Queens Tri-colour Tag

November 28, 2024

Issue 18

Your Weekly Update

Residence News

Stay up-to-date with all the latest happenings in residence and on campus.

Key Dates

December 3 – 21: 22-Hour Quiet Hours in effect

December 21 at 5 pm: Residence closes for winter break

January 6: Winter term begins

January 6: Winter term residence fees due

January 10: Winter term tuition fees due

January 10: Applications close for 2025-2026 Dons, RPAs, and Front Desk staff

Winter Break is Almost Here!

As the term wraps up, we hope your exams are going well! This newsletter has everything you need to finish strong: a helpful checklist to prepare before heading off for the break, details about an exciting poster design competition, and a meaningful way to give back by donating unused meal swipes. Plus, we’re hiring student staff for the 2025-26 academic year—don’t miss this opportunity to join our team!

Read on for all the details and enjoy a smooth finish to the term.

Residence News

Waldron Tower

Network Maintenance – December 15

The Housing & Ancillary IT Services team will be conducting network maintenance next Sunday, December 15, 2024, starting at 2 pm, lasting approximately 5 hours. This work is being conducted to address security improvements and improve performance.

Access to the Student Residence & Dining Portal and Transact Mobile Ordering will not be available during this time.

Please note: Wi-Fi access and ResNet will not be impacted.

Winter Break Checklist

Before you leave for the winter break make sure you:

  1. Return your GOOD-TO-GO container
  2. Throw out any garbage
  3. Close both panes of your window
  4. Don’t forget your keys
  5. Lock your door

Reminder: Winter Break & Stayover Requests

If you need to extend your residence stay beyond 3 pm on the day after your last exam, or if you need to remain in residence over the break, please go to the Student Residence and Dining Portal to fill out one or both of the below forms:

  1. Residence Extension Request – to request to remain in residence past 3 pm on the day after your last exam
  2. Residence Stayover Form – to request to stay in residence over the break (for some or all of the time between December 21 and January 5)

What kind of leader are you?

Would you make a great Don? Residence Program Assistant? or Front Desk Representative? Take the quiz and find out!

Applications for student job opportunities are now OPEN! Want more info? Join our virtual info session on January 7 at 5:30 pm — Register Here.

Apply Now

Get rewarded for being creative

Are you creative and like to design posters? Do you live in residence?

We are holding a competition to have the Residence Conduct and Support Office Team mission turned into a well-designed poster that we can display on our wall. If this sounds like something you would be good at, please email to get full details. The winner will be compensated and receive a certificate.

Calling all artists!

We’re excited to announce an opportunity to showcase YOUR artwork in a one-night exhibit next term! Whether you’re a painter, photographer, sculptor, weaver, or digital artist, this is your chance to share your creativity with the community.

Submission Details:

Who: All first-year students are welcome to submit

What: Original artwork (any medium)

Deadline: February 24, 2025

Submit your work and take part in an exciting celebration of student creativity. More details about the event will be released next term. If you have any questions, please contact

Submission Form

Dining News

Leonard Dining chef cooking vegetables

IMPORTANT – Return your GOOD TO GO container before leaving campus!

Returning your containers to retail food locations is essential to keep the GOOD TO GO program sustainable!

Swipe It Forward Before You Leave

Leaving campus soon?

Consider donating an unused meal to a student in need before you go! If you're on a meal plan and won't be using all of your meals this week, you can donate one by letting a cashier know you would like to "Swipe it Forward”. Donated unused meals will be provided to students who are facing food insecurity on campus.

Last Meal in the Dining Halls

The last meal before the winter break will be breakfast until 1:30 pm December 21 at Leonard and Jean Royce dining halls. The Lazy Scholar will be open from 9:30 am - 8 pm on December 21 and from 9:30 am - 1 pm on December 22. All locations will reopen for regular hours of operation on January 6, 2025.

Around Campus News

Mitchell Hall exterior

Looking for a study spot?

Catch up on last week's news

Click here to view ALL previous issues of the newsletter.

December Dining Hall Hours

Front Desk hours are changing for December

Book a session online, with a Residence Mental Health Therapist. In-person or virtual appointments are available to support you.

Find more information on staying healthy during flu season.

Stay Connected Around Campus Yellow House, Student Academic Success Services, Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre, Faith & Spiritual Life at Queen's

Join Raftr and connect with other students and Residence Life & Services. Check your Queen'sU email for the invitation and link.

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