NIFDA Logo - 2011

What's included in this month's newsletter:

🇺🇸 President's letter: flag season holidays + important reminders

📊 May poll results: employee retirement benefits

🛒 June poll: product pricing

🗃️ Renew membership by June 30th to continue receiving newsletters

📰 Updates from Manufacturer members

🏛️ H.R. 8290 update

🌱 Membership referral contest for 2023–2024

✨ Why we want to know your story

🌵 Convention keynote video + early bird ends TODAY

🏆 Cast your ballot!

📚 5 Ways to show appreciation to rock-star employees

💻 Next roundtable: July 20th

📖 Online benefits for NIFDA members

Please note: this newsletter may get clipped in your inbox. If this happens, you can simply click "View entire message" at the bottom to view the entire email.

President's Letter

Flag Season is in Full Swing


In our industry, the spring season roars into summer with exhilarating energy. Business heats up as customers seek out Old Glory. From the fairs and festivals to the patriotic parties and parades, U.S. flags are waved to celebrate American values. This is our chance to reinforce those values and say “thank you” for purchasing U.S. Flags 100% Made in America! This is our time to shine!


Today is Flag Day


Summer begins with our favorite holiday... Flag Day, commemorating the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as our nation's flag by the Second Continental Congress in 1777. While the flag design has evolved from 13 stars representing the first colonies to 50 stars symbolizing our United States today, it continues to embody America's foundational promises of freedom, liberty, and justice for all.


June 19th is Juneteenth


The newest federal holiday, Juneteenth, celebrates freedom and the end of slavery. On June 19, 1865, more than two years after President Lincoln declared all enslaved persons free, Union Army troops marched to Galveston, Texas, to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and free the last enslaved Black Americans. Today, Juneteenth offers a day of reflection, remembrance, and recommitment to equal rights and opportunity for all Americans.


July 4th is Independence Day


Americans have been celebrating the 4th of July since the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776. It remains a sacred day for our country as we recall the words in that founding document, "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all people are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 


Wishing you a successful “flag season” and celebratory summer filled with fireworks and local craft beers – cheers! 🍻

Stacey Stewart, NIFDA Board President 

Five Important Reminders

☑️ Don’t let this be your last NIFDA newsletter! Membership renewals are due June 30th. Check your email and renew now.

☑️ Early bird registration closes TODAY. Sign up for the 2023 Convention today to receive a special gift and be entered into a raffle to win complimentary registration in 2024.

☑️ Voting is now open for the 2023 Betsy Ross Award for Service. Select up to three industry leaders when you cast your ballot.

☑️ Be sure to take the June Member Poll. This is your opportunity to join the conversation, share best practices, and learn from fellow members.

☑️ Refer a new NIFDA member and be rewarded with discounted Convention registration or additional sponsor recognition - NIFDA Newcomers details are below. 

Monthly Poll Results + New Poll

May Poll Results – Employee Benefits

Do you offer a retirement plan for your employees?

If yes, do you match any contributions?

What other benefits/incentives do you offer employees?

  • Gas card
  • Meals out
  • Flexible vacation schedule and time off
  • Opportunity to work remotely
  • Life insurance and short term disability–both paid 100% by company
  • Voluntary vision, dental, long term disability, FSA – at a 30% discount
  • Aflac
  • Christmas bonus
  • Health benefits and base dental benefits–paid 100% by company
  • Year-end bonuses based on achieving sales goals
  • Business closes between Christmas and New Year
  • Random tokens of appreciation for staff (gift cards, work coats/jackets for service team, NFL Salute to Service gear, team pizza parties, etc.)
  • We foster a family-friendly environment and try to be flexible when life happens (weddings, funerals, sick kids, pet problems, car trouble, etc.) encouraging time off to take care of these things
  • Company wide monthly bonus incentives if team meets invoiced sales goal of 300K.
  • Distributed over $55,000 in bonuses last year
  • Paid holidays, paid vacation
  • Vacation time based on years with company, plus 5 paid sick days annually


Product Pricing

Would you please take a few minutes to anonymously contribute to the discussion?


June Member Updates

Membership renewal is due by June 30th. Be sure to renew on time so you don't miss next month's newsletter!

If you can't find the invoice in your inbox, please reply to this email and let us know so we can get it over to you ASAP.

Manufacturer Updates

Allied Flag / Allied Products Corp

  • ***For the Month of June*** Receive 10% on Military Branch or Civil Service Flag Display cases, large or small. Government Specified, 5 x 9.5 US Cotton Internment flags also available at the same 10% discount. No minimum required, valid through June 30, 2023. Contact Allied Flag at 866-497-3524 or Geri Sauerwin direct at 816-783-5240.

Concord American Flagpole

  • CAFP is experiencing NO issues with anodizing availability!
  • Thanks to our vertical integration and multiple manufacturing locations (Texas, Minnesota, & Virginia), we are able to partner with several quality finishing professionals across the country.

Eder Flag

  • Now accepting orders for modified U.S. Flags - speak to your Eder representative for quotation.  
  • We have good stocking levels for most items, and we are accepting orders for anodized commercial flagpoles. Call for details.  
  • The Eder Flag team would like to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July!

