COVID Vaccine Rate among Californians Reaches 26.8%,
exceeding the Nation at 21.5%.
National COVID Infection Rates Reach Historic Lows
Order Free COVID-19 at-home test kits – Apply by Jan 15, 2025 deadline
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), invites eligible organizations in California to secure free COVID-19 at-home test kits through the Health Partner Ordering Portal (HPOP). Don’t miss this time-limited opportunity to support your community by providing access to free COVID-19 test kits through 2025 (or until supplies last). These at-home tests are intended for individuals who are uninsured, underinsured, or at high risk of severe disease.
Starting now, HPOP will be the ONLY way to request free COVID-19 test kits. The previous test kit program is being phased out, and organizations must act now to be included
in this program. Even if you don’t need test kits at this moment, please apply by the January 15 deadline so that your organization is qualified to request test kits at a later date.
Act Now:
1.Designate a Contact: Assign a single point of contact for your organization to manage HPOP access and ordering.
oNote: Organizations must use unique shipping addresses and cannot share access.
oOnce your application is processed (within 10 business days), you’ll receive an email from, with instructions on how to order test kits directly through the Health Partner Ordering Portal (HPOP).
oIf your organization is already registered with HPOP for another purpose, you don’t need to register again. Just to request that your organization be added to the COVID-19 test kit program.
For more information, please see the attached letter and visit the