Open-Ended Circle - Helping Masters Master Life -

ENews - December 2023

Meditation ~ Reiki ~ Human Design ~ Personal Guidance ~ LifeWave

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Greetings!!

Welcome Winter! On December 21st we see the shortest day of sunlight and begin the return to sunnier days. While the holiday names may be different, this is a time to celebrate the return of light, both the solar light and the recognition of the Spiritual Light within us. Our holidays reflect the celebration and joy of this prospect.

We all have that spiritual Light within us. It is easy to forget that we are Light beings when times are dark, but we are radiant energy beings and your light shines brightly. It is the light of your Spirit that shines through you.

So this year celebrate your inner Spiritual Light and let it shine out to the world. In doing so we help all those suffering around the world. While there may not be something we can do for them physically, when we live the energy of Love and Joy this energy spreads out from our homes, joining the energy of Love and Joy created by others. And this helps to balance the output of unpleasant energy creating some relief in the struggle of others.

At this time of returning light, I invite you to incorporate laughter and fun whenever possible. It is good for your body. It is good for your soul. It is good for others around the world!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2024!!

Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!!


Reiki training and sessions, personal counseling and Human Design analysis

and training are offered to help you balance and gracefully navigate life.

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Red Candles

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Snowman Family
Sending Love & Light!

Linda Sheldon
Helping Masters Master Life


Open-Ended Circle | 714-281-6833 |
