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Remembering Heather McKee DCPC member Heather McKee died on January 9th. The memorial service for Heather is tomorrow, March 15, at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary with a reception to follow in the Congregation House. The service will be live-streamed to our You Tube channel. You can learn more about Heather here.

In Memoriam Former DCPC member Dennis Appleyard, who moved to Chapel Hill a few years ago, passed away on March 13. Memorial service details will be available at a later date.

This Sunday

This is the Second Sunday in Lent. Peter Henry will be preaching his sermon entitled "Older Siblings and Presbyterians" based on Luke 10:38-42, the story of Mary and Martha (pictured to the right).

This Sunday we are blessed to celebrate the baptism of Henry Kaszuba, son of Adam and Casey Kaszuba at the 9:45 service.

The music is provided by David Brinson, Sarah Allred, the 9:45 Music Team, and the Geneva and Chancel choirs.

The service is in person at 8:45 in Lingle Chapel and at 9:45 and 11:00 in the Sanctuary, as well as live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube. It is also broadcast live on WDAV (89.9 or Free childcare is provided for all services.

8:45 & 11:00 Bulletin
9:45 Bulletin

Sunday School for Adults meet

at 9:45 am-  


Connections Class – meets in Room 201where Haley Todd continues the discussion on Bible Study: Teach us to Pray. Studies on Spirituality and The Lord’s Prayer, Part 5 

Covenant Class meets in Congregation House ABC – John Ryan and members of the Covenant Class Steering Committee will lead a discussion on Easter and its traditions with a visit from popular travel writer Rick Steves.  

Jubilee Class meets Room 216 where George Raftellis and David Houle will continue our discussion this Sunday (March 16th) with an interesting model that identifies the Four Stages of Election Grief and what we can do to help better understand our feelings and how we can help ourselves and others with some of the social, emotional, and spiritual challenges we are facing.   

Maloney Class meets in Room 215 – Steve Scott teaches on The Ordination of Priests 

Exodus 29:1–37; Leviticus 8:1–36. 

Pines Class meets in the Living Room on the Pines campus – The Ordination of Priests, Exodus 29:1–37; Leviticus 8:1–36. 

Sunday School for children meet at 9:45 am-

Birth to 2's sing and hear about loving each other

PreK to third graders will hear Luke 13:18-21, the kingdom of God

Fourth and fifth graders study Act's 10-11, the Holy Spirit's vision for the church

DCPC Weekday Preschool provides a wonderful time in the life of preschoolers (and their grandfathers) to explore the world of imagination and pretend. 

Can you guess these church members?

 Lenten Studies – There are three Lenten studies for you this Lent: 


Scan or click here to RSVP!
Please register for March 19 by clicking here, but do not make a payment! You will make payments directly to Saffron Food Truck.

The next DCPC Conversation --What concerns do you have about immigration? Join with other Christians for lunch and small group discussions about approaches to this challenging topic. With trained facilitators at each table, explore ways that immigration affects us as individuals, as a church or as a community. Register for “Immigration—Who Should We Welcome? What Should We Do?” held in the Congregation House on Sunday April 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Questions contact John Ryan or Glennette Papovich. 

Click here to register!
Click here today to register!

Join us for the Davidson Bach Festival, March 28-30, hosted by Organ at Davidson, the North Carolina Baroque Orchestra, and Davidson College Choirs. Click to read more about all the concerts throughout the weekend.

Sign Up Here!

We are excited that DCPC has a regular monthly date to serve at Angels and Sparrows Community Table! We are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. We are responsible for providing seven volunteers. Please see the date, jobs, and time slots by clicking here, and sign up for what works for you. If you have questions, please contact Holly Frisbie at (336) 918-6351 or

Speaking of Angels and Sparrows, a note from a recent year-end email from that partner. "Together, we provided 247,456 meals to more than 1,000 households and equipped 155 individuals with 12,710 hours of education, tutoring, mentoring, and college and career readiness last year." You were part of that DCPC. Thank you for your support of our mission partners.

Scan the QR code or click here TODAY to sign up!

We partner with Roof Above in Charlotte to host 10 guests every Friday night in the Congregation House. We pick them up in Charlotte and bring them back to a home-cooked meal, warm beds, laundry, breakfast, and a bag lunch. All this plus warm hospitality provided by our members is intended to make for a peaceful night of rest and renewal for our guests. Reach out to Robert Alexander at to learn more. 

To learn more about the various opportunities CLICK HERE.  

To Fill out a Google Form CLICK HERE.

If you would like to make a secure, online gift, click here.