RCHP May Newsletter

Dear Church Family,

133 years ago a group of Highland Park people had their prayers answered.  For 20+ years they’d had a ‘federated Sunday school’ that was loosely affiliated with First Reformed Church in New Brunswick but they really wanted to establish a new church for the suddenly growing town of Highland Park.  It was in early May that they had their first congregational meeting as a newly established church, and (while I wasn’t there) they prayed for God’s wisdom and guidance upon the congregation.  They prayed that God’s love might be made known in and through the congregation.  They prayed that this might be a place of adoration and praise, transformation and service to the world.  

As we near this year’s annual meeting we pray these same things.  But we do so knowing that God has been faithful and just to consider our prayers and to answer them, for a very long time now.  And God will continue to be the center of this place.  

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!

Upcoming May Events & Happenings

Global Grace Marketplace Is Open and Looking for Volunteers!

Are you interested and available for volunteering at Global Grace Marketplace? We are open 10am-6pm, 6 days a week, selling goods that we’ve purchased from cooperative of growers and craftspeople from all around the world, whose cooperatives are part of the global Fair Trade movement. Please reach out to Pastor Seth for further details.   

Thursday, May 4th Field Trip with Pastor Seth to Global Grace Farm for Seniors of RCHP

On May 4th, at 10am, we invite you to join us for a trip to Global Grace Farm. Come out and see the great work that is being done by refugees and volunteers! We may, also, swing past the Interfaith-RISE Woodworking Shop, so you can see other beautiful things being created here in and through the programs that grew out of RCHP.

Saturday, May 6th Confirmation Retreat to Cheesequake State Park with Pastor Seth and confirmation mentors, 11am-4pm

Confirmation participants are nearing the end of their year-long journey toward a deeper understanding of God and an articulation of their faith.  On May 6th we’ll be going on a prayerful hike—taking time, in God’s creation, to pause, to share prayer practices and to grow.  

Sunday, May 7th 133rd Annual Meeting of RCHP

RCHP will hold its annual meeting, which will include voting on nominations for elders and deacons, at 10:15 on May 7th.  Sunday school for children will occur on the 7th, but we might combine some classes together to allow more of our teachers to attend the Annual Meeting.  

May 7th Annual 5k and Street Fair in Highland Park will make Parking a challenge

Just a reminder to all coming to church on the 7th to allow a little more time for getting to church and expect to park a few blocks away (potentially). If you feel that extra walking will keep you from attending, and you need valet parking on the 7th, we’ll have a church member available in the back lot who can meet you at the door and park your car.


D.E.P.T.H. - Thursday, May 11th, 7pm

Go in depth on Thursday, May 11th! The next in-person meeting of DEPTH (Discussing and Exploring Personal Theologies Honestly) will be held in the parlor from 7-8pm on May 11th. People of all faiths and spiritual paths are welcome! Just bring your desire to share your thoughts and an interest to learn what others think and feel. Email Austin at  for more information and for the prompt for the meeting on the 11th.

Friday, May 12th Senior Prayer Breakfast, 10am

We invite all seniors for an hour of prayer and sharing.  Please feel free to invite friends from the greater community as well who might like to receive prayer and join in our time of fellowship.

Saturday May 13th from 11:00am-12:30pm - Game Day in the quilt room.

Come on out and spend some light-hearted and fun quality time with your church family playing games and catching up. Games provided, but feel free to bring your favorite. Questions? Contact Wendy Nussman at

Sunday, May 14th Mother’s Day Brunch

RCHP’s 2nd service will be followed by an incredible mother’s day brunch/luncheon! It is important to our community to honor its mothers and all who are like mothers to the community as a whole.

Arts, Crafts & Conversation: Wednesday May 17th, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm in the quilt room. 

 Come join the fun and meet new people! Whether you are a new member or have been here for many years, please drop in and check out this group. It’s a great way to destress while having fun. You may not know this but there is an inner artist in everyone. Coloring books, perler fusion beads, and shrinky dinks are not just for kids. Feel free to bring your own materials or use the supplies provided.

Special feature this month: see what diamond painting is all about. Questions? - text or call Wendy Nussman at 732-715-9025.

Thursday, May 18th Interfaith-RISE Monthly Meeting, Noon

Come and learn about refugee resettlement as it is occurring through our congregation.

