March 2023


Save the Date: District Dinner, Awards Ceremony and Program Launch June 10th at the Lenzi’s in Dracut.


2023 Adult Leader Awards: Nominations and applications are now being accepted for adult leader awards. Awards will be recognized at the District Dinner on June 10th.

All submissions are due by 4/30/2023, please see the awards packet with links to the forms:



Activities Committee

      West Wind District Pinewood Derby Saturday, 4/1 at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Chelmsford, MA. Registration are open! If your Pack has had their PWD already, sign up!! Top 3 scouts per rank.

      Spring Camporee with Great Eastern District: May 5-7 at Northern Lights Camps (formerly Lantern Light Camps, Wah-Tut-Ca Reservation. The theme is Cowboys vs Aliens. Registration online.

      Council Wood Badge Reunion  Saturday, 3/18 from 5-8 at New England Base Camp - Hayden Lodge, in Milton. Registration closes soon!

      West Wind Day Camp Aug 21-25 9am to 4pm

o  Sign up for Cub Scouts is here

o  Adult and youth volunteers wanted! It's a blast. Adults get a discount for their scouts and Scouts BSA members can earn service hours. Sign up is here



o  We are making plans for the annual West Wind District Dinner and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Would love to have a group of volunteers (a committee, if you will) to help figure this out. or Jim Mallon,

o  We also need volunteers to help plan fun Activities for scouts in our district. Including our camporees, pinewood derby, and more! Please reach out if you can help plan fun activities  – Carrie Wetzel, or Don McIntosh


Updates to GTSS (effective Sep 1 2023):


      (Effective September 1, 2023) Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants. 

      Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided. 

      All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee required position as listed or as an adult program participant. Limited exception below for Cub Scout overnight Programs.  

      See FAQ for list of adult fee required positions. Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor does not meet this requirement.


Fishing Committee

Join the West Wind District Fishing Committee…once you do you’ll be “hooked!”

The committee supports unit fishing activities for recruitment, advancement, and fun! All skill levels welcome (even none). Adults and youth are encouraged to sign up.


Time commitment is minimal and “flies” when you’re fishing!

Sign-up here to help or just to get on our email list:


Soil and Water Conservation Merit Badge (you need good soil and water to fish)

April 19-21, 2023. The fishing committee will be holding a merit badge session for scouts interested. Meeting times will be in the late afternoon/evening on April 19 and 20. This will include a tour of the Lowell Wastewater Utility and Chelmsford Drinking Water Plans on April 21 (in the morning). Please see if you have scouts interested and contact Rich


Advancement Committee

All email communication for district advancement should go to

New news

  1. Eagle Recognition Dinner
  2. We have scheduled the dinner to recognize the 2022 Eagle Scouts for Sunday, May 21st from 1-5pm. More information and registration is coming soon.
  3. Modifications to Scouts BSA Rank Requirements for 2023.
  4. In 2021, all outdoor-related rank advancement requirements were reviewed and realigned based on guidance from the National Outdoor Ethics and Conservation Subcommittee.
  5. Beginning January 1, 2023, all Scouts must use only the new requirements.
  6. I enclose a summary of the updates.
  7. Merit Badge updates for 2023
  8. Please read about the changes to 31 Merit Badges here
  9. Combined Update List
  10. A really useful overview of all the Rank and Merit Badge changes is available here. This list highlights the requirements both before and after the updates.
  11. Eagle Boards of Review 
  12. We are moving back to In-Person Boards of Review for Eagle Scouts. Virtual Boards of Review are limited and available upon request.
  13. These are held on the third Thursday of each month.
  14. These are scheduled on a first come first served basis. Subject to the availability of Board Members and Letters of Recommendation.

Quick Reference

  1. Life to Eagle Scout Session
  2. Contact Neil Thomas at to receive a PDF of the Life to Eagle Scout training session. We are always happy to run a Virtual Seminar for groups of Scouts that request it.
  3. Guide to Advancement.
  4. There is a new Guide to Advancement for 2021.
  5. The latest Guide to Advancement can be found here
  6. Eagle Scout Rank Application.
  7. Scouts applying for Eagle Rank must use the application labeled “512-728 June 2022 Revision” on the bottom of page 2. The latest Eagle Rank application can be found here
  8. Please note that this can be printed out using ScoutBook.
  9. Eagle Project Proposal.
  10. There is a new Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook for 2023.
  11. Scouts working towards Eagle Rank must use the workbook labeled “Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook No. 2023a February 2023” on the bottom of page 1.
  12. The latest Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook can be found here
  13. We are still receiving older or outdated proposals from older versions of the workbook. We ask Unit Leaders to catch this before submission.
  14. A complete Contact form is needed. That includes phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses etc.
  15. Include a BSA ID for the Project Coach.Add this to the name of the Project Coach. i.e. John Doe (BSA ID1234567).
  16. When completing the Contact form, please complete the following by contacting for this information.
  17. Your Council Service Center
  18. Council or District Project Approval Representative.

