The FUUSN Chime

Sunday Reminder

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

December 15, 2024

Illustration looking down on seven people standing on a beige plaid rug inside a circle of chairs

Image by Rozy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay

Worship Service:

Appreciative Inquiry

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel will share the results of the seven Appreciative Inquiry sessions and what they may tell us about FUUSN’s future mission and vision. Come celebrate our new co-ministers’ first fall with us and hear what they are learning and thinking.

You may also join us on Zoom:

View the Order of Service


Healthy Baby/Healthy Child Holiday Toy Drive - Please Bring in Your Unwrapped Gifts Today

Healthy Baby/Healthy Child is a holiday gift-giving project sponsored by FUUSN in conjunction with the Boston Public Health Nurses. Children whose families are unable to provide gifts for them have been identified by the nurses. This is an opportunity for you and your children to give to others in need during the holiday season.

If you stopped by the holiday tree in the Parish Hall on December 1st or 8th, to find out how to purchase a gift for a specific child, please return your unwrapped gifts to FUUSN today, December 15th.

Thank you!

Wendy Atamian, Susan Bartlett

Events This Sunday

No-Rehearsal Pageant Rehearsal - December 15, 2024

This year's Christmas Pageant is switching to a no-rehearsal-needed format. That said, if you or your child would like a prominent role in the pageant, we will be holding a brief rehearsal on Sunday, December 15th at 12pm to give you an opportunity to run through the role before the Christmas Pageant Service on December 22nd. You can still participate in the pageant if you do not attend this rehearsal! Contact Devin for further information or to let him know you'd like to help out with the pageant.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small-Group Potlucks - Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 6pm

The UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting small-group potluck dinners to be held on Sunday, December 15, at 6pm. We will host these plant-based potluck dinners in the homes of multiple PBEC members, with each group comprised of 7-10 people. If you are a PBEC member, you may sign up here, and you will receive an email assigning you to a private home a few days prior to the event. If you are not yet a PBEC member and would like to be, or are not sure if you are on the list, please send an email to

While we intentionally welcome newcomers and anyone who is interested in eating more plant-based food regardless of where they are on their journey, all items brought to our potlucks must be completely plant-based and contain no cheese, dairy, eggs, etc. Recipe suggestions are available. More information about the Plant-Based Eating Club is available here.

Christmas Caroling, Dec. 15th and 17th

Did you miss the caroling at the Holiday Fair? Here are two more opportunites to celebrate the holiday season in song!

  • Sunday, Dec. 15, 12-2pm in Newton Center
  • Tuesday, Dec. 17, 3pm in Evans Park

Contact Anne Watson Born for details and to reserve a songbook.

Sunday, December 15

11:40am-12:15pm: Alternative Coffee Hour, sign up in Parish Hall

12-1pm: Pageant Rehearsal, Sanctuary

12-2pm: Caroling, Newton Center

6-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club - Small Group Potlucks, members' homes

Holiday Services 2024

December 21: Winter Solstice Service at 6pm

Rev. Joel Miller

On the eve of the winter solstice, we gather to reflect on the ways that the darkness nourishes us and the light beckons us. After readings and music from many traditions’ observances of this longest night, we process outside and offer our hopes for the light to come. This service will not be available on Zoom.

Dec. 22: Christmas Pageant and Carol Sing

Devin Shmueli and Anne Watson Born

Join us for this festive, all-ages celebration of the Christmas Story in word and song, including enthusiastic singing of carols! Bring your Christmas cheer or find it here!

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Services at 7 & 10pm

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller

7pm: Join us for a beautiful service of lessons and carols to recall the timeless Christmas story and let it enter our hearts anew. Our Sanctuary Choir will sing, and we will end the service with candlelight and “Silent Night.”

10pm: This cherished service brings readings to celebrate Christmas, winter, and new birth alongside musical offerings spanning many genres. Join us for quiet beauty, contemplation and spiritual grounding to ring in Christmas. This service will not be available on Zoom.

Dec. 29: Quaker Service

Anne Watson Born

Our annual Quaker-style service will be held on Sunday December 29, 2024 at 10:15am in the Sanctuary. “…group silence is a type of communion, using both the religious and secular meaning of the word. We are taking sustenance and solace from each other, receiving a blessing of the spirit. We are also communing together, experiencing community, in silence with each other. We are all focused on becoming present to ourselves so that we can become present to others.” (Heather McRae-Wolf) This service will not be available on Zoom.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

Submit News
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FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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