Princess presented us with a perplexing puzzle

At just a few months old, she started not using the litterbox. The team placed her in foster care, and she showed improvements – for a few days. They put her on urinary tract cat food, and it helped -- for a few days. She was given several different types of medications, and each helped – for a few days. She had an ultrasound and several biopsies, and they all came back normal – no unusual interior plumbing, no infection, nothing! She was labeled a “stress pee-er.” 

Offsetting this upsetting label was her charm. She purred, nuzzled, and loved on everyone. Yet, no one wanted to adopt a kitty that wets the bed/floor/rug when upset.

Her charm and frequent trips to the outside veterinary hospital resulted in her finding the perfect family. She stole the heart of one of the vet techs at the veterinary hospital. The vet tech understood Princess would need a calm home, drugs to ease her into her new home, and much patience. She even had the support of her co-workers to continue exploring ways to help Princess. 

We are so pleased to share that Princess hasn't peed outside her litterbox in her new home with another cuddly kitten sibling! A perfect happy ending!

People like you allowed us to take Princess to an outside vet to determine the underlying cause of her un-catlike behavior. 

I am asking you to continue your support for 2024.

We need animal-loving, loyal supporters like you to start 2024 off on the right paw by donating so homeless pets have shelter. Dogs and cats who are hungry have food. Cats who were breeding are now spayed. And the loneliest pets? They have families…and love.

This winter, we RESOLVE to:

  • Rehabilitate and adopt dozens of neglected dogs and cats.
  • Spay/neuter 100+ cats.
  •  Provide food, shelter, and veterinary treatment to 200 dogs and cats!

What will you Resolve to do in 2024?

Make A Gift Today

Time &Training

Spay it forward

Love is Adoptable

Checks or cash can be sent in the mail to:

WCHS, PO Box 397, Brattleboro, VT 05301

Windham County Humane Society


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