Erin Rope Corporation

  • Erin Rope stocks the following:
  • 1/4" - 1/2" White Solid Braid Halyard Rope 
  • 1/16" - 1/4" 7x19 Stainless Steel Aircraft Cable 
  • Current lead time on Colored Solid Braid Halyard Rope is 3-5 Days ARO
  • Current lead time on Solid Braid Halyard Rope is 3-5 Days ARO

FlagZone, LLC.

  • Inventories of a variety & types of Small Flags continue to increase
  • Large Flags are being made and shipped as fast as possible

J.C. Schultz Enterprises, Inc. / FlagSource

  • Custom flags are flying through our new and improved production/equipment line. We are turning out some of the best quality flags and banners we have ever produced. Colors are vibrant, penetration is deep, and turnaround is quick. Give us a shot on your next custom flag order!
  • FlagSource has great inventories on State and Military flags including Texas flags. Place your order today at
  • 6' White and Silver Spinning Poles in stock! Orders yours today!
  • FlagSource is fully stocked on US Flags both Nylon and 2-Ply Spun Polyester in all sizes 3x5' up to 40x80'. If you order today in most cases it will ship same day. We have heavy inventories on all sizes.

Dealer Updates

None Currently

All members are invited to share relevant news and updates in the monthly newsletter. Participation is optional.

You may submit your news and updates using the button below at any time. Form entries will be accepted until noon on the 14th of every month, unless otherwise noted (example: you can submit entries to be included in next month's newsletter any time between now and the 14th of next month).


H.R. 8290 Update

The "Make American Flags in America Act" will be in the news this week for Flag Day. NIFDA member voices are the driving force behind this grassroots bill introduced by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik.

American Flags Made in China are increasing in the U.S. marketplace. Saratoga Flag in Upstate New York has seen a 100% increase of Chinese-made American Flags. An alarming 65% of the U.S. Flags they receive from consumers to respectfully retire at Saratoga National Cemetery, are Made in China.

We Need Your Help

If your business/organization accepts U.S. Flags for retirement, please start tracking the number of imported flags you receive annually. If NIFDA can track percentages of Chinese-made flags that members are seeing in their community, it will assist in determining the percentage of imported flags in circulation, nation-wide.

**Shareable social media graphics for H.R. 8290 to follow in the July newsletter.

Membership Referral Contest

Announcing... NIFDA Newcomers, a Member Referral Contest

Have you benefitted from NIFDA membership? Now is the time to share the opportunity with other flag dealers and suppliers! Imagine the possibilities of more resources, expertise, and growth if each member recruited just one new business to join NIFDA this year!

You may be asking “What’s In It For Me?”

  • Dealers – for each new member you recruit, receive $50 off the 2023 convention registration fee; recruit more to save more!
  • Manufacturers – recruit 5 new members and your company will receive recognition at a higher convention sponsorship level!
  • The Winner – The member business that recruits the most new members will be announced and recognized at the 2023 convention.

Rules & Eligibility: All active NIFDA members are eligible to participate and there is no limit to the number of new members you can recruit. Referral credits will be awarded when the current member’s information is provided at the time of application/dues payment. A new member is defined as a Dealer, Manufacturer, or Associate member who is brand new to NIFDA or non-renewing for the previous two years. The contest ends on July 4, 2023.

Someone once invited you to join NIFDA… now is your chance to pass it on! Who do you know that could benefit from NIFDA membership? Invite them to become a NIFDA Newcomer today!


Member Spotlight

Why we want to feature NIFDA!

Yes, YOU!

One of the most valuable benefits of membership is the opportunity to get to know other members and form lasting friendships. Member spotlights give everyone the chance to learn more about fellow members, their stories, and what makes them unique. Those that feature achievements and successes even inspire and motivate us all. Please take a moment to share your story with us!

Don't have the time, skill, or energy to write something up? We'll take care of that! Simply provide the highlights below along with some photos and we'll do all the creative writing for you.

  1. Company history – year established, the founder(s), owner(s), any mergers, important changes or milestones over the years.
  2. What makes your business unique? Your location? Your customers? Your services? Your products? Your staff? Your structure?
  3. Are there any unique projects and/or achievements?
  4. Is there something that your company does that could or should be an industry best practice?
  5. Include 2-5 photos, if possible, along with your logo.

Previous member spotlights can be found in the newsletter archives on the Members Only website here.

Early Bird Ends TODAY!!

Missed the last convention email?

Here's a message from our keynote speaker:

Award-winning author and expert in leading workplace teams, Kristin Arnold, will join us in Scottsdale for a fun, upbeat and interactive session where you will learn how to coach your team members to be truly empowered with minimal intervention from you!

You’ll be able to increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your employees, accelerate their development, and dramatically improve their performance afterward. Plus, you'll walk away able to diagnose the development levels of your team members and choose the appropriate coaching style, discover your own “default” coaching style, and adapt to the changing needs of your team member.


Cast your ballot!

Voting is now open for the Betsy Ross Award for Service!

This award recognizes an active member of NIFDA who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve the association, the flag industry, fellow NIFDA members, and/or their community.

