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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

March 18, 2025

“Bold Decisions”

When is the peak of the Season? One could answer that question in a number of ways, depending upon their context and areas of interest and responsibility.

The church staff would probably assume that the question of Peak Season refers to Lent, or possibly even Easter. The town officials would likely assume that any reference to Season specifically means the snowbird season in the tropics. Still others, like athletes, would assume the peak of the season refers to their various sports. The exact same question asked to different people is going to generate lots of answers, all of which are correct.

Plenty of questions have lots of answers. Typically, we think our answer is the proper one, with little notice that there can be many good solutions to the same issues or situations. One of the things I’ve noticed lately is that I’m thinking a lot about God’s answers and solutions. Like everyone else, I want to make the right decision, but really, what I need to always focus on is God’s decision. No matter what, God’s decision is best, so if I can at least align my decision-making to God’s, then more often than not, I’m going to be correct.

Haha. Yes, you might already be assuming that I have all the right answers. That’s silly. 

No, I don’t have all of them. In fact, I have very few of them. That’s why I try to lean on God as much as possible. Being Bold isn’t always making the right choice. Instead, being Bold in the LORD is always about trying to make the choice God wants us to make, even if it’s difficult and especially if we can’t see how God is going to work out the solution.

That must be one of the most difficult things about Faith: Not seeing what God sees. Our Faith is supposed to steer us in the direction God needs us to go. We know, however, that in reality, we become easily distracted and steer off course. Taking the wrong path doesn’t mean that we’re bad or exceedingly sinful. Nope. Taking the wrong path and choosing incorrectly sometimes means nothing more than we are imperfect, something that God knows more about than anyone.

Yep. Bold in Faith. That’s the theme for Lent this year. I hope you’re getting a little something out of it. If not, stay tuned to our worship services, daily devotions/challenges, weekly Chapeline Newsletter and Bible Study, website calendars, and Facebook posts. At the Chapel, we have many ways for you to stay informed and grow along with us, no matter where you are in the world.

Want more? Don’t hesitate to let me know! 

God Bless,

Rev. Brock

Brock’s Email Address: 

(If you want the daily devotions sent to your email, tell me what address to send it to!)

Worship Service on Sunday, March 23

10:00 a.m.

Online Worship and in the Sanctuary

"The Success of Failure"

Rev. Brock Patterson

Luke 13:1-9 (Acts 21:27-36)

Worship service featuring Alyssa Adamson, voice; Brian Gurl, piano and voice; Carmen Bannon, flute; the Chapel Choir; and Susan Schaefer, Liturgist.

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our website.

Worship Service Streaming Link
Zoom Link to Evening Bible Study Class
Previous Bible Study Class Recordings

Pledge Cards

Longboat Island Chapel pledge cards and envelopes are available at the table in Shook Fellowship Hall. A box has also been provided in which you can place your completed card or you may place your completed pledge card in the basket during the offertory.

We appreciate the generosity of this congregation!

Our Lent Calendars Are Available!


If you would like an electronic copy sent to you, please email

Rev. Brock at:

Paper copies are available at the welcome desk.

Chapeline Reading Tip Via Your Phone

To view the entire Chapeline newsletter, click on "View Entire Message" at the bottom of the Chapeline email. This will format the letter appropriately and also let you see the entire Chapeline newsletter.

Special Membership Meeting

Tuesday, March 25

10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary


Gather & Give

Tuesday, March 18

5-7 p.m.

Bring your own beverage and a dish to share if you'd like!

"Carry Me Home"

Charitable Outreach is collecting suitcases, backpacks, and duffle bags until the end of March for the Safe Children Coalition and All Star Children's Foundation.

Blessing of the Animals

Volunteers Wanted!

Saturday, March 22

9a.m.-12 p.m. in the Garden

Bring your beloved pet/critter to the Chapel garden for a special blessing from Rev. Brock. Receive a blessing certificate and unique gift for your furry, feathery, or scaly friend!

We are looking for 1 or 2 volunteers to help welcome and guide pet traffic and take in donations.

Call the office at 941-383-6491 if you would like to help this coming Saturday morning!

Please have your pet leashed or kenneled before entering the garden.

Kona Ice will be in the parking lot with frozen treats for sale!

Feel free to bring a donation for pets in need:

Friends of Manatee County Animal Welfare - In need of large nyla bones

Manatee County Animal Humane Society - In need of Royal Canin or Purina Pro Plan High Protein Kitten and Mother food

Spring Fling Lunch

This Sunday, March 23 at 11:00 a.m.

Shook Fellowship Hall

Join us as Chef David whips up some delicious spring recipes. Check in with your friends or meet new friends while enjoying a great meal!

Sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall or call the office at 941-383-6491.

$15.00 donation suggested but not necessary.

Longboat Key Fire Rescue Department Open House

Tuesday, March 25th

  • Station 92, 2162 Gulf of Mexico Drive (Longboat Key Police will be assisting with parking and traffic due to limited parking at the firehouse)
  • Event runs from 11AM-2PM
  • We will be holding a special dedication at noon, in which we follow an old fire service tradition and ceremony for new apparatus. We will be doing a “push in” of our new rescue and fire engine. 
  • See flyer for additional details


2025 Longboat Key Disaster Preparedness Seminar

Wednesday, March 26th

  • Longboat Key Harbourside Ballroom, 3000 Harbourside Dr.
  • Doors open at 3:15PM with event promptly starting at 4pm (seat limit is 300, please arrive early to secure a spot)
  • New this year: The Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce is making this event available to those who cannot attend, via a Live Zoom Option (see flyer for details)
  • Our Keynote Speaker is Town Manager, Howard Tipton, along with many other expert presenters your not going to want to miss
  • For more information, contact the LBK Chamber at 941-383-2466
Disaster Preparedness
Fire Dept. Open House

Shifting Sands

Next meeting-Thursday, March 27

10:00 a.m. in Shook Fellowship Hall

This group meets to assist each other in maneuvering through

difficult times.

Contact the office:

More Art Events on LBK

Chapel Choir Rehearsal!

Regular Choir Rehearsals are every Sunday directly after worship at 11:15 a.m.

Lend your voice to build a strong presence for the Chapel!

Contact Alyssa Adamson:

Pictures of the Week

What a great picture of two long-time members of the Chapel,

Jan Stone and John Brill!

Stop by our Welcome Desk before or after Worship for Chapel information. Carol Peschel (right) is always happy to help! (Seen here with Carlann Evans-left)

The faces we "never see" but we are thankful they keep watch over our Worship video streaming.

(L-R) Gordon Govalet, Mark Shrout and Greg Fiore

Lynne Heuston and Jim Entwistle signing our New Member registry. Welcome to our family!

Let There be Peace on Earth!

Our Chapel Choir at rehearsal.

Thank You!

Thank you to our Ushers and Greeters who helped create a welcoming environment during Worship service last week!

Your care and generosity were appreciated last week at Sunday Worship!

Jamie & Richard Engel, Sharyn Ford, Lois Finley-Shook, and Michelle & Tom Giannico,

Thank you to Vicki Van Meier for assisting with hospitality after worship!

 Chapel Restoration Projects for 2025

Your donations are vital for these projects below as they allow us to create

a warm and welcoming space for all to gather.

You may make checks payable to LBIC or call the office at 941-383-6491 to place a credit card order.


Chapel Roof - Chapel Driveway Repair- Garden Gazebo

 Sanctuary Floors - Elevator

SAVE the DATE- (one day only)

The next Suncoast Blood Drive will be on Saturday, April 12

from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot.

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!