Monthly News & Updates

December 2023 | 12

Christmas Message from Mayor Janet Horner

As we approach the end of this year, it would be easy to slip into an attitude of despair- wars in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, a burning climate that gave us more summer forest fires than we have seen, galloping inflation, housing and food prices spiking and more. 


It is also the darkest time of the year as we have the shortest days and longest nights. I long for those winter days with clear open skies and sunshine reflecting off sparkling snow-covered fields.


Although we are fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful parts of Ontario, we must be aware of those around us who are struggling. Food Bank enrolment is up at least 30%, mental health supports in Dufferin are scarce, our homeless problem is real. Our fellow citizens are sharing in that despair. Christmas can be the very best of times but also the very worst of times. Please share of your time, talent and treasures with those around us in need.


The holiday season also gives us time to pause and reflect on the blessings we have had in our lives in 2023. Those blessings, large and small are worth celebrating - A new job, a new grandchild, a meal with an old friend, a thankyou or a warm hug. We are blessed that we don’t hear the sounds of bombing or fear for our safety as we lay our heads down to sleep at night. We are blessed that we live in one of the best countries in the world. 


It comes down to choice. We can choose to feel only despair and anxiety at this time of year or we can have an attitude of thankfulness for the blessings in life that we have. Viktor E. Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning leaves us with this thought:


“Everything can be taken from a man (or a woman!) but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”


At the end of this very tumultuous year, I hope that you can, even for a few moments, choose joy, choose gratitude and choose peace.


I am grateful for your support to our Council and staff this year. Thank you!


Janet Horner

Winter Road Maintenance in the Township of Mulmur: Ensuring Safety and Mobility


In the Township of Mulmur, winter road maintenance is a critical operation dedicated to providing secure and sustainable travel conditions for our residents. Our Public Works staff, are committed to continuous improvement, to ensure safety for everyone on the road.

The winter maintenance operations encompass various activities, including snow plowing, salt/sand application, snow removal, sidewalk plowing, de-icing, drift control, cleaning snow from ditches, and snow blowing/snow bank removal.

The Township has three graders and three truck/plows. Our winter maintenance services involve a team consisting of 1 foreman, 6 daytime staff, 2 afternoon staff, and 1 weekend patroller, ensuring comprehensive coverage on 15 routes.

Each of our graders serve two purposes in winter: as snow plows, similar to trucks, and for ice blading gravel roads. Special blades with 1-inch teeth break up hard-packed snow or ice, enhancing tire grip on the gravel/snow-packed surface.

Each vehicle is assigned a designated route, with a full-time employee responsible for its maintenance. Two passes are made - on the way out and on the way back - taking approximately four and a half hours. Graders take the lead, clearing gravel roads with carbide teeth for enhanced traction. Trucks carry mixed loads of salt and sand.

Some roads may require slower speeds due to their nature or specific maintenance needs. Drivers are encouraged to be patient, especially on narrow roads, tight turns, or when achieving the right grit coverage is essential.

The Township differentiates between gravel and paved roads in terms of service levels. Gravel roads are tracked bare to snow-packed, while paved roads aim for a center bare to bare condition.

The Township of Mulmur is committed to maintaining safe and sustainable winter roads by optimizing resources, adhering to regulations, and prioritizing the well-being of the community.

For up to the minute traffic information for all regions in Ontario

Coming in 2024!

Join us every second Tuesday of February, March, April, and May in the Township Basement for an afternoon of socializing, games, and good company.

Are you curious about your internet connection's performance? Join Swift's WhiteBox Program!

What is the SWIFT WhiteBox Program?

Swift is partnering with SamKnows, a trusted testing provider, to measure and verify the internet speeds and performance of home or business connections in SWIFT project areas, to ensure you get the internet service you've been promised.

How to Participate?


the following information:

Your name

Mailing address

Service provider

Current subscribed internet download and upload speed

(e.g. 100Mbps/50Mbps)

Eligible volunteers will be notified and will receive a FREE SamKnows WhiteBox device.

Plug the WhiteBox into your home network to conduct speed tests. Don't worry; it won't monitor or record personal information or browsing history.

What's in it for you?

  • A clearer picture of your internet connection's performance.
  • Confidence that you're getting the service you were promised.
  • Contribute to a better internet experience in your community.

Unlock the Truth About Your Internet Speed

Next Council Meeting



January 10, 2024

You can now view Council meeting recordings. View the December meeting here.

Passcode: Mzx1fu$?

Sign up for E-Billing to receive your property tax and/or water bill(s) by email and help contribute to a greener planet.

There are so many advantages!

  • Promotes Environmental Sustainability
  • It’s Convenient 
  • Instant Access to Tax/Water bills
Sign up for eBilling

Shinny Hockey at the North Dufferin Community Centre!

Looking for some mid-week and weekend fun? Look no further! The Township is proud to offer afterschool shinny hockey on Wednesdays, beginning at 5 pm. for ages 6-12. Join us and let's have some fun together!

Please contact

Jennifer Shephard at for more information.

Thank you to all the participants of the Mulmur Christmas Display Contest.

Check our website for a list of all the properties so that you can do your own Christmas display tour.

Visit our website

Strategic Plan Survey

The residents of Mulmur are our most valuable resource and without them we could not achieve our goals. As we build upon the strong foundation of our past and plan for the future, we value your input as we seek to strengthen the Township’s decision making and governance. If you haven't already, there is still time to have your say and complete the Strategic Plan Survey.

Complete the survey

Ensure a Safe & Merry Christmas!

This holiday season, let's prioritize safety to keep the festive spirit alive! Follow these tips to prevent fire hazards and make your Christmas magical without any worries:

1 Choose a Fresh Tree: Keep the magic alive by selecting a fresh, well-watered Christmas tree. Dry trees are a fire risk, so give your tree the hydration it deserves!

2 Mind the Heat: Keep your tree away from heat sources like radiators and fireplaces. Let the lights sparkle, not the flames!

3 Illuminate Safely: Consider using battery-operated candles instead of open flames. Safety first, ambiance second!

4 Check Your Alarms: Test your smoke detectors to ensure they're working properly. A quick check could be the lifesaver your family needs!

5 Inspect Lights & Decor: Before decking the halls, inspect lights for frayed wires and decorations for flame-resistant materials. Let your holiday sparkle be worry-free!

6 Turn Off Before Bed: When you hit the hay or leave the house, turn off Christmas lights and decorations. Dream peacefully without worrying about electrical fires.

Spread the warmth, not the flames! Share these tips with your loved ones, because safety is the greatest gift of all.

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