December 21: Winter Solstice Service at 6pm
Rev. Joel Miller
On the eve of the winter solstice, we gather to reflect on the ways that the darkness nourishes us and the light beckons us. After readings and music from many traditions’ observances of this longest night, we process outside and offer our hopes for the light to come. This service will not be available on Zoom.
Dec. 22: Christmas Pageant and Carol Sing
Devin Shmueli and Anne Watson Born
Join us for this festive, all-ages celebration of the Christmas Story in word and song, including enthusiastic singing of carols! Bring your Christmas cheer or find it here!
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Services at 7 & 10pm
Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller
7pm: Join us for a beautiful service of lessons and carols to recall the timeless Christmas story and let it enter our hearts anew. Our Sanctuary Choir will sing, and we will end the service with candlelight and “Silent Night.”
10pm: This cherished service brings readings to celebrate Christmas, winter, and new birth alongside musical offerings spanning many genres. Join us for quiet beauty, contemplation and spiritual grounding to ring in Christmas. This service will not be available on Zoom.
Dec. 29: Quaker Service
Anne Watson Born
Our annual Quaker-style service will be held on Sunday December 29, 2024 at 10:15am in the Sanctuary. “…group silence is a type of communion, using both the religious and secular meaning of the word. We are taking sustenance and solace from each other, receiving a blessing of the spirit. We are also communing together, experiencing community, in silence with each other. We are all focused on becoming present to ourselves so that we can become present to others.” (Heather McRae-Wolf) This service will not be available on Zoom.