...the Church, which is His Body... (Ephesians 1:22-23)

8 March 2025

Dear Friends in Christ,

Sunday we celebrated with pancakes, sausage, and pancake races; we burned the palms from last year's Passiontide to make ashes for Wednesday's rounds of masses; we had a great time.

And then on Wednesday we turned our attention to Lent. As we received ashes, we heard again those words, "Remember that thou art dust, and unto dust shalt thou return." Our Lenten fast, and our Lenten journey, has begun.

This evening we walked the way of the cross with Stations and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

And Sunday we'll hear again the story of Jesus's temptation in the wilderness. You know the tale: immediately following his baptism, Jesus goes into the desert to pray and meditate -- and there he meets the devil, who tempts him with three things: food, power, and protection from danger.

For a hungry person, meeting physical needs seems like the most important thing one can do. But the devil is lying. By asking Jesus to do a magic trick, he draws the focus away from the importance and holiness of sustenance to a trick of power -- to putting self first above God.

In asking Jesus to worship the devil in order to be rewarded with earthly power, the same thing is happening: a power play to put self above God's loving purposes.

And finally, the devil dares Jesus to jump off the top of the temple to test God--to show Jesus's own power and importance--promising that angels will catch Jesus so he does not get hurt.

Each time Jesus responds with scripture, arguing against the devil's advice, interpretation, and promises.

There are three things that strike me in this story.

The first is that the things that the devil is offering are really, really attractive! Who doesn't want some food when hungry? Who doesn't want worldly power? Who doesn't want to feel protected, important, and safe?! Perhaps nothing is wrong in and of themselves in these things--but the way the devil promises them is diverting, drawing the attention from God, and placing creative power in our own hands.

And that's the second thing. The devil always lies. The things he promises are not really his to give -- not for long at least. What seems like an exciting, promising thing may actually be a complete and total sham that takes us away from the good that God has in mind for us.

And finally, the devil is really clever--and so Jesus has to be prepared. He doesn't encounter the devil without a thorough knowledge of who God is--and even a thorough knowledge of scripture! Jesus has been preparing for this moment.

And the devil, thwarted, leaves him until "an opportune time."

Part of our work this Lent is to discern what's real and what's false: to trust the promises of God and to discern and reject the lies of the devil--the lies that lead us to evil, to desolation, and to despair. Part of our work is learning to ask and work for the good things God has in mind for us. To see God as the source of all that is good. And to recognize that anything outside God's goodness is not really good at all--it's just a lie.

To do that, we need some preparation. We need the sacraments. We need a knowledge of who God is, of what scripture says. Of who we ourselves are -- the good parts and the bad. And we need to know first and foremost that we are beloved -- all of us -- by God.

That's what we are practicing this Lent.

Come and walk the way of the cross on Fridays. Come to mass on Sunday (or any of the other days during the week!). Come pray the Great Litany together. And join together as Fr Jett leads us in a conversation about how the Prayer Book draws us closer to the sacraments -- and in them how we are drawn closer to God.

Prayers for a Holy Lent. See you in church.

Yours in the love of Christ,

The Week Ahead

Sunday, March 9: First Sunday in Lent

8:15 am       Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel

8:45 am       Mass with Hymns in the Choir

9:30 am       Sunday Forum with the Curate

11:00 am     Solemn High Mass & Great Litany

                     in the Nave & Livestream

Coffee hour after Mass

9:00 pm      Compline

Weekday Services (all services in the Lady Chapel unless noted)


8:00am Morning Prayer

12:15pm Low Mass (Rite II)


8:00am Morning Prayer

5:30pm Sung Evening Prayer


8:00am Morning Prayer

12:15pm Low Mass (Rite II)


8:00am Morning Prayer

5:15pm Evening Prayer & Low Mass (Rite I) followed by the Rosary


8:00am Morning Prayer

12:15pm Low Mass (Rite II)

5:30pm Stations of the Cross & Benediction

Morning Prayer is also streamed via the website.

