Dear friends,
We hope this note finds you well, enjoying the first breaths of spring. I am sitting on my deck writing this note with birds flitting around my yard, daffodils dancing in the breeze, and the promise of sugar snap peas curling their way up the trellis.
We are growing too, as we work to create online learning experiences for all levels and to create an interconnected community of homeopaths. Now more than ever people are looking for gentle, natural, whole-person, and individualized approaches to address health care challenges for themselves, their families, and their patients. I hope you can join us soon to learn and grow!
For all our NESH Two-Year Course alum, we're thrilled to invite you to Amherst this fall, to catch the foliage and gather in person for a clinical weekend! See below for details! Space limited to 35 registrants.
Happy Spring!
Amy & Paul