February 2025
Dear Community Member,
It’s that time of year that I start preparing for the 2025-2026 Tools for School. Last year we provided 640 students with supplies to get their school year started and be successful all because of your support! In order to provide a program to benefit the students of our Dixon community, I ask for your help in the way of a monetary donation or backpacks and school supplies.
The mission of this program is to provide students in grades K-12, who are eligible for the free and/or reduced lunch program with a backpack filled with grade-appropriate school supplies for the school year. Unfortunately, the number of students who benefit from this program continues to grow each year.
Tools for School relies on the generosity of local area businesses, civic organizations, and individuals in the community to fund its efforts. I’m reaching out to ask for your consideration in supporting the 2025-2026 school year with a monetary donation, a supply drive at your place of business or backpack donation. School starts August 13, 2025. Distribution date of school supplies is Thursday, August 7th at the Dixon Elks Lodge.
Donations can be made payable to “Tools for School” and sent to the Dixon Public School District office by August 4th or anytime through the school year. For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at mdallas@dps170.org or 630-881-3995.
Thank you for your time and support of “Tools for School.”
Best regards,
Mandy Dallas, TFS Director
Monetary donations may be mailed to:
Dixon Public School District Office
Attention: Tools for School
1335 Franklin Grove Rd, Dixon, IL 61021