With over 45 years of experience, CHFA Multifamily Lending is your trusted partner. Together, we can build stronger communities by providing safe, secure, and
affordable homes for our fellow Coloradans.
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featured development – meadowood cooperative mhc | |
CHFA recently provided financing to help the resident cooperative purchase the Meadowood Cooperative MHC manufactured home community in Littleton with a $1,184,545 Colorado ROC Acquisition Fund participation loan. The Colorado ROC Acquisition Fund helps homeowners in manufactured home communities in the state purchase their neighborhoods when they come up for sale. The loan to ROC USA Capital allows Meadowood Cooperative MHC to become a Resident-owned Community (ROC), allowing them to collectively set lot rents and share in decisions regarding repairs and enhancements to their community, resulting in preservation of their homes for the long term.
Meadowood Cooperative MHC has 92 manufactured home unit sites. The community serves people aged 55 and older. Eighty percent of the households have incomes below 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Picture courtesy of Thistle ROC
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featured development – hughes station | |
Hughes Station in Brighton recently received $20.5 million in construction to permanent financing from CHFA. Construction to permanent loans finance larger 4 percent Housing Tax Credit properties using Private Activity Bonds (PAB) with CHFA as the senior lender (CAPABLE). The loan also includes a $500,000 Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) loan and $250,000 CMF grant. The CMF program provides up to $750,000 of flexible gap financing for the preservation or construction of 4 percent or 9 percent Housing Tax Credit developments located in eligible areas and with a preference for serving incomes at or below 50 percent of Area Median Income (AMI).
Sponsored by Brighton Housing Authority, Hughes Station involves the acquisition and rehabilitation of an existing apartment building. It has 120 units serving families from 30 percent to 60 percent AMI. CHFA also supported the development with an allocation of $1,185,643 in federal 4 percent Housing Tax Credits in 2024 alongside $16,340,000 in PAB.
Color scheme elevation courtesy of Cuningham Architecture
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chfa podcast, the buildout, features modular construction
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A recent episode of The Buildout, a new podcast from CHFA, explored how developers and builders are using methods like modular construction to build housing faster and for less, without sacrificing quality and design. CHFA Multifamily Lending was proud to support West Holden Place, a middle-income modular housing development in Denver’s Sun Valley neighborhood in 2024. The development was sponsored by Adam Berger Development LLC. Adam Berger Development LLC was featured in The Buildout episode, “Getting Innovative with Modular Housing in Colorado.” You can listen to this episode and others from The Buildout on CHFA’s website, or wherever you normally enjoy podcasts.
CHFA provided $3,000,000 in financing through its Middle-income Access Program (MIAP) for West Holden Place. MIAP provides financing for developments serving middle-income households, sometimes called the “missing middle,” whose incomes are too high to qualify for traditional programs such as developments supported by Housing Tax Credits, but who cannot afford market rate rent without becoming cost burdened.
West Holden Place is a six-story, 77-unit development made up of modular segments assembled onsite, serving individuals and families with incomes from 80 to 120 percent Area Median Income (AMI).
Pictured: West Holden Place Showcase Event
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Our solution-oriented team will help you find the right program to make your project a success. Connect with us today at 1.800.297.2342 or MF-Lending@chfainfo.com. | |
With respect to its programs, services, activities, and employment practices, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority prohibits unlawful discrimination against applicants or employees on the basis of age 40 years and over, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, color, religion, national origin, disability, military status, genetic information, marital status or any other status protected by applicable federal, state or local law. Requests for reasonable accommodation, the provision of auxiliary aids, or any complaints alleging violation of this nondiscrimination policy should be directed to the Nondiscrimination Coordinator, 1.800.877.2432, TDD/TTY 800.659.2656, CHFA, 1981 Blake Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1272, available weekdays 8:00am to 5:00pm. | |
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