“Bold Decisions”
When is the peak of the Season? One could answer that question in a number of ways, depending upon their context and areas of interest and responsibility.
The church staff would probably assume that the question of Peak Season refers to Lent, or possibly even Easter. The town officials would likely assume that any reference to Season specifically means the snowbird season in the tropics. Still others, like athletes, would assume the peak of the season refers to their various sports. The exact same question asked to different people is going to generate lots of answers, all of which are correct.
Plenty of questions have lots of answers. Typically, we think our answer is the proper one, with little notice that there can be many good solutions to the same issues or situations. One of the things I’ve noticed lately is that I’m thinking a lot about God’s answers and solutions. Like everyone else, I want to make the right decision, but really, what I need to always focus on is God’s decision. No matter what, God’s decision is best, so if I can at least align my decision-making to God’s, then more often than not, I’m going to be correct.
Haha. Yes, you might already be assuming that I have all the right answers. That’s silly.
No, I don’t have all of them. In fact, I have very few of them. That’s why I try to lean on God as much as possible. Being Bold isn’t always making the right choice. Instead, being Bold in the LORD is always about trying to make the choice God wants us to make, even if it’s difficult and especially if we can’t see how God is going to work out the solution.
That must be one of the most difficult things about Faith: Not seeing what God sees. Our Faith is supposed to steer us in the direction God needs us to go. We know, however, that in reality, we become easily distracted and steer off course. Taking the wrong path doesn’t mean that we’re bad or exceedingly sinful. Nope. Taking the wrong path and choosing incorrectly sometimes means nothing more than we are imperfect, something that God knows more about than anyone.
Yep. Bold in Faith. That’s the theme for Lent this year. I hope you’re getting a little something out of it. If not, stay tuned to our worship services, daily devotions/challenges, weekly Chapeline Newsletter and Bible Study, website calendars, and Facebook posts. At the Chapel, we have many ways for you to stay informed and grow along with us, no matter where you are in the world.
Want more? Don’t hesitate to let me know!
God Bless,
Rev. Brock
Brock’s Email Address: revbrock@longboatislandchapel.org
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