Thursday, May 18th Haitian Flag Day, a showing of “Madan Sara,” 1pm

Join Interfaith-RISE for a documentary on Haitian Flag Day that will invite us to see and celebrate and pray for a particular approach to economic development modeled by Haitian women who are Madan Saras.

A Madan Sara is a woman that connects goods from the farming mountains of Haiti to consumers in the city. But really, the Madan Sara is a group of women that hold a nation on their shoulders as they fight against the struggles of their world. They are micro-entrepreneurs that hold a nation’s economy together. They work communally, sharing the profits and protecting each other from the dangers of political instability and social oppression, from everyday extortion, from debt-collectors, from government-plotted fires of markets, from exploitation and theft.

Saturday, May 20th Consistory Retreat for reflection and dreaming

RCHP has a lot to consider this year as we head toward summer. We are excited to welcome many new elders and deacons to the church who can assist us in setting direction for the congregation’s future. If you have things you’d like the congregation to consider that you think might benefit from reflection on this retreat please reach out to the pastors. We will try to present your thoughts and ideas in this space. 

May 21 Confirmation Sunday

Noah, Amaya, Samantha and Jude have been diligently going through confirmation class for the past year. We are excited, on May 21, to welcome them into the church and to receive from them their Personal Faith Statements. This is their opportunity, with personal words, to share their understanding of the Christian faith at this particular moment in their lives. We will incorporate their words into the liturgy at both first and second service, and, during the Education hour, we (adults, teens and middle schoolers) will hear and affirm their faith statements together. There will be something special for coffee hour in their honor immediately after 2nd service.

May 28  On Memorial Day we will have 1 worship service and no adult education class.  Worship starts at 10am, for this Sunday only.


JUNE 9TH-10TH Church Camping Trip to Voorhees State Park, Join us for camping on the 9th, and, if you have time, for swimming at Spruce Run Reservoir (included in the cost of the campsite) on the next day.  We’d like to get a list of interested participants soon.

JUNE 25-30 CAMP FOWLER. We encourage middle school youth to sign up immediately for Camp Fowler if you are at all interested in it.  Please call Pastor Seth with any questions about sign ups.

JUNE 28 INTERFAITH-RISE WORLD REFUGEE DAY PICNIC Save the date to join Interfaith-RISE, new refugees and volunteers alike, for a wonderful picnic at Donaldson Park.

Prison Correspondence Team 

Pastor Amos has been gathering a team each month to correspond with a list of elderly people who are incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. This team is a vital part of a policy campaign that Salvation and Social Justice is driving, to create second chance opportunities for incarcerated senior citizens to return to their communities.

Please contact Pastor Amos for more details.

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Worship and Education Opportunities

Sunday Worship and Education/Fellowship Schedule

In Highland Park:  

Worship is at 9am and 11:15am. Services are identical (or at least close to identical). The first service is also streamed online, through Facebook, Youtube, and our website.


Sunday school for all ages is so incredibly meaningful! Bring your children to learn stories of God’s love and to connect with other church kids and caring adults.

In South River: 

Worship is at 11:00am - It is our desire for a growing number of RCHP members to join Keiko Kereh, on a regular or semi-regular basis, for worship in South River. 

Sunday Afternoon and Evening Schedule 

Kids in the Cave-Youth Group for 4th and 5th graders (right after 2nd service, 12:30 or so…1st and 3rd Sundays).

Confirmation Class 4:30pm-5:30pm

Middle School Youth Group-5:45-7pm

High School Youth Group-7:00-8:15pm

Sunday Nights—The Table, 5:30pm: RCHP offers a terrific evening gathering, each and every week, for around 40-50 people. We are so thankful for Faros, for Garden State Deli and for Harvest Moon Cafe, all of which have been providing delicious meals and delivering them to the church each week!

Wednesday Evening Choirs for All Ages:

Voices of Praise 5pm-5:30pm (followed by pizza and fellowship) 

Gospel Choir 6:00pm-7:00pm (childcare is offered during this time)

Chancel Choir 7:00pm-8:00pm 

First Voices & Voices of Praise—We couldn’t be more pleased with the growth of our kids choir programs over the past couple of months!  Join us, from 5:00-5:30, if you are between the ages of approximately 3yrs and 6th grade, for one of two kids choirs, with Pastor Seth or Pastor Amos.  We have so much fun together!  And, stay for pizza and stories, games and crafts with Ms. Meghan and Ms. Liezl!       

