045 to clarify that Phosphogypsum, when properly used, is not solid waste. HB 1191 was signed by the governor on June 29, 2023 and became effective on July 1, 2023.

Changes Made to Local Governments Considerations of Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Senate Bill 1604 amends section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, to change the minimum planning periods after adopting a comprehensive plan from the first five years to the first 10 years, and from the first 10 years to the first 20 years. The bill also requires local governments to sign an affidavit attesting that all of the elements of the comprehensive plan comply with the minimum planning periods and requires local governments to cite the source and date of the population projects used to establish the 10-year planning period. SB 1604 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023. View More. 

State Land Acquisition, Retention, and Disposal Procedure Revised with Environmental Consideration in Mind

House Bill 1379 amends various statutes to revise requirements for acquisition, retention, & disposal of state lands. HB 1379 was signed into law and became effective on July 1, 2023. View more.


Miami Dade County Court Holds that Village was Equitably Estopped from Adding Conditions to an Approved Resolution Allowing a Transfer of Development Rights 

The 11th Circuit Court held that the Village of Palmetto Bay Village Council did not rely on competent substantial evidence in denying a site application involving a transfer of development rights because the Village Council relied on a skewed interpretation by the Village Attorney. The Court also held that the Village was required to accept title to the land subject to the transfer of development rights because a prior resolution required the Village to accept the land if clear title were provided. View More.

Florida Third DCA Holds that Limiting Property to Beekeeping and Personal Camping Makes Property Economically Idle Constituting a Regulatory Taking Under Lucas

Landowners sued the City of Marathon arguing that only allowing beekeeping and personal camping on their island was an overly burdensome regulatory taking without just compensation. The Court held that the beekeeping and personal camping limitations rendered the property “economically idle” and constituted a per se, as-applied regulatory taking. View more.


Please join us in welcoming three new members to our team!

Anastasia "Annie" Barnes*

Associate Planner


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Annie's Practice: Annie serves firm clients as an in-house planner supporting private development projects and related entitlement applications.

Annie has over eight years of planning experience in the public sector, including as a planner for the City of Tampa, City of St. Cloud, Hillsborough County, City of Bradenton, and Hardee County. Her intimate understanding of local regulations is invaluable when navigating complex land use, zoning, and environmental projects across the state. She is also particularly familiar with historic preservation matters.

Fun Fact: Outside of the firm, Annie horseback rides in showjumping competitions.

Elizabeth Desloge Ellis


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Liz's Practice: Liz is an experienced litigator who represents private and public sector clients in complex real estate development, land use and property rights matters. She is skilled in developing and implementing litigation strategy as it relates to obtaining, challenging and defending development approvals. Her experience also includes litigating eminent domain, inverse condemnation and Bert J. Harris issues. In addition to land development, Liz also maintains a broad litigation practice where she represents clients on a variety of matters, including public records, constitutional law and labor and employment disputes.

Prior to joining the Firm, Liz served as an Assistant State Attorney for the State Attorney’s Office in the Second Judicial Circuit where she conducted over 50 jury trials as first chair, ranging in severity from traffic offenses to life felonies.

Fun Fact: Liz is a karaoke aficionado and a 10th generation Tallahasseean.

Simone Savino


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Simone's Practice: Simone represents clients before local and state governments and in litigation on land use and land development issues. She has experience representing clients in a broad range of matters involving variances, rezonings, permitting, licensing, comprehensive plan amendments, and entitlements.

Prior to joining the firm, Simone was a Land Use and Real Estate Attorney in the City of Tampa Attorney’s Office. In this role, she represented the city in all code enforcement special magistrate and code enforcement board proceedings and served as a legal advisor to the Neighborhood Enhancement Division, Natural Resources Division, and Construction Services Division.

Fun Fact: Simone is a new mom to two daughters; Adeline who is one and Ava who is three months. She also loves spinning, yoga and trying out new recipes.


Landus Anderson

Elise Batsel

Reggie Bouthillier

Jeffrey Collier

Jacob Cremer

Samantha Decker

Tina Ekblad, AICP*


Carl Eldred

Elizabeth Desloge Ellis

Vinette Godelia

Maria Gralia

Shawn Halphen*

GIS Services

Jessica Icerman

Felicia Kitzmiller

Kenneth Metcalf, AICP*


Nicole Neugebauer

Kevin Reali

Amelia Savage

Simone Savino

Christopher Smith*

GIS Services

David Smith*


Cynthia Spidell, MBA, AICP*


Susan Stephens

Erin Tilton

Ronald Weaver

We frequently collaborate with other Attorneys & Specialists statewide in a multidisciplinary approach to address all legal and business issues in a matter. 
Real Estate
Sea Level Rise
Real Estate
Real Estate Analyst
Real Estate Analyst
Government Affairs
Ad Valorem Tax

Darrin Quam


*Ken Metcalf, David Smith, Tina Ekblad, Cynthia Spidell, Chris Smith, Shawn Halphen, Roger Houle and Yuliya Olvy are not attorneys and are not authorized to practice law.

Ken, Tina, David and Cynthia are highly experienced planners. Ken, Tina and Cynthia are AICP certified.

Chris and Shawn are highly experienced GIS analysts.

Roger and Yuliya are highly experienced real estate analysts.

Special thanks to our law clerks who assisted in the drafting of this alert:

  • Emily Kennard: Rising second year Juris Doctor Candidate at Stetson University College of Law.
  • Alejandro Munoz: Rising third year Juris Doctor Candidate at the University of Florida College of Law.
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About Stearns Weaver Miller
Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson is a full service law firm with offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Tallahassee, and Coral Gables, Florida. We offer multidisciplinary solutions with a focus on Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Bankruptcy & Creditors' Rights, Corporate & Securities, Government & Administrative, Labor & Employment, Real Estate, Real Estate Finance, Commercial Finance and Loan Restructuring & Workouts, Land Development, Zoning & Environmental, Marital & Family Law and Tax. For more information, please visit