The Witness
Volume 43, Issue 9
March 5, 2025
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Today is Ash Wednesday, which begins the observance of Lent. Following is our schedule:
- 6:15 PM Children's Choirs
- 6:30 PM Weeknight Worship, including the Imposition of Ashes and the Lord's Supper (Youth will attend this service). You are welcome at worship even if you choose not to receive ashes/communion, which will be offered at the end of our service.
- 7:30 PM Chancel Choir
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A Higher Note
The Chancel Choir has had a challenging time with their Palm Sunday Musical, “Celebrate Life.” However, we have made some great strides over the past few weeks. We will be adding a bonus rehearsal on Sunday afternoon April 6 at 6:00 PM. This is an attempt to make up for the 2 rehearsals missed in February and allow our readers an extra opportunity to hear the entire project. All chorus members and readers are asked to attend.
Our mid-week worship services kicked-off last Wednesday evening. I apologize for not setting the live stream up in time for us to broadcast the service. I have corrected the problem, and we will be live at 6:30 PM each Wednesday through April 30 (with the exception of March 26, Roanoke County's spring break).
-- Chris
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This Sunday @ VBC
You are all invited to join us for Sunday School at 9:15 AM. This Sunday Travis will continue in his Lenten sermon series at Morning Worship at 10:30 AM. His message is "WVC," and the scripture is Luke 13:31-35. If you can't join us in person for worship, livestream is available at, and through our Facebook page.
Please note that our refreshed Young Adult Ministry begins this Sunday with a small group that will meet at 9:00 AM at RND Coffee. This group is open to all young adults between the ages of 18 and 28(ish) and is focused on creating community and discipleship. All materials will be provided for you. Contact Kim Yonce at or 540-793-0961 with any questions. Or just show up at RND on Sunday morning around 9:00 AM!
Following are our other activities this Sunday:
- 11:30 AM DNOW youth and chaperones will return from their weekend adventure
- NO Youth Choir
- NO Youth Volleyball Practice
- 4:00 PM Weeknight Worship Rehearsal
- 4:15 PM Church-wide Fellowship (see below)
- 5:00 PM Ministry Matters Business Meeting
- 5:00 PM Art from the Heart (SDR)
- 5:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal
- NO Youth Dinner/Extreme
Please plan to attend our church-wide fellowship Sunday afternoon beginning at 4:15 PM. Our Hostess Committee will provide snack-sized potato soup (with all the fixings) and dessert for everyone. At 5:00 PM we will have our Ministry Matters business meeting in the gym for all adults and Art from the Heart in the small dining room for K - 5th graders. Both Ministry Matters and Art from the Heart should conclude by 6:00 PM.
Please pray for our youth and chaperones who will be participating in DNOW this weekend. They will depart the church at 5:00 PM Friday and will return approximately 11:30 AM on Sunday.
Wednesday Women
Wednesday Women will begin their spring study, The Chosen 4: God’s Goodness to the Chosen, next week! Our meetings will run March 12th through April 30th at 10:00 AM weekly in the Disciple Center. Please call the church office at 540-343-7685 as soon as possible to sign up so that Susan Jones can be prepared for you. You can purchase the Interactive Bible Study Book on Amazon, at Christianbook, etc.
Upcoming JOY Senior Events:
Harrisonburg Trip: On Tuesday, March 11th the JOY Seniors will take a day trip to the Harrisonburg area. We will shop at the Shenandoah Heritage Market, have lunch at Wood's Grill Buffet, shop at the Little Debbie Factory Store and the Cheese Shop. The cost of this trip is just what you spend. Departure is 8:15 AM. Sign up at the JOY Senior table by Sunday, March 9th or when the bus is full. (Please note: the bus is nearly full.)
March Luncheon: The JOY Seniors will enjoy the entertainment of musician Rick Dellinger of Bedford County at the March 25th JOY Luncheon at noon in the gym. He is always a crowd favorite. Our lunch will come from Chick-fil-A; the cost is $12/person. Please sign up at the JOY Senior table and make your sandwich choice. You are always welcome to bring your own lunch or just come for the entertainment and fellowship. The deadline to sign up and pay is Saturday, March 22nd.
Sight & Sound Trip: Please find the details of this April 8th - 10th trip at our JOY Senior table. The deadline to sign up and pay is Sunday, March 23rd.
Wohlfahrt Haus: The JOY Seniors are going to the Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theater Thursday, May 1st to see "Mountain Music." The cost is $60 per person, which includes lunch, play, tax, and tips. The bus has limited seating (36 + driver), but you can drive. Please sign up and pay at the JOY Senior table by April 1st to secure your spot. Departure is 10:00 AM.
