Upcoming Events!

Teen Anime club - May 21 at 4pm.  Come and check out some movies and maybe do some drawings of your own. 
Nevins Hours - May 
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-9pm
Fri. - 9am-5pm
Sat. - 9am-5pm
Sun - closed
Closed Memorial Day 
Well, here it is, May and I think we can say we've made it through another if the sun would only shine more than a couple of minutes so the flowers have a chance to bloom and grow.  And not just the flowers but our vegetable gardens as well.  We have a really fun program about Sherlock Holmes this month and  the Children's department is excited about their line up of great events including a sensory storytime for families with children on the Autism spectrum.  Stop by for a chat, we'd love to tell you about all our digital resources so you can borrow online from anywhere in the state...Yup, it's all happening here!
All About Sherlock
  Monday May 20 6:30pm
Sherlock Holmes novels have been around for a long time and now there is even more to know about the characters and other facets of this intriguing series.  Robert Fritsch will be here to tell us about Arthur Conan Doyle, his writings, and even touch on the many tv series and movies that  have featured Holmes'  characters.  This will be a fun event including audience participation, so bring your enthusiasm and be prepared to have a great time.

Order Ebooks from all over Massachusetts

As of this month, Methuen card holders are eligible to use their MVLC library cards to borrow eBooks and audiobooks  books from all the other networks in Massachusetts.  If you can't find something you like in our MVLC catalog, check out the other networks.  Using your Libby ap for Overdrive, you can search those networks and enter your card into those systems for access to loads of new material.  For assistance with this, or for questions about it call the Reference Department 978 686-4080 x13
It's all happening in Children's
This month we're launching two new programs: "Read & Play" for ages 2-5 (a fun half hour of stories and activities that encourage early literacy skills) and "Beloved Books Storytime" for ages 3-9 (each session focuses on a different author, illustrator, or story character). To learn more about these and our other great programs, please look at the Children's Calendar under "Events" on the Nevins website

Library of Things - Have you Heard

Not sure if you were aware but the library has a new and expanding collection that is available to you for a mere scan of a card.  We have all manner of items from telescopes to hot spots, kids science kits to bike locks even a radon detector for your home.  Take a look at our website and look under Services or click on the link below to learn'll be surprised what you can do with your library card!!

Chateau Fundraiser to Support the Friends
Wednesday May 8 11:30 am to Close

The Friends of the Library will be holding their spring fundraiser this month at the Chateau in Andover.  It's very easy this year, just let your server know that you are participating in the fundraiser and 20% of pre-taxed bill will be donated to the Friends.  Wednesday used to be spaghetti day but now there's so much more to choose from.  Hope we'll see you there!!
Farmer's Market Coming to Nevins in June
June 7 2019 11-3

This year the Farmer's Market associated with Groundwork Lawrence, will be setting up shop on the front lawn of the Nevins Library.  Come and stop by to get tons of fresh produce and check out some of the other vendors at the market.  We are so happy to have the opportunity to invite this great program onto our grounds and hope that while you're here you'll stop in and check out some of the great things happening in our building. 
See you soon!! and hope for great weather!!
Please be sure to check our website -  for many more exciting programs and services for all ages.  We're here for you!