2025 Tribal Transportation Training

April 22 - 24, 2025 I Meridian Technology Center I Guthrie, Oklahoma

The 2025 Tribal Transportation Training (TTT) is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage and improve their tribal transportation programs and will offer discussion and networking opportunities among tribal transportation attendees and federal transportation representatives. TTT sessions will focus primarily on federal updates; funding opportunities; transit; environmental requirements; and funding formula, obligation limitation, and self-governance updates.

TTT is a free training. Registration will be limited to 100 attendees, so plan on registering early to secure your spot. The TTT draft agenda and registration will be available in mid-January 2025. For TTT updates, visit

Special thanks to the 2025 TTT sponsors:

Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) 101

Details: 2.5-hour course (45-minute modules); can be taken at your own pace

Description: Through the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP), Tribes can receive support in the use of Federal funds for a variety of projects that will improve the quality of life through safe and adequate transportation for native villages, communities, reservations, and Indian lands. By having a better understanding of the TTP, Tribes can get a better idea of what the available funding can be used for.

This training also covers some related concepts such as discretionary grants, Tribal Transportation Improvement Programs (T-TIPs), Referenced Funding Agreements (RFAs), and environmental requirements of the TTP such as NEPA. This is an introductory course that will not get into the details of these complex topics but rather is meant to provide a basic awareness of the concepts.

This course is designed for Tribal members who would like more information about TTP funds. This includes Tribal Council members, Tribal transportation practitioners, and local agency practitioners. Topics covered include:

  • Tribal Transportation Program Overview
  • TTP Fund Allocation and the TTP Formula
  • Using TTP Funds

Pavement Preservation: Choosing the Right Treatment for the Right Pavement at the Right Time for Local Agencies and Tribes

Details: 4-hour course (45-minute modules); can be taken at your own pace

Description: There are two ways to approach road deterioration: preservation or rehabilitation. The financial benefits of preservation are significant compared to the higher costs of reconstruction and rehabilitation. Pavement preservation is a proactive approach, intended to preserve a pavement to extend its useful life. In this course, you’ll learn how to confidently make decisions about which treatments to apply to a particular pavement and when to do it.

This course is intended for a variety of positions within local agencies and tribal governments, with an emphasis on industry leaders who make and support decisions such as pavement preservation treatments and/or site selection. Training includes:

  • Why Pavement Preservation?
  • Pavement Distress
  • Pavement Preservation Treatment Options
  • Determining the Right Treatment
  • How to Measure Success

Risk-Based Safety Planning & TTPSF Webinar Recordings

Description: Risk-based safety planning can help tribes identify and build justification for proactive transportation safety infrastructure improvements. TTPSF can provide funding for risk-based safety planning, Road Safety Audits (RSA), and other transportation safety studies under the Data Assessment, Improvement, and Analysis category. (TTPSF applications are due by January 15, 2025.)

Several examples of risk-based safety planning projects in Tribal areas were shared during recent webinars co-hosted by the National Center for Rural Road Safety, the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association, and the FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation. Below are links to the webinar recordings.

Recorded Webinar 1: Risk-based Safety Planning for Tribes (Click Here for Recording)

Recorded Webinar 2Results of a Systemic Study of Pedestrian Safety in Tribal Areas (Click Here for Recording)

Policy Round Table on Tribal Pedestrian Safety


Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Time: 1 PM - 4 PM ET

Description: Advocates for Tribal Pedestrian Safety are invited to attend a virtual discussion on the topic of Tribal Pedestrian Safety. According to Dangerous by Design, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations are more than four times as likely to be killed while walking, compared with white people. The high risk of pedestrian fatalities in Indian Country is directly related to road designs which encourage excessive vehicle speeds in places where AI/ANs live, work, and play. Building on a previous Policy Round Table, held in 2022, this event is part of a new Road to Zero project titled Pedestrian Fatalities in Indian Country: Responding to a Crisis, and is hosted by Pueblo of Jemez, Cherokee Nation, University of Montana, M.G. Tech-Writing, L.L.C., and America Walks.


Please complete this online registration form to attend.

TTP Bridge Program 

Deadline: Any time during the year, in accordance with 23 CFR 661.25, a Tribe can submit an application package for preliminary engineering (PE) and/or Construction funding.

Description: The TTP Bridge Program is focused on improving the number of TTP bridges in poor condition.

For more information, contact: Russell Garcia, P.E., Bridge Program Manager, 703-404-6223,

Regional Infrastructure Accelerators Program

Deadline: January 9, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Description: RIA grants assist entities in developing improved infrastructure priorities and financing strategies for the accelerated development of a project that is eligible for funding under the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Credit Program. These grants are intended to support RIAs that: 1) serve a defined geographic area; 2) act as a resource to qualified entities in the geographic area; and 3) demonstrate the effectiveness of the RIA to expedite the delivery of projects eligible for the TIFIA credit program.