Children and Youth

Who is My Neighbor? - Camp Cool Environment

Register your rising 3rd - 6th graders for the coolest camp in town, Camp Cool Environment! Camp Cool Environment is Who Is My Neighbor, Inc.'s summer day camp, a camp where kids can learn about nature, science, engineering, the arts, and more by participating in enrichment activities and creative projects. But don't worry--there's plenty of time for good old-fashioned summer camp fun, too! For more information and to register your camper, visit Camp Cool Environment 2023, scan the QR code, or email Austin at 

Camp Cool Environment runs from June 26th - August 18th, with each week focusing on a different theme and offering a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, arts and crafts, games, projects, and experiments. Campers must be rising 3rd - 6th graders. Jewel "Ducky" Saroka is the camp director and Andrew Berenguer is the assistant director. Camp hours are 9am-4:30pm, with before care available from 8am-9am and after care offered from 4:30p-5:30pm. The camp's home base is the lower level of the Reformed Church of Highland Park. One week of camp costs $235 (except for the week of July 3rd, which is $188 due to the July 4th holiday), before care is $25/week and after care is $25/week. Financial assistance is available. Please refer to the link above for camp details. And email Austin at  with any questions.

Assisting with South River After School Program—Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 4pm-5pm, come and join Keiko Kereh and a group of volunteers in South River to help kids with their homework. Also, if you attend on Thursday, stay for a delicious community dinner! 

Connecting With God

Opportunities for Daily/Weekly Spiritual Growth, through discussion, study and prayer

Morning Prayer, 9am-9:30am, Zoom: Each morning, since the pandemic started in March of 2020, RCHP has held a daily morning prayer. Different church members and pastors share for 10 minutes or so and then there is a time of prayer and sharing. All are welcome. pwd=cTBQT2xwWWpOL3UrM0t2emRlUzU0Zz09#


Wednesday Morning Bible Study, 7:45am: A strong group of around 10 gather for an hour on Wednesdays in the church parlor, to read the Bible together and then to discuss how the text resonates with our lives as individuals and as a community of faith living in this world. Conversations are excellent. You are also welcomed to leave early to get to work on time. Pastor Seth leads this group.

Contemplative Thursdays

We've begun our practice of creating space on Thursdays for contemplation and meditation. Each Thursday morning from 7:00 to 8:00, the sanctuary is open and prepared for quiet prayer and meditation. Every two weeks at noon, we're also journeying through a podcast and engaging in quiet conversation. Contact Carrie Dirks for more information.

Tricky Topics

Beginning at the end of April, and running through May and June, the Tricky Topics book group will be reading and discussing the book "Becoming Abolitionists" by Derecka Purnell. There are two formats offered: virtual discussion on Friday afternoons and in-person discussion on Tuesday evenings. This book group will also feature a conversation with the author toward the end of the session. Contact Pastor Amos for more information.

Connecting With One Another

"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder Please email to receive the Zoom link.

Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry for more information and for a Zoom link.

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Sewing & Knitting/Crocheting

On Thursdays, from 10am-1pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar.  This group, meeting year round, also is a wonderful form of support and encouragement for all who are involved.

On Tuesdays, from 7pm-9pm, the Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls that are then distributed to church members and to others who are prayed for in our worship services.  All are invited to learn this craft and to contribute in this way.

Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Ministries of Justice and Mercy

A message from our friends at NRCAT (National Religious Campaign Against Torture):

Dear Friends,

Solitary isn’t something we do to people behind bars. It’s something we do to them forever. And it needs to be universally understood how utterly indefensible it is.” - John Oliver

Solitary confinement isn’t laughable, except for the absurdity of it – which is exactly what John Oliver points out in a recent episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver show.

Watch and share the episode. It can be viewed on YouTube with no fee, or on HBO. (This video contains adult language and subject matter).

The show features a segment of Joseph De La Luz’s interview with NRCAT in our Humans Out of Solitary series. We encourage you to share that interview on social media, in a newsletter, for a time of reflection to start or end a meeting in your congregation, or with an elected official.

Perhaps John Oliver’s take on the torture of solitary confinement can help convince your cousin or friend who’s been on the fence about it. Sharing the episode might open a conversation with a colleague or decision-maker, and a new opportunity to spread the word that this “utterly indefensible” torture must end.”

Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership

Build a Rain Barrel Workshop - Highland Park Street & Earth Day Festival - Sunday May 7th, 2-3pm 

With thanks to Sustainable Highland Park and New Jersey Americorps Watershed Ambassador Michelle Hatfield, the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership is pleased to host a “Build a Rain Barrel Workshop” in Highland Park on Sunday May 7, 2-3:00 PM.

Space is limited, pre-registration required. We require a $60 donation to the LRWP for materials costs. The rain barrel you create will be yours to take home!  To register, click on this link

Dolphins in the Raritan River!  Check out this video taken by our friends at LRWP in April.  This sighting is a great sign of a cleaner Raritan River.

HP Food Pantry

Food Pantry needs for May:

During these challenging times the Highland Park Community Food Pantry is currently not taking individual donations. Instead we now have an Amazon Wishlist where folks wishing to donate have several options to choose from as well as an option to donate Gift Cards. We appreciate greatly any donation as we are facing an increase of folks in need. Thank you all so much. You can access the Wishlist here:

Most urgent needs are:


Also needed-



ADULT DIAPERS- mens/womens all sizes

Poise brand - male and female

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details:

Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times

NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care - Support Group

If you've experienced a cancer diagnosis (no matter if it's recent or from years ago) and would like to join a reflective, contemplative, peer-led, interfaith support and discussion group, the NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care welcomes you to our ongoing group. The group currently meets virtually for an hour once a week and while regular attendance is welcome, the meeting topics are independent of each other, making it convenient for individuals whose schedules prevent them from attending every week of the month. If you're interested, please contact Austin at  for details.

The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at

Bereavement Calendar

RCHP remembers all those who died in May and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in May 2023: 

Geneva Burawski, Beloved Mother of Renee Burawski, 

and Mother-in-law of Nicci Spinazzola

Susana Keszler, Beloved Mother of Illona Faust, Susanne Kucsma, and Luanne Downey

Edward Kurkin, Beloved Father of Bethany Kurkin,

and Treasured Loved One of Renee and Anthony DiGrigoli

Frank Malkiewicz, Beloved Husband of Kathleen Malkiewicz

Debbie McKay, Beloved Sister of Kathy Lombardi

Kathleen Mroz, Beloved Grandmother of Michael Zalewski

Clara Pangemanan Giam, Beloved Mother and Grandmother of the Pangemanan Family

Frank Perger, Beloved Father of Susan Perger

Richard Petersen, Beloved Father of Kathleen Malkiewicz

Muriel Snyder, Beloved Mother of Deb Convery

Beulah St. Pierre, Beloved Mother of Linda St. Pierre

Floyd D. Turner, Beloved Father of Jonathon Turner

Pauline W. Wilpiszeski, Beloved Mother of Cathy Laycock,

and Beloved Grandmother of Anna Laycock

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.


Easter Labyrinth Highlights -  The Psalms as Jesus’ Companion Through Life, Death & Resurrection. 

This year we included QR codes so our Indonesian, Spanish and Ukrainian friends could enjoy the text, as well as the amazing artwork on display.  

Many thanks to the Chapman sisters, the artists and all those who made this installation possible!

Global Grace Marketplace graces the avenue!  Come and see us at 202 Raritan Avenue in Highland Park.

Global Grace Farm is looking beautiful.  Join us for planting and weeding! Or, order your CSA Farm Share today at  2023 Summer Farm Share

Kathryn Riss and the Solidarity Singers lead a protest at Wells Fargo in HP, drawing attention to the trillions of dollars in development and expansion projects for fossil fuels that have occurred since 2015--the date Wells and other banks signed on to the Paris Climate Accords, committing to a renewable energy future.

Arma Chotani delivered a phenomenal Easter Sunrise sermon at Donaldson Park.

We welcome new members (and inquirers) to our church.  What a blessing, and congratulations!

The CARE Committee brought in a wonderful guest to share with us about Strokes.  Florence Chukwuneke, MSN, RN affiliated with the Stroke Center at RWJUH, New Brunswick.

The Easter Egg Hunt and Party was so much fun!

Liz and Samantha, mentor and confirmand, did a beautiful job helping with crafts!

Celebrating the recent art work displayed in the social hall, featuring creations by some of our I-RISE clients who paired these drawings with their English conversation classes.  Thanks to all who shared their heart through art!

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