The Dr. Charlie J. Lovelace, III
Memorial College Scholarship
Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Lovelace Scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded for a student's first year of college. Applications are available in the church office and by clicking here. Completed forms must be returned to the church office no later than 4:00 PM March 19th.
Preteen Events
The next Preteen event is Sunday, March 30th, when we will have Dinner & Devotion at the church, 4:00 - 5:30 PM.
Passport Kids Camp is scheduled for June 11th - 14th at Eagle Eyrie. The total cost is $200, and a $100 deposit is due March 31st; the balance is due May 1st.
Please see Whitney with any questions. All 3rd - 5th graders are invited to all Preteens events!
Mark your calendars for this summer's
Vacation Bible School!
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Jack Lipscomb
c/o Virginia Veterans Care Center
4550 Shenandoah Avenue, Room 239
Roanoke VA 24017
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025:
- Children's Choirs: 40
- Youth Missions Group: 17
- Weeknight Worship: 48
- Chancel Choir: 42
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Sunday, March 2, 2025:
Sunday School: 209
10:30 AM Worship
- in person: 377
- online: 270
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Christian sympathy is extended to Jerry McCarty and family in the death of her sister, Mary Jo Creaturo; and to the Reynolds family and extended family and friends in the death of Anita Reynolds.
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Bible Reading Plan
We talked last week about the furnishings for the Tabernacle and how God directed his people to provide the materials and to use their gifts and abilities to fabricate those furnishings. We find in Exodus 35 the details of this process. Verses 20-21 state, "Then the whole Israelite community withdrew from Moses' presence, and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the tent of meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments."
As I was listening to this chapter, I was reminded of our church family at VBC. When Hurricane Helene devastated parts of our country, our church family came together with other churches to provide much needed supplies. Nearly ever week I see individuals dropping off supplies for our Food Pantry or Blessing Box. Every day I witness members of our Property Committee and other volunteers using their skills and abilities in the service of our church and grounds. When Boys & Girls Club has a need, there are so many within our church who respond. I often see some of our members picking up deliveries for Meals on Wheels. We have volunteers who dedicate their time and energy weekly to serving our community's needs through the Food Pantry. I am thrilled to be part of a church whose members use their finances, belongings, and skills to serve God, one another, and our community so faithfully. Thank you for your willingness to sacrifice for the glory of God and the benefit of those created in his image. -- Kim
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Minister of Children & Families
Vinton Baptist Church, a moderate Baptist church affiliated with the CBF and BGAV, is seeking a part-time Minister of Children & Families who will lead the Children's Ministry at Vinton Baptist, overseeing the spiritual formation of children between the ages of PreK and 5th grade. This position is responsible for coordinating the activities and programs for this ministry, organizing annual events, and providing children and families with opportunities to grow in their faith, engage with the church, and participate in Christ's mission in the world. We are looking for a team player who is organized, professional, enjoys working with people, and is committed to helping children and families develop a deep love for God, others, themselves, the church, and the world. (Approx. 25 hours per week). Please send resumes to
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Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering goes to train, resource, and send more than 2,400 missionary families across the United States and Canada, which together include a total of 386 million people, 350 languages, and an estimated 161 unreached people groups. This year our church goal is $2,450. Will you help us meet our goal? There are special envelopes in your box of envelopes and also in the pew pockets in the sanctuary. You may also give online and designate your gift for Annie Armstrong. Thank you!
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Right Now Media
We are purchasing a trial subscription for unlimited access to 25,000+ Christian videos and are giving free access to everyone in our church. These Bible study videos can be accessed anytime, anywhere, from any device. They are designed for personal use, small groups, Sunday school classes, and much more. Stay tuned for more details, as we plan to launch Right Now Media within the next two weeks.
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"Check out" these new books in the Library:
The Cost of Betrayal: Three Suspense Novellas by various authors
Deadly Pretender by Karen Kingsbury
Apprentice Father by Irene Hannon
"Family Ties" Series by Irene Hannon (2 books)
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Blessing Box
Please note that because of safety concerns, and at the request of the Town of Vinton Police Department, the Blessing Box has been removed from its usual spot in the breezeway. Staff and Blessing Box volunteers are currently discussing the future of this ministry, and we will pass along more information as it becomes available. In the meantime, our Food Pantry remains open to the community on Mondays from 9:30 AM until 12:00 PM. Those in need of food should call the church office Monday mornings at 540-343-7685.
Special thanks goes to our Vinton Food Lion, which donated eight cases of oranges to the Boys & Girls Club and the VBC Food Pantry. Thank you, Food Lion, for your generosity!
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