For example, a member may be deserving of the award for overcoming obstacles in their business or personal life to become a successful flag dealer, for efforts to bring attention to the flag industry, for efforts to pass legislation affecting the U.S. flag or the flag industry, or efforts to gain visibility for themselves or their business as it relates to the flag industry.

Please note: Board members and individuals who have previously received this award are not eligible.

🗳️ Click to Select your TOP THREE members

Member Education

5 Ways to Show Appreciation for Rock-Star Employees

Employees not only want great pay and benefits, they also want to be treated with respect, to contribute to the company’s goals, and to be valued and recognized for their efforts. Here are five strategies to reward, recognize and celebrate your team:


1. Be intentional about engagement. Encourage feedback from your team in both one-on-one and group settings to create an open culture of sharing and a forum for fresh ideas. Use employee reviews as an opportunity to gather individual feedback. To the extent possible, be transparent in sharing both company successes and struggles… invite the team to brainstorm solutions. Host regular business meetings to set goals, track progress, and celebrate together along the way. 


2. Give public praise and props. Show appreciation for your employees with a social shout out! First, schedule professional headshots; then, share their photos/bios on your website, social media channels, and customer e-blasts. Encourage employees to update their LinkedIn profiles so you can endorse their skills for all to see. Create a “wall of fame” in your office with team photos, company awards, and years of service. Don’t overlook the importance of celebrating major life events, birthdays, and workiversaries; these milestones matter. Take it a step further and verbally recognize their attributes and accomplishments in front of family members at an annual picnic or party. 


3. Personalize the perks. Be creative in how you recognize those that go above and beyond. You may give extra time off/PTO, allow late starts or early outs, offer the flexibility to work from home on certain days, or provide a day off to work on a passion project or volunteer for an important cause. Give a gift card to their favorite coffee shop, bakery, brewery, nail salon, or dog groomer (and support a local business as a bonus). While a hand-written note may seem archaic in this digital age, they are rare and more powerful than ever. A personalized thank you card can be a gift itself. Don’t be surprised to find it pinned above or proudly displayed on an employee’s desk. 


4. Keep them comfortable (and well-fed). Listen to employee concerns, spend some time in their shoes, and recognize the pain points. Is there outdated technology or equipment that gives them heartburn? Update it. Could the break room use some sprucing up? Spring for cozy chairs, gourmet coffee, and great artwork. Is employee morale lacking? Feed them. Bring in donuts, arrange for a food truck on-site, or organize a happy hour, potluck, or Top Chef competition for some teambuilding fun. Add creature comforts to the office environment to show employees you care. 


5. Build them up to build your biz. Invest in your employees by providing opportunities for self-improvement. Take them on a field trip to see manufacturing in action. Encourage them to pursue training (review the 10 free resources for online business courses shared in our May newsletter), consider allocating company time for professional development and reimbursing for education expenses. Be generous with your employee discount (help them get a flagpole in their yard), give logo swag they’ll rave about and actually use (think Carhartt hoodies, Yeti water bottles, North Face vests, and Oakley backpacks), and throw an occasional retreat or surprise party – be an employer they’ll brag about to customers, friends, and family. In turn, you’ll be rewarded with: 


  1. Improved company culture
  2. Reduced turnover and improved employee retention
  3. Improved employee engagement & productivity
  4. Improved employee job satisfaction and morale
  5. Improved recruitment and ability to attract top talent
  6. Increased employee loyalty
  7. Better alignment with core values
  8. Improved employee well-being and mental health
  9. Improved perception of management and leadership
  10. Better customer experiences

The Insider's Virtual Mid-Year Meetup

Thursday, July 20, 2023 | 2:00pm CDT

You don't want to miss this one, flag friends! Members AND prospective NIFDA members are invited to join us for this Roundtable which will include updates and offerings from manufacturers, a preview of our upcoming Scottsdale Convention, an overview of NIFDA benefits, and time for questions!


ATTN MANUFACTURERS: We invite one representative from each company to join us for a brief moment to share business updates and new offerings. You must pre-register by July 12th to participate. Sign up HERE.

Next 2023 Virtual Roundtables are scheduled for:

➡️ Thursday, August 10 – Traditional Advertising For Your Business by The Ad Pros

➡️ Thursday, December 7 – To Be Announced

Member Benefits

Create Your NIFDA Account

If you have not already done so, creating an account for the members-only website enables you to view our membership directory, read past newsletters and industry flag news, listen to previous virtual roundtable recordings, and access other member announcements.

  1. Go to the member sign up page HERE
  2. Click the "Create Your Account" button
  3. Enter contact information on website
  4. Check your inbox for welcome email
  5. Save email for future reference
  6. Click link in your email to access or "Member Log-In" at the bottom of the NIFDA website

Questions? Simply hit 'reply' on this email! 🙂

The NIFDA members only Facebook group serves as an online forum for selling excess inventory, finding products or services, posting job opportunities, and connecting with fellow flag friends. 

Are you looking for a hard to find or specialty product? Then reach out to the NIFDA Dealer Network. 

We send out Dealer Requests every Friday, or sooner if there is a tight deadline. Fill out the form here.