• Attendance - 53: 25 minister members; 20 ruling elders; 1 corresponding member; 4 guests; 3 presbytery staff.
• TE John Ritchie, The Vine Fellowship, was welcomed into membership; and TE Nathan Leslie was welcomed as a Corresponding Member.
• The Committee on Nominations and Representation (CNR) is accepting applications for commissioners (one TE and one RE) and a YAAD (age 18-23) for the 226th General Assembly, summer of 2024. Details and application links can be found on the presbytery website. Having no nominations from the floor, the following were elected: COM - RE Patti Scott (Class 2024), TE Meta Cramer & RE Carol Gesacion (Class 2025); AMC - RE Dan Moison (Class 2025); Resource - TE John Ritchie (Class 2025); PJC - TE Brian Nutt and TE Patti Moats (Class 2028). Motion prevailed to set aside the bylaws requiring a balance of TEs & REs serving on presbytery committees for 2023 & 2024.
• Report of the Resource Committee included an update regarding Beaver Creek Church Camp 2023 sessions (download infocard HERE); plans for peer group opportunities; and an invitation to attend the New Wilmington Mission Conference held on the campus of Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA, July 21-26.
• Jim Bennett, our Synod Commissioner, brought updates and news from the Synod of the Covenant on behalf of Synod Executive Chip Hardwick. You can read Chip's written report HERE.
• First Church Mineral Ridge and First Church Salem were recognized for their participation in the Pentecost Special Offering since its inception 25 years ago!
• The presbytery voted against proposed Amendment 22-E that would change the category of "Honorably Retired" in the presbytery's rolls to "Retired."
• Following the conclusion of business, the meeting moved from the sanctuary to the gym for lunch (thank you Champion Church for the delicious lunch and homemade desserts!) and worship led by the team of Bryce, Kori Robbins, John Ritchie, and Barry).
• The designated offering was Lydia's Mission. Lydia's Mission provides jobs for women, feeds children, and cares for the elderly in Africa. A mission team from the Champion Church recently traveled to South Africia where they had an opportunity to meet with some of the women that Lydia's Mission supports. The team shared stories and pictures from the trip as well as gifted each church in attendance with a keychain that was made and sold by the women they met. We will continue to accept offering donations until June 16 through the Presbytery Payment Portal (scroll to the Presbytery Meeting Offering giving line) OR Treasurers can send a check to Eastminster Presbytery / PO Box 14439 / Poland, OH 44514. Indicate "May 16 Offering" or Lydia's Mission in the memo line.
• TE Paul Anderson pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting.
• The next meeting of Presbytery is August 8, 2023, at First Presbyterian Church, Columbiana.