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March 24, 2025

Enjoy this week's "Investor Insights," a weekly newsletter that highlights the financial news you need and provides tips and tricks for making better investment decisions. 

  • From Feb 19th through Mar 12th, the S&P 500 fell 8.6%, ranking below the 2nd percentile of all 15-day moves since 1953. Historically, such declines led to a median 12-month gain of 20.6%, with positive returns 83% of the time. *1

  • In February, 39.7% of Americans planned to vacation in the next six months, down from 49% a year ago and the lowest since October 2010 (excluding 2020 during COVID). 1

  • Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, America's global manufacturing share has fallen from 25% to 15%. However, China is not the only reason for the decline. A US manufacturing worker makes $30/hr compared to $3/hr in Mexico. 2

  • The February NY Fed Survey found that 14.6% of consumers expect to miss a debt payment in the next three months, the highest since April 2020. 1


  1. MFS - "Beyond the News"
  2. Barrons- "GE Vernova and 4 More Stocks for an American Manufacturing Renaissance"

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance


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Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRAMSRB, and SIPC

Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor

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