Messiah Episcopal Church Welcomes You to

Christmas Worship in Myrtle Beach!

Advent IV Worship at 10am, Sunday, December 24

Christmas Eve Worship at 7pm, Sunday, December 24

Christmas Day Worship at 10am, Monday, December 25,

Merry Christmas from Messiah, Myrtle Beach!

Dear Friend in Christ:

The collect for the Christmas Eve sets the tone for the Season:

O God, you have caused this holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light: Grant that we, who have known the mystery of that Light on earth, may also enjoy him perfectly in heaven; where with you and the Holy Spirit he lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

In 1865, Philadelphia priest Phillips Brooks, Rector of Holy Trinity, Rittenhouse Square was on a year-long sabbatical to see the world. On Christmas Eve, 1865, he rode by horseback to Bethlehem, the city of the birth of Jesus. There, while thinking of the children of his church back home, he heard the singing of Christmas Carols at the Church of the Holy Nativity in Bethlehem. His trip was a sabbatical of restoration and recovery for the young priest, who preached at the visit of Abraham Lincoln's funeral train to Philadelphia in April of 1865. Brooks was still trying to make sense of the horrors of the War Between the States and the state of the nation after the Civil War.

Two years later, in 1868, Phillips Brooks wrote a Christmas Carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem." It was his way of bringing the past and the present together. I plan to preach on this song at 7pm worship on Christmas Eve. Serendipitously, our own Bishop Ruth released her Christmas message today on Phillips Brooks Christmas carol, and the fourth verse in particular:

Where children pure and happy pray to the blessed Child,

Where misery cries out to Thee, Son of the mother mild;

Where charity stands watching and faith holds wide the door,

The dark night wakes, the glory breaks, and Christmas comes once more

I invite you to read Bishop Ruth's Christmas Message at this link as you prepare for Christmas worship at Church of the Messiah, or wherever you may be celebrating Christmas.

This year, the calendar has the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve on the same Day! We provide worship for both occasions. The lessons for the 10am Advent IV liturgy is at this link. The lessons for the 7pm Christmas Eve liturgy, with the stories of the baby Jesus at the manger, is at this link.

Christmas Day, the church has traditionally offered the Gospel of John's poetic reflection on the Incarnation of Christ as the Gospel Reading. That reading is found at this link. This Gospel from the First Chapter of John is also the reading for the First Sunday after Christmas, January 1.

See you this weekend!

Your Vicar,

Fr. John

Christmas Decorations: Each year at Christmas, a team of Messiah Mem decorates the Church for Christmas. Below, some of the crew pauses for a photo at the completion of their work. Left to right, Larry Sultze, Monica Orosz, Kristi Burch & Donna Wiggins.

Church of the Messiah Christmas Worship Schedule

Sunday, December 24, 4th Sunday of Advent, Ten O'clock AM: Fr. Jim

Sunday, December 24, Christmas Eve, Seven O'clock PM: Fr. John

Monday, December 25, Christmas Day, Ten O'clock AM: Fr. Jim

Sunday, December 31, First Sunday after Christmas, Ten AM: Fr Jim

Sunday, January 7, 2024, Sunday after Epiphany, Magi, Ten AM: Fr. John

Sunday, January 14, Second after Epiphany, Ten AM: Fr. Jim

Our Episcopal Church of the Messiah

2024 Stewardship Program Has Begun!

The annual Thanksgiving Stewardship Appeal has been sent to the church! A 2024 pledge card is enclosed below for you to print and complete! You can also find a regular pledge card at the Church entrance, to place in the the offering basket during Advent worship. Let's build Messiah's Future Together!

Thanks to all the members of Messiah for so successfully sponsoring an Angel Tree of gifts for our friends at Fostering Hope. All of the gifts were filled. Thanks!

Our "New" Parish Secretary Began December 5!

Parish Directory Update Underway

Wednesday, December 5, Patty Tate began as the Parish Secretary of the Episcopal Church of the Messiah. One of Patty's first projects is the update of the parish directory. The Parish Directory is a printing of the parish membership list as recorded in "Realm" our ACS membership software. Membership is not simple, some of our members attend Messiah while keeping their membership in a previous parish. Some have transferred their membership to Messiah Church. Some attend Messiah seasonally, with an official "home" parish. Some are from other denominations while married to a Messiah member, and mostly attend here. And some are not sure where they belong, being in transition! So whatever your status, please contact Patty at the parish email,, or respond to Patty if she asks you for clarification about your membership status! We want each of you to feel welcome at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Myrtle Beach.

