Soul Level Astrology ® |



Both mainstream media and social media are censoring independent thinking now more than ever, and the Right and the Left have their own ways of doing this. In fact, ideas like distinguishing the Right from the Left have gotten distorted by the rampant Orwellism of our times, placing a huge premium on being able to think for yourself, which is one of the main things we teach at our College of Visionaries & Wizards, and one of the main features of my soul readings.


After more than two years writing, I'm in the final stages of composing my latest book:  

The Ruby Heart of the Dragon: Sun Signs for Our Times

This project has been simmering in the back burners of my consciousness for 40 years, and is a great challenge to write, because I'm tearing down each zodiac sign and rebuilding it from the ground up.
Instead of going with Random House/North Atlantic like my first book, I'm self-publishing this with the support of a world-class A-team of publicists and coaches. The book is due out next spring, so stay tuned for updates, invitations and news reports as the project picks up steam.


We're inviting all who wish to join our next Chart Study Circle to let us know. This three-year program begins September 2022 with a prep course next spring, and is gathering like-minded spiritual outlaws starting now. Learn More

May your karma turn to grace in these wildly changing times!

Mark, Marcella & the CVW Team

Dreaming Us Awake
6-Week Venus Underworld Journey 

Venus invites us to inhabit our innermost nature as a loving gift to existence.

One way we answer this call is by tracking with her 18-month cycles as she moves from Evening to Morning Star and back again, within a larger 8 year cycle where her dance with the Sun weaves a cosmic pentagram.

In mid February, Venus disappeared from the Morning Sky and entered the Underworld for close to 90-days. During this time, we are asked to give up worldly accumulations, powers, identities and identifications that no longer serve us so that we make room for spirit to help us be reborn.

By Marciel de la Paz.
During her regenerative journey through the Underworld, we are calling together a sacred circle of companions, ready for a practice of honest self discovery. 

Since Venus rose in the sign of Gemini last June 2020, we have been moving closer and closer to this time of regeneration, where past meets future, and the cosmos supports our present becoming. 

Will you join us?

Find out more about our circle here.

Marcella Eversole & the Underworld Team

By Victo Ngai

Cosmic Weather Report March 2021
The Return of Innocence
Vesta in Virgo
By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax  
Putney Mountain,Vermont

Throughout March, 14 planets line up on one side of the sky with the lone asteroid Vesta on the opposite side, supercharging Vesta, all by itself, to equal the force of the others.

Vesta in Virgo harnesses the sacredness of ordinary life; in small things we can restore the sanctity of our own experience. This isn't easy to do when we've been told to suspect the very air we breathe and stay away from touching and even seeing others. It takes powerful inner resolve to manifest a deep sense of the rightfulness of existence at the time we've been conditioned to fear it.

by Emily Wilberg
Nevertheless, this is what the current cosmic weather is asking of us: to become free in your body, to deeply breathe fresh air, get exercise, feel the strength of being alive, really alive, to touch others and be touched, to regenerate the roots of your being. 

By such empowering of your daily existence, higher cosmic forces have less resistance to enter the body of humankind, and we need all the cosmic help we can get now, since world civilization has been coopted by corporate lies. Through regaining the sovereignty of your own existence, the illusions of our time get pushed back, and that's a daily thing rather than a once-off.

True to Vesta in Virgo, it takes the virginal willingness of a naked love for life to counter media distortion and censored truth. This month is the time to come back and join the living.

Who are you really? Why are you here?  
How much longer are you going to wait?

Master Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax

Mark Borax is a teacher, astrologer, musician and author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution. 

The Cosmic Weather Report book can be ordered from bookstores and Amazon. Mark's international bestseller 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future can be ordered at

Soul Level Astrologer Marcella Eversole

Marcella supports human evolution while recognizing the deeper forces at work.  Learn More
A founding director of two international organizations for world change, Marcella specializes in programs that clear obstacles and point toward the high road where human intention meets optimal evolution.

Soul Level Astrology® | mborax@gmail.com
PO Box 623
Putney, VT 05346