Dear CECW Families,
It’s that time again, and state testing is upon us! It’s hard to believe we are more than halfway done for the year. Please read the following very carefully, as there are a lot of moving pieces to state testing!
Monday, April 7th, Tuesday April 8th, and Wednesday April 9th
ALL middle school students need to arrive by 7:45 am for each day of CMAS testing
- Student dismissal will be around 11am*
- Busses will run normally in the morning and afternoon at 3pm for students who cannot be picked up early. Students who remain after testing will be in a study hall until 3pm.
ALL high school students will be at home participating in asynchronous remote learning
- “Asynchronous remote learning” means that students will have an assignment posted on Teams in each class that they must complete to be counted “present” for that class
- Assignments will be posted by 7:45am and must be turned in by 3pm to be counted present
- Students in college courses should check with their professor to see what is required for that class
Thursday, April 10th – 8th and 11th graders only
8th and 11th grade students need to arrive by 7:45am for day 4 of CMAS testing
- Student dismissal will be around 12:30pm*
- Busses will run normally in the morning and afternoon at 3pm for students who cannot be picked up early. Students who remain after testing will be in a study hall until 3pm.
6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, & 12th graders will be at home participating in asynchronous remote learning
- “Asynchronous remote learning” means that students will have an assignment posted on Teams in each class that they must complete to be counted “present” for that class
- Assignments will be posted by 7:45am and must be turned in by 3pm to be counted present
*some students have extended time and may not be finished by this time. Contact the school if you are unsure if your student receives extended time.
Friday, April 11th
- No school for students unless they have testing to make up.
Tuesday, April 15th
ALL 9th, 10th, 11th graders will take the PSAT or SAT at CEC Fort Collins
- Check in will be 7:45am
A bus will be running from CECW to CECFC that morning for students to catch a ride to their test (Students must find their own transportation home after testing). Click HERE if your student would like to use this option no later than Friday, April 4th
*To view the full state testing schedule, CLICK HERE! Please note that dismissal times are different for regular and extended time rooms. If you are unsure whether your student has extended time, please reach out.
Why are state tests so important?
We highly encourage all students to participate in state testing, as state testing gives students the opportunity to demonstrate what they’ve been learning. These tests are a way to see how well students are connecting with classroom instruction, and it shows them their progress toward mastering grade-level expectations. Students who participate yearly have growth data each year, which is incredibly important data for ensuring positive student outcomes. These tests also show CECW how well we are meeting the needs of our students, and the data gleaned from these tests will allow us to make strategic improvements to instruction to ensure the success of all students. State tests allow for students to see their growth, set goals, and understand where they may need additional support. State tests also allow schools to ensure they are meeting the needs of all students, and they allow districts and authorizers to provide additional support/resources for schools who may need it. For more information on Colorado assessments, click HERE.
- What if my student cannot participate in remote asynchronous learning due to technology concerns?
Click HERE to fill out a technology concern form
- What if my child is ill or cannot come to school for another reason on one or more testing days?
- Makeup testing will be happening on Friday of testing week as needed. Please note it is very difficult to coordinate makeup testing, so student attendance on all testing days is incredibly important.
- Will there be tutoring on testing days?
- No, there will be no tutoring during testing week
Please be sure you’ve looked everything over carefully. If you have any questions or concerns once you’ve looked through all the provided materials, please feel free to reach out.
Happy Testing!
Julie Leifheit School Assessment Coordinator |
Rebecca Feilmann, Head of School |