A livestream broadcast of masses and services is available via our website. Our sermons archive is available here.

See Parish Notices below for information about small group gatherings this week.

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Feasts & Fasts

Upcoming Feasts, Commemorations, & Fasts

Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop and Theologian — Mar. 9

Harriet Ross Tubman, Social Reformer — Mar. 10

Gregory the Great, Social Reformer — Mar. 12

James Theodore Holly, Bishop — Mar. 13

Vincent de Paul, Priest, & Louise de Marillac, Religious — Mar. 15

Patrick of Ireland, Bishop and Missionary — Mar. 17

Intercessions & Thanksgivings

Prayers and Thanksgivings:

We give thanks for the birthdays of David Crombie; Josephine Leach Curtis; Eileen Wildermann, Jennifer Smith, Craig Allen; Kristen Wilderman O'Connor, and Melvin Thompson;

We give thanks for God's gifts; for strength, healing, and love; for all who help those in need; for family, work, friends, and safety;

We pray for guidance for all school children; for all college and university students and all other post-secondary school students;

We pray for those who are ill or who have immediate needs:

Maezlyn & her family; Amy McMurtrey; Rick Farrell; Eric Taylor; Nancy Katsaros; Tim Gillespie; Jennifer Gillespie; Carol Martone; Gwendolyn Jonnick; Francis, Bishop of Rome; Sujey Torres Ruiz; Tim Gillespie; Frances Mary Kelly; Doris Mosely, Climmy Mosley; Susan Riley; John Raskopf; Liz Smith; Rob Nowie; Maddy and Sara; Brian Rogers; David McKee; Miguel Enrique; Maria Coffin; Paula Johnson; Karen Johnson; all others suffering from illness; all who mourn;

We pray for the recently departed:

Srileka Bell; David Arthur Young ; Betty Mugg; Kaneez Khanum Bashir; Alan Bennett; Felicity St. John Moore; all who have died in the wars in the Middle East, Congo, Haiti, Sudan, and Ukraine; all who have died from gun violence.

To join the Guild of Intercession, a group who pray daily for the parish and your prayer requests, or to make a prayer request or thanksgiving, please contact Don Smith.

Parish Notices

Sunday Forum: The Forum continues this Sunday, March 9, as we discuss Sacraments & the Prayer Book. See for upcoming sessions.

Thursdays of Lent the Society of Mary says the Rosary following 5:15pm Evening Prayer and Mass. All are welcome, and rosaries are available. Contact Barry McMurtrey for more information. Our Lady, pray for us.

Fridays of Lent at 5:30pm the parish prays Stations of the Cross followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and walk the way of the cross together with our Lord.

Midnight Run: Christ Church provides sandwiches and clothing at St Martin de Porres in partnership with Community Soup Kitchen. Come and help make sandwiches in the Parish Hall every other Sunday, continuing next Sunday, March 16, following the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Contact Ben Schober (203-980-4246 or

Bishop James Theodore Holly, first Black bishop in The Episcopal Church, is celebrated Sunday, March 16, with a mass at 4:00pm at Saint Luke's Church (Whalley Ave). Please email the Rector if you plan to join. All are welcome.

Lenten Quiet Day Retreat at Camp Washington: The Episcopal Church in Connecticut is hosting a Lenten Quiet Day Retreat at Camp Washington on Saturday, March 29. Visit for more information. 

Join us on our Instagram as we share in the joys of all things Christ Church! @christchurch.newhaven

The Parish Office is open Monday through Wednesday, 9:30am-12:30pm. The Office can be reached at and 203-865-6354. 


The Christ Church Monday Reading Group meets from 5:00pm to 6:00pm each Monday via Zoom. Meetings do not require prior or consistent attendance or “homework” — join when you can. For more information and the link to the Zoom meeting please contact Judy Stone via email on



Online resources:

Book of Common Prayer, online in pdf format prayer resource, online (useful for Morning Prayer)

Scripture passages online at

Daily Prayer from Forward Movement including Daily Office

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