12.17.2024 Volume 13 | Edition 15 | |
Message from the PA Presidents
Dear Brooklyn Tech Parents & Guardians,
We invite you to our last PA General Meeting of the year. Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18th, at 6pm via Zoom. Our special guest is Mr. Mark Rodriguez, Assistant Principal of Engineering, Technology, and CTE. The link to join and the agenda items may be found below. As a reminder, participants must use their full name in order to be accepted from the waiting room into the meeting.
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As the year comes to an end, we reminisce on the past year and look forward to all that lies ahead, including the: Culture Fair, 8th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration, Black History Month Celebration, Teacher’s Appreciation Luncheon, Faculty Grants, 2nd Annual Picture Day for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors, and the Senior winter trip, prom, and, of course, graduation.
While our executive board is hard at work planning for the 6th Annual Spring Gala in May, we ask that you please begin to solicit donations during Winter Recess.
The PA will continue to sponsor and subsidize these events, using all raised funds to ensure that staff are equipped with the necessary resources to educate our students and that each child has access to all that Brooklyn Tech has to offer inside and outside the classroom. Please consider making a year-end tax-deductible donation here. We will also contact parents who filled out the Volunteer Form when opportunities to participate in events present in the spring semester.
To all who celebrate, we wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa. May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and rest. Happy New Year! See you in 2025!!
Tiffany Roberts & Kim Jalet
BTHS PA Co-Presidents
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PA General Meeting
Topic: Brooklyn Tech PA General Meeting
Time: Dec 18, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 1507 1096
Passcode: 849527
- Call to Order
- Mr. Rodriguez, AP of Engineering, Technology, and CTE
- PA Committee Updates
- Treasurer’s Report
- Principal’s Report
- Adjournment
PA General Meeting Dates
*All meetings take place at 6 PM
December 18th - Virtual
January 16th - Virtual
February 13th - Virtual
March 20th - BTHS Library, in-person
April 24th - Virtual
May 15th - BTHS Auditorium, in-person (Spring Elections)
June TBD
*Meeting dates and locations are subject to change. Any changes will be posted in TechTalk, our weekly publication.
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SLT Meeting Dates
*All meetings take place at BTHS in Room 1E20, and begin at 4:15 PM.
Parents are allowed to observe, but may not speak or vote during meetings.
January 16th
February 13th
March 13th
April 3rd
May 8th
June 12th
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Upcoming Important Dates
Dec. 17 - Orchestra Winter Concert
Dec. 19 - Band Winter Concert
Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 - NO SCHOOL, Winter Recess
Jan. 2 - School Resumes
Jan. 10 - Culture Fair
Jan. 20 - NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 21-24 - Regents Week
Jan. 27 - NO SCHOOL, Staff PD Day
Jan. 28 - Spring Semester Begins
Jan. 29 - NO SCHOOL, Lunar New Year
Feb. 7 - LNY Celebration
Feb. 7-9 - Senior Winter Trip
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Current Annual Fundraising Progress
(Annual Fundraising Target for 2024-2025 School Year: $370,000)
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As of November 30, the Brooklyn Tech Parents Association has spent almost $85,000 sponsoring the following initiatives:
- College Essay Support
- Breakfasts/Dinners with Principal Newman
- Naviance Software: college readiness platform
- Constant Contact: communication software
- PA General Meeting dinners
- Parent-Teacher Conference scheduling system
- Freshman Orientation (planners and wallets)
- Diversity Initiatives (Hispanic Heritage Month)
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As of November 30, we are at 26% of our fundraising target. Your donation makes a profound impact on our students. It is not just about numbers; it is about inspiration and opportunities for the entire Brooklyn Tech community.
The PA is kindly asking for your generous donations to thrive and excel in our students' academics and extracurriculars. The money raised by the PA will help pay for crucial support and programs. We need your help!! Your contribution is vital to helping Brooklyn Tech High School offer all students the quality and range of opportunities.
Our suggested amount for your gift is $750 per student. We recognize that $750 may be an easy gift for some, a stretch for many, and a real economic hardship for others. We ask that each family give whatever they are able to. Any amount counts, and every donation matters! We greatly appreciate your gift and your participation is truly important.
Matching Gifts: Another way to increase your donation to our PA is through your company’s Matching Gift program. Please contact your Human Resource department to see if your company offers matching gifts.
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Thank you for your generosity, time, and consideration. The Brooklyn Tech PA relies on donations from parents, guardians, families, friends, and community businesses to fund all of the enriching programs we sponsor. A school is as strong as its parent body, we look forward to an exciting year ahead! | |
Thank You to our November 2024 Donors!!
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Aloke Mukherjee
Amy Mak
Avi Turetsky
Catherine Yang
Cathleen Caron
Cybele Weisser
Daljit Sawhney
Dana Poskanzer
David de la Nuez
Denis Goss
Ellen McDermott
Erin Dodd
Robert Chuong and Elaine G. Wong Fund | Eunika Dylewska
Felix Lempert
Fiona Lee
Garold Minkin
Hui Jiang
ICHI Huang
Irina Arlyuk
Jennifer Van de Kieft
Kevin Quan
Kirsten Shaw
li li
Lijun Liu
TIAA | Linda Quarles
Linda Wong
Lisa Perlmutter
Lorie Bartley
Lorraine Wong
Mabel Chung
Madelynn Liguori
Mary Patterson
Matthew Thornton
Megan Thomas
Mehtap Cevher Conti
Miao Hang Qiu
Corebridge Financial Employer Match | Naomi Geraghty
Patrick Casey
Priscilla Lee
Ray Chan
Richard Farley
Richard Kwok
Rolf Neill
Roxanna Gutierrez
Steven Carroll
Terry Leung
Xiaoqiao Zhong
E Macleod Giving Fund | | |
Save the Date!
Brooklyn Tech PA’s 8th Lunar New Year Celebration
(Year of The Snake)
February 7, 2025 6-10pm
Location: New Phoenix Seafood Restaurant
912 65th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219
(More details to follow)
Last year, we had around 500 guests gathered together, and raised over $20K while enjoying a fun night with delicious food, wonderful performances, raffles, merch sale, and entertainment. Please find the clips from the 2024 LNY celebration attached:
Parents/Guardians and Students, you got talent? Please join us and perform on stage, don’t be shy and we need you! Contact us at bthsdiversitycommittee@bths.edu
時間:2025 年 2 月 7 日星期五晚上 6 點 -10 點
地點: 新鳳凰城大酒樓
912 65th Street, Brooklyn NY 11219
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Volunteer Opportunities
Every parent/guardian is automatically a member of the BTHS PA. Parents are encouraged to join us throughout the school year for one or more events of their interest. Please fill out this form so that we may contact you for volunteer opportunities with the PA.
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Tech Talk Archives can be found here | | | | |