Welcome back Patty Tate!

The Annual Parish Meeting

is Scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024

Elections for Vestry and Annual Diocesan Convention Delegates

Messiah's Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 21 at 11:30 after church. The annual parish meeting is a great way to find out about the business and ministry of the church, because annual reports are part of the meeting. That will include a budget for the 2024 year. But the only thing voted on at the Annual Parish Meeting are the Parish Vestry Members (technically a "Mission Committee" for mission congregations who serve with a Vicar). Also voted on are delegates to Diocesan Convention. Budgets are not voted on at the Annual Parish Meeting. That business is the responsibility of the elected vestry.

This year, terms are expiring for Vestry Members David Martin and Monica Orosz. There is also an opening for the unexpired second year of Alan Jeffcoat's term. Monica is running for another term, David is retiring and Alan is leaving early, which means that we need candidates for two open vestry positions, one two-year and the other one-year. Please speak with Warden Rick Stall or Vicar John Sorensen if you are interested. You can also suggest someone!

Church Practice is to announce the Annual Meeting at least thirty Days prior to its occurrence. So This is the first of those written Announcements!

Our October Visioning Retreat II Concludes with Recommendations for Building a New Messiah Church

Our second visioning retreat with Ann Fleming of the Episcopal Church Building Fund (photo above) concluded Monday afternoon, October 30, with five specific recommendations for building the new Messiah Episcopal Church on a new property in Myrtle Beach. You will be hearing more from the Steering Committee in the coming weeks, and the Vestry will consider the recommendations at their November 19 meeting. But here is a brief Summary of the Recommendations of our team, pictured above.

(1) begin the process of calling a full-time residential priest to Messiah by Summer of 2024, and provide a paid support staff for the office to support our clergy and ministry

(2) Grow and Expand the Messiah Congregation, and redevelop and improve existing parish program and ministry offerings

(3) Proceed with the purchase of a 1.4 acre lot that we believe is the future location of the Episcopal Church of the Messiah in Myrtle Beach

(4) Develop a financial and business plan to fund 1-3 above and lay out the timeline and steps that will lead to the construction of our new church within five years. This report will become our plan to be presented to and approved by the diocese for support and funding for this new future!

(5) Meet with the Diocese for acceptance and funding.

Stay tuned for more news, and keep our congregation in prayer. This will require the time, talent and treasure of each of us!

Many Blessings,

Fr. John

Messiah Sunday Children's Program

Our regular worshippers include at least three families with young children who have difficulty attending the entire worship service. Most churches consider it a part of their ministry to all their members to provide a childcare opportunity during Sunday worship. Our Fall Childcare program began September 10.

Chelsea, our new childcare person has enjoyed working with our children and will continue to do so. With your support and encouragement, Messiah will develop a quality, predictable Sunday Children's Program. This is an important component to church growth! We are can report that Chelsea will offer childcare for our 7pm Christmas Eve Service!

A Short History of Episcopal Church of the Messiah

Messiah was founded as a congregation on Sunday August 4, 2013. The church rented classrooms on 79th avenue to hold our first worship services. We had to move our furnishings in and out each Sunday. Fr. Wilmot Merchant, Rector of Saint Stephen's, North Myrtle Beach, helped us connect with the Methodists, who gave us space for over a year at their 65th avenue school property near the ByPass. In the fall of 2014 we found temporary space with the Saint Philip Lutheran Church, and in November of 2014 we were recognized by the Diocese of South Carolina as a mission Congregation, Messiah. In 2019, we moved to our current location where we have full use of our own rental property. Our next step is to partner with the Episcopal Church Building Fund and the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina to find ourselves a new home! No one wants to be a refuge forever! That process is underway!

Dear Reader:

Messiah Episcopal Church is a congregation in transition, seeking to rebuild at a new location after losing our church property in a schism that started over ten years ago. It's an exciting time to be part of a congregation! Please join us at Church Sundays at 10am. We are located in a shopping center at 4201 North Kings Highway, adjacent to (behind) Finish Strong Fitness. To reach me directly, you can email me at Soon, the office email will be functioning as well.

Many Blessings to you,

Fr. John Sorensen, Vicar