From the desk of

The Produce Safety Team

May 9th, 2023

Preventing Bird Nests in Critical Spaces

Patrick Gordon

Produce Safety Technician

Birds are an important part of the ecosystem, but they can also pose a serious threat to food safety and produce quality when they build their nests in critical spaces on the farm. Early season is the best time to establish a wildlife monitoring and prevention plan in order to prevent contamination during growing and harvesting.

Nesting birds pose a serious health risk when positioned above produce or food contact surfaces. Anything below the nest typically ends up covered in bird poop, passing on any human pathogens the bird is carrying to anything contacting the poop. It is especially concerning when the produce contact surface is a grader, harvest containers or other similar equipment used in production that could potentially contaminate a major portion of a harvest.

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Pre-Harvest Wildlife Assessment Checklist

Alison Buskirk

Digital Media Designer | MSU Extension

The Importance of a Pre-harvest Water Distribution Check

Phil Tocco

Produce Safety Educator | MSU Extension


Inspecting irrigation water systems, much like monitoring fields for wildlife intrusion, is something that often happens without much thought to recordkeeping. Crops need water, so growers are always keeping an eye on and maintaining their irrigation equipment. When approaching irrigation from a food safety perspective, be it to meet requirements of good agricultural practices (GAP) or the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, some key factors besides basic function need to be taken into account. This starts with thinking of the whole system, from the water source to the last emitter.

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Hazards vs. Risks in Agricultural Water

Annalisa Hultburg, Don Stoeckel,

Phil Tocco, Alison Buskirk

A lot of people use the words hazard and risk interchangeably. When it comes to on-farm produce safety, it is important to know the difference between hazards and risks. Check out this video to learn more.

Thumbnail for the video "Understanding Hazards vs. Risks in Agricultural Water"

Michigan Growers: It's time to schedule your On-Farm Readiness Review!

The Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety team is still offering FREE and confidential On-Farm Readiness Reviews to help growers prepare for FSMA Produce Safety Rule inspections (conducted by MDARD) as well as produce safety audits (conducted by private parties). 

An On-Farm Readiness Review (OFRR) is an opportunity for a grower to walk around their farm with their local produce safety technician and a produce safety specialist from Michigan State University Extension. These educational visits are low-stress and take about an hour. Everything discussed on the farm visit is confidential, and focused on ways a grower can reduce their own risks in relation to produce safety... and there's no pressure to take our advice. We're just here to support you!

Request an OFRR (Michigan growers only)

More resources to help you achieve your produce safety goals

Worker Training Texting Service

Online Produce Safety Supervisor Training

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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