Eagle Scout Proposal Checklist

  1. Eagle Project Proposal Process.
  2. Any Eagle Project Proposals that have been approved by the Scout, Beneficiary, Unit Leader and the Committee Chair are ready to be reviewed by the District Advancement Committee.
  3. To submit an Eagle Project Proposal the Candidate must provide the following:
  4. The original PDF of the completed Eagle Scout Project Workbook with pictures of the Proposal and Fundraising signature pages.
  5. A PDF of pictures or diagrams of your project idea.
  6. DO NOT combine these documents into a single PDF as they have to be split apart.
  7. Email the Eagle Project Proposal to When addressing your email please introduce yourself and state which Troop you are from.

Eagle Scout Application Checklist

  1. Eagle Rank Application Process.
  2. To submit an Eagle Rank Application the Candidate must provide the following:
  3. A PDF of the completed Eagle Rank Application including the signatures of the Scout, Unit Leader and the Committee Chair.
  4. A PDF of the Candidate’s statement of ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in their religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which they demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service. (see page 2 of the Eagle Rank Application)
  5. The original PDF of the completed Eagle Scout Project Workbook with pictures of the Proposal, FundRaising and Report signature pages.
  6. A PDF of your Individual Advancement Record from ScoutBook.
  7. DO NOT combine these documents into a single PDF as they have to be split apart.
  8. Email the Eagle Rank Application to When addressing your email please introduce yourself and state which Troop you are from.
  9. Once the application has been submitted and accepted as complete, the Advancement Committee will verify the application with Council, solicit references for the Scout, and notify the Troop and Scout when a Board of Review can be scheduled.
  10. DO NOT solicit letters of recommendation, that is the purview of the Advancement Committee. If you want people to submit letters then add their names to the Eagle Rank Application.


Training Committee

      Leave No Trace Trainer May 6-7 8am Saturday to 4pm Sunday at TL Storer. Sign up is here

      For any requests for training, or if there was a class you've been hoping to take but the timing hasn't worked out, please reach out and let us know. We are working on the schedule now

Any questions, please contact Sean Waite, WW Training Chair


Winter/Spring Roundtable

IN-PERSON - 7:30pm

First Congregational Church in Billerica - 18 Andover Rd, Billerica, MA

Roundtables assist unit leaders in preparing their youth to live the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Roundtables support unit leaders through delivering effective program ideas, relationship development, and timely communication…and it is a lot of FUN!

Sessions are engaging, hands-on, and led by experts.


April 6

BIG ROCK: Connecting with Your Commissioner - Social & Potluck

                   District & Council Communications

-Cubs Breakout: Communicating with your Pack/Den + Utilizing Den Chiefs

-Scouts BSA/Venture Breakout: Mentoring Scouts’ Positions of Responsibility


May 4

-Cubs Breakout: Den/Pack Program Review and Planning for 2023-2024

-Scouts BSA/Venture Breakout: Annual Program Review


Adults who attend Roundtables are eligible to earn important awards each year, be sure to attend and get recognized for all you do to advance scouting in your community!


District Committee - Meets via Zoom at 7pm the Thursday before Roundtable. Contact Carrie Wetzel for meeting link.  Upcoming District Committee Meetings:

·     March 30th

·     April 27th

·     May 25th


West Wind District Facebook :


West Wind District Key 3 Contacts

Carrie Wetzel – District Chair –

Jason Maffetore – District Commissioner –

Jonathan Pleva – District Executive –


Other West Wind District Contacts

Activities co-chair                              Don Macintosh 

Activities co-chair                              Vacant

Advancement                                     Neil Thomas       

Scout Roundtable Commissioner      Elmer Lyons      

Cub Roundtable Commissioner         Jim Mallon         

Membership Chair                             Jennifer Hart    

Religious Awards                                Chris Mancuso 

Crew Advisor/Advocate                     Judy Dedinsky  

Secretary/RT Newsletter                   Christopher Jenkins

Training Chair                                    Sean Waite       

Leave No Trace Master Educator      Jan Kohnstam   

Youth Protection Champion              Phil Heffernan  


To submit items for future editions of this newsletter email Christopher Jenkins, prior to the Roundtable each month.



The BSA’s Diversity and Inclusion Statement 

The Boy Scouts of America promotes a culture where each youth, volunteer, and employee feels a sense of belonging and builds communities where every person feels respected and valued. Leading by example and encouraging each other to live by the values expressed by the Scout Oath and Scout Law, we welcome families of all backgrounds to help prepare young people to serve as successful members and leaders of our nation’s increasingly diverse communities.  


Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us