Marisa reports that over a half dozen of these special books have already been ordered, so be sure to order your copies soon. This offer will run until April 15.

I might as well have direct deposit to Hamilton's Chapter One Book Store. I was on my way out of the door with a couple of books I had ordered when I was arrested by, Bull Trout's Gift: A Story About the Value of Reciprocity, written by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and illustrated by Sashay Camel.

As described on the Reading is Fundamental website " In this book the wisdom of the elders is passed on to the young as the story of the Jocko River, the home of the bull trout, unfolds for a group of schoolchildren on a field trip. Bull Trout’s Gift is steeped in the culture, history, and science that our children must know if they hope to transform past wisdom into future good."

The illustrations by Sashay Camel are absolutely exquisite and they perfectly depict the story of how the bull trout is responsible for saving the Jocko River. Ms. Cam lives on the Flathead Reservation and is a member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. Her illustrations also accurately depict the habitat needs of the bull trout, including large woody debris (see below).

This is a perfect gift for kids or grandkids. Heck, it is a great book for adults, too. There are some books that enrich our lives just by being on our coffee tables - this is one such book.

By special arrangement, Chapter One Book Store will be donating 10% of the book sales to BRTU for our education programs. Simply email or call (406-363-5220) Chapter One and tell Marisa that you would like to order one or more copies. I have already ordered 3 copies.