Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions
Universal Health Care Update
Senate Committee on Rules Moves Bill Forward
Universal Health Care SB 1089 (formerly SB 704)

Compelling testimony for universal healthcare continued before the Senate Committee on Rules during the April 20 Public Hearing (begins at the 1:04:30 mark). Small business owners spoke to the burdens and the need for change.

Optometry business owner Rep. Thuy Tran: "Navigating the system while trying to deliver community based care puts an undue burden on my patients, my employees and myself as a small business owner. Our current healthcare system is a model that undermines quality care and its time for a new model."

Nursery owner Ben Verhoeven: "Last year we spent $216,000 on health insurance. In spite of all that cost, my employees share stories of fighting for coverage, for prescriptions, waiting for preventative care, and paying out of pocket for unexpected bills. We are not getting what we paid for."

Restaurant owner Sandy Sorrels: "My deductible was $10,000 per employee--that doesn't do much good. If anything would have happened, it would have bankrupted me."

This resulted in a bipartisan 4-1 do pass vote in the Rules Committee with referral to Ways and Means Committee. Link to Public Hearing.

To follow the bill go here then click on e-subscribe toward upper right.
This Sunday, May 7
The Performers
Have you got your tickets yet?
Hear what Norman says about the fantastic line up.
Maribeth Healey Starts as HCAO Executive Director
HCAO's new Executive Director started on May 1 and has hit the ground running. Maribeth: "I am delighted to build on the stellar work of Health Care for All Oregon. Oregon is well- positioned to finally create a health care system that works for all Oregonians where everyone is in and no one is out."

Read more about Maribeth. Come meet Maribeth at HCAO's Annual Member Meeting and Conference.

It is the generosity of HCAO supporters that have made this possible.
Opportunities for Learning and Participating
HCAO Annual Membership Meeting & Conference
The Annual Membership Meeting and Conference in Salem. Voting members will elect or re-elect members to the HCAO Board. Plus, we are excited to announce a dynamic conference with interactive panels covering the latest essentials of universal healthcare education and advocacy. noters: Guest Speaker Senator James Manning and Key Noter Commissioner Susheela Jayapal.

Ways and Means Committee
People across the state brought their voices to the Ways and Means Committee State Budget listening sessions in support of getting the needed funding for SB 1089.

In Newport:
Listen to Dr. Jerry Robbins
Listen to Nurse Barbara Davis
In Roseburg:
Listen to Nurse Practitioner Laurie Hoagland

In Ontario:
Listen to Nurse Beth Callison

You can still submit testimony here until 5/5/23.
Medicare for All
Bills to be Introduced

We are excited to share that the national Medicare for All legislation will be reintroduced on the same day by the House and the Senate on Tuesday May 16th!

Congresswomen Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell, and Senator Bernie Sanders, will create a single unified system of high-quality, comprehensive healthcare, guaranteed for everyone, without worry of it being tied to your employment or other limitations — you can keep your doctors, dentist, etc. but won't have to pay at their offices nor receive a bill!

We are joining with the national Medicare for All movement in securing bill co-sponsors. Please contact your Congressperson and Senator ask them to commit to co-sponsoring. Representatives Jayapal and Dingell and Senator Sanders have set a deadline for Friday, May 12th for co-sponsors to sign-on before reintroduction, so time is of the essence.

Healthcare-NOW has created an excellent toolkit including a script to help you in asking your Congressperson and Senator to become initial co-sponsors. Read the press release.
Why We Exist
Beset by unique, severe financial woes, Coos Bay hospital struggles forward.

This hospital and many in rural areas across the nation continue to struggle under the inequitable financing system. This results in equitable care for those that depend on the services.
Read more from the Lund Report.

And from Saving Rural Hospitals: "Millions of Americans live in rural communities that don’t have essential healthcare services such as a hospital, an emergency room, or a primary care clinic. They face long delays in getting care if they’re in an accident or have symptoms of a heart attack, stroke, or an infectious disease such as COVID-19. Even if they have insurance to pay for health care services, there is nowhere in their community they can use it." Read more.
Update on the End of Medicaid Continuous Enrollment

Here is what the Oregon Health Authority wants you to know.

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has created short video messages announcing that change is coming to the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and other Medicaid, instructing people how to update their address, and reminding people to keep watching their mail and to do what their renewal letter asks. (There is a Spanish version at the site.)

Please share this important information with others. Many may lose coverage unless they act.
Insurers Denying Needed Care

The story abound about insurers denying payment for care. There is likelihood that you or someone close to you has been denied the care they need.

From KFF: "We find that, across insurers with complete data, nearly 17% of in-network claims were denied in 2021. Insurer denial rates varied widely around this average, ranging from 2% to 49%." Read more.

If you or someone you know has a story of claims denial, please share it here. (You can ask to be anonymous.)

We battle on! Why? Because transformation of healthcare is both necessary and possible. Read the one pager.
Contact Your Reps.
Continue to contact your reps . Tell your story over and over and how important universal healthcare is to you. Deliver a clear message that "now is the time to transform healthcare by advancing the recommendation of the Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care to establish and fully fund the Universal Health Care Plan Governance Board. This is the path to meeting Oregon's constitutional obligation to achieve health equity and affordability. "The Problem and the Solution"

  • To find your current legislators go here and put in your address.

Your voice will be critical as the legislature decides how to fulfill Oregon's constitutional mandate that access to healthcare is a right.
Your Financial Support Is Needed
The work to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.
For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!