The Build America Bureau hosted a free webinar for interested applicants on Wednesday, November 13.

Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF)

Deadline: January 15, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Description: Prevent and reduce transportation related injuries and fatalities on Tribal Lands. Eligible projects for the TTP Safety Fund include:

The application materials can be found at these links:

Additional details on the TTPSF can be found on the program web page at 

Questions? Email

Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development

Deadline: January 23, 2025, 5 PM ET

Description: The Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to:

  1. Conduct clean energy planning;
  2. Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology; or,
  3. Conduct clean energy design and development activities.

DOE expects to make approximately $25 million of federal funding available under this FOA, with approximately 20–40 awards that range from $100,000 to $2,500,000.

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program

Deadline: January 30, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Description: The goal of the RAISE program is to fund eligible surface transportation projects that will have a significant local or regional impact that advance the Departmental priorities of safety, equity, climate and sustainability, and workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation.

Tribal High Priority Projects (Tribal HPP) Program

Deadline: This is a rolling application process. The current cycle ends January 31, 2025, and the next cycle begins on February 1, 2025.

Description: This program is a nationwide priority program for: (1) An Indian Tribe or governmental subdivision of an Indian Tribe whose annual allocation of funding under the Tribal Transportation Program is insufficient to complete the highest priority project of the Indian Tribe or governmental subdivision of an Indian Tribe; or (2) Any Indian Tribe that has an emergency or disaster with respect to a transportation facility.

Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program

Deadline: February 24, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Description: The purpose of the PROTECT Program is to provide grants on a competitive basis for projects that seek to strengthen surface transportation to be more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, heat waves, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters through support of planning activities, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk costal infrastructure.

Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program

Deadline: Applications will open at 2:00 PM ET on March 4, 2025, and will close at 4:59 PM ET on April 3, 2025.

Description: The RTA Program aims to help applicants develop transportation infrastructure projects in rural and tribal communities that will qualify for federal funding and financing programs for additional development phase activities or construction. The RTA Program provides funding for planning and design phase activities for rural and tribal infrastructure projects. This program will award grants for either the hiring of staff or the procurement of expert firms to provide financial, technical, and legal assistance with project-related planning and design phase activities.

Webinar: January 14, 2025, at 3 PM ET. Register for the webinar.

Port Infrastructure Development Program 

Deadline: April 30, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Description: The Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) is a discretionary grant program administered by the Maritime Administration. Funds for the PIDP are awarded on a competitive basis to projects that improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods into, out of, around, or within a port.

PIDP grants support efforts by ports and industry stakeholders to improve port and related freight infrastructure to meet the nation’s freight transportation needs and ensure port infrastructure can meet anticipated growth in freight volumes. The PIDP provides funding to ports in both urban and rural areas for planning and capital projects. It also includes a statutory set-aside for small ports to continue to improve and expand their capacity to move freight reliably and efficiently and support local and regional economies.

Bridge Investment Program - Large Bridge Projects

Deadline: August 1, 2025

Description: Large Bridge Project Grants under the Bridge Investment Program are available for bridges with total eligible project costs over $100 million, with minimum grant awards of $50 million, and maximum grant awards of 50 percent of the total eligible project costs.

Bridge Investment Program - Planning Projects

Deadline: October 1, 2025

Description: Planning Project grant applications are available for bridges with maximum grant awards of 80 percent of the total eligible project costs.

Bridge Investment Program - Bridge Projects

Deadline: November 1, 2025

Description: Bridge Project Grants under the Bridge Investment Program are available for bridges with total eligible project costs up to $100 million, with minimum grant awards of $2.5 million, and maximum grant awards of 80 percent of the total eligible project costs.


Whether it’s snow, sleet or ice, winter weather can cause extremely dangerous road conditions. In 2022 there were 498 fatal traffic crashes, and an estimated 32,213 injury crashes that occurred when there were snow/sleet conditions at the time of the crash. Preparing yourself – and your vehicle – for winter weather is key.

NHTSA Winter Weather Driving Tips

#1 Make sure your vehicle stays visible

#2 Clear snow from the exhaust pipe

#3 Fill your gas tank before you hit wintry roads

For more winter driving tips, click here.

February 4 - 6 TTPCC Meeting

ilani Casino Resort I Ridgefield, WA [location TBD, pending confirmation]

April 7 - 10 Tribal Self-Governance Conference

Gila River Wild Horse Pass Resort and Casino I Chandler, AZ I

April 22 - 24 Tribal Transportation Training

Meridian Technology Center I Guthrie, OK I

May 5 - 8 National Tribal Road Maintenance Symposium

The Box Event Center I Rapid City, SD I

May 6 - 8 Northwest Tribal Transportation Symposium 2025

Hotel Indigo I Everett, WA I Contact:

September 21 - 24 NTICC

Gila River Casino & Resort I Chandler, AZ I

December 7 - 12 National RTAP Conference

Hyatt Regency Austin I Austin, TX I

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