Events season is here!
Tahoe is thawing out just in time for Earth Month and the start of our events season! If you haven't already, kick off your volunteer year with one of our upcoming events.

Get started by creating your personal profile on our new volunteer portal. You'll be able to find events that match your skills and interests, track your volunteer hours, and streamline the waiver process.
April 15 | 11 am - 5 pm
The Village at Palisades Tahoe

One of the largest Earth Day celebrations in the region, this free community event gives kids and adults the opportunity to learn about recycling, composting, alternative energy, and sustainability through hands-on activities the whole family can enjoy. Learn more.
April 19 | 9:30 am - 5 pm

On April 19, the mountains are coming to Sacramento. This public event is an opportunity for you to join others in voicing your concern to California decision-makers on issues that impact the Sierra Nevada environment and local communities. Learn more.
April 21 | 8 am - noon
Heavenly Village, Stateline

Celebrate Earth Day with a good, old fashioned community cleanup!
Warming spring weather exposes trash left behind as winter snow melts, leaving South Lake Tahoe scattered with litter. To protect the environment and our beautiful community, the League to Save Lake Tahoe is hosting the 9th annual Earth Day Cleanup. Sign up here.
April 22 | 10 am - 3 pm
Lake Tahoe Community College

The South Lake Tahoe Earth Day Festival – a volunteer-run, non-profit, family-friendly event – is the most dynamic environmental education gathering in the area. Stop by the Keep Tahoe Blue booth to participate in a fun activity and win a prize! Learn more.
May 20 | 9 am - 1 pm
Tahoe's South Shore

Snapshot Day is an annual water quality monitoring event that takes place each May to test water quality across the Truckee River Watershed. Become a citizen scientist for the day by collecting samples from a stream, creek or lake on Tahoe's south shore. Sign up here!
League leads outreach effort to tackle single-use plastic litter
We don't take kindly to litter around these parts. Using data collected through years of beach and community cleanup events, our advocacy team lobbied the City of South Lake Tahoe to create local rules that prevent litter.

In February and March of this year, our team joined forces with the City and 36 volunteers to contact 101 local businesses to ensure they're aware and abiding by the rules. The goal is to prevent single-use plastic foodware from polluting Tahoe's environment.

In an op-ed, our CEO Dr. Darcie Goodman Collins shares what we accomplished and why it helps Keep Tahoe Blue.
Lake Tahoe "turned over" in March
Great news! For the first time in four years, Lake Tahoe's waters have mixed fully from top to bottom. Sustained, cold air temperatures this winter caused the Lake's surface waters to cool and sink. The process replenishes oxygen in the Lake's depths, which is excellent for ecological health. It also leads to temporary gains in water clarity as deep waters rise to the surface. However, mixing also brings nutrients upward, which can feed algae. Read more about the Lake flipping from the researchers at UC Davis.

With the announcement of Lake Tahoe's 2022 average water clarity making news this week, it's important to remember that the Lake is complex and variable, and so are the forces that influence its water clarity. One year of improved clarity does not mean that our job is done. We need to study, understand and take bolder action to keep and restore Tahoe's blue.
Want real-time Lake Tahoe science at your fingertips?

The Hydromapper is a new, online, map-based tool that puts a wealth of Lake Tahoe data at your disposal.

Curious about the water content of the Sierra snowpack, water temperatures in the Lake, stream flows, or the Lake's level? This tool from the US Geological Survey is your one-stop shop.
We are Tahoe's environmental watchdog
One of the League's key roles is to ensure that development at Tahoe is Lake-friendly. With the south shore's new event center scheduled to open its doors this summer, our land use experts are making certain the project fulfills its environmental commitments, which we negotiated with the developers in 2020.
Lake Tahoe News
Nomination period open for Lake Tahoe Spirit Awards
Through April 28 | TRPA
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to safeguard Tahoe? Nominate them! The 2023 Lake Spirit Awards will honor those committed to a spirit of cooperation and protecting Lake Tahoe.

Electric buses are coming to Tahoe as early as 2025
April 5 | CBS 13 Sacramento
The Tahoe Truckee Area Transit (TART) system will soon have four electric buses to add to its fleet. The move is part of Placer County’s effort to convert to a zero emissions fleet by 2040.

Blog: Field Notes from Chile
April 4 | League to Save Lake Tahoe
With support from a U.S. Embassy grant, the League’s Jesse Patterson traveled to Chile for an exchange with that country's burgeoning environmental movement, including a group dedicated to Patagonian lakes.

Tahoe Blue Crew on the Tahoe Kids Show
April 1 | Lake Tahoe TV
The League's Marilee Movius talks with Lake Tahoe TV's Piper Arnold about the League's Tahoe Blue Crew volunteer program.

How Does Wildfire Smoke and Ash Impact Lake Tahoe?
March 30 | League to Save Lake Tahoe
In 2021, the Caldor Fire dropped smoke and ash over Lake Tahoe. With funding from the League, scientists mounted a rapid response study to understand the impacts.

Tahoe Keys Control Methods Test: Annual Report - Year One
March | Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association
This in-depth report includes monitoring data from testing completed in the summer of 2022. It's all part of the three-year comprehensive program to address the aquatic weed infestation in the Tahoe Keys on the Lake's south shore.

Your generosity supports the League's Lake-saving work. Consider giving today.
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