April 13, 2023

Dear Members,

Newport Irish Heritage Month 2023 was fun and full of interesting happenings, presented by the Museum and many other groups, bringing folks together once again to celebrate their Irish heritage and the impact of the Irish in building our beloved community.

The weather was certainly cooperative in March. What a pleasure it was to see so many members and friends at the many festive gatherings all over town.

Spring is finally here, and with it, a new Fiscal Year for the organization, which commenced on April 1.

While things may feel "quieter" compared to Newport Irish Heritage Month, you can rest assured that a lot is going on in the organization. The Board and our dedicated member-volunteers are excited about the months ahead.

Here are some highlights; please scroll down the newsletter for all the details:

  • The 2022 Annual Appeal was a great success, raising over $33,000, and supporting our refresh of the Interpretive Center and other core initiatives.
  • The Interpretive Center will open for the 2023 Season on Memorial Day Weekend. Please consider joining our Docent team for the season ahead.
  • A tour of Barney Street Cemetery will be given on Apr. 16. Reserve now if you'd like to attend.
  • A "spring cleanup" at the Cemetery will be announced shortly. This is a great time to join the volunteer team and give an hour or two. Learn about what inspired our latest beautification initiative.
  • Save the Date for our 2023 Annual Meeting & Supper: Sunday, June 11.
  • Membership Renewal Season is here. Those with Annual (vs. Life) memberships are now due for renewal.

Please be sure to scroll down so you can catch all of our essential springtime news.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you, so if you have something to share, a suggestion, insight, question, or other contribution, please contact me directly by email or phone. Our continued growth and the organization's vibrancy are thanks to YOU!

Best regards,

Deanna- signature scan first name only

Deanna J. Conheeny, President

Board of Directors

(401) 829-0098 - mobile


Mar. 20 2022 Barney St. tour_Larry Bartley photo

March 2022 tour of the Barney St. Cemetery. Photo by Larry Bartley.

As part of R.I. Historical Cemeteries Awareness & Preservation Weeks, the Museum is offering an additional tour of the Barney Street Cemetery, Sunday, April 16, at 12:30 p.m.

This tour of the final resting place of many of Newport's early Irish immigrants and the site of Rhode Island's first Catholic church (1828), is approximately 30 minutes long, and will be given by local researcher and guide, Steve Marino, a member of our board of directors. The tour is given weather permitting. Light rain won’t stop the tour, but torrential downfalls and high winds will result in cancellation.

No fee but reservations are requested.

For reservations, directions, and information about the cemetery, click the below button.

Reserve for Apr. 16 Cemetery Tour

Note: The Museum also added an additional tour of the circa 1850

St. Mary's Cemetery, on Apr. 23, but that remains fully reserved. To inquire about a spot on the waiting list write to Ann at

2022 Annual Appeal Wrap-Up

The 2022-2023 Annual Appeal

was a great success!

257 Members & Friends of the Museum

made one or more gift to the Appeal.

Total raised: $33,160

We are grateful for all these generous & thoughtful gifts!

thank you organge and green

Thank You to all who contributed to the

2022 Annual Appeal!

Click the Button for an alphabetical list of donors, reflecting gifts through

March 31, 2023, which marked the end of our 2022-23 Fiscal Year.

Donor List


  • Donors: while every effort has been made to report your gift and memorial designation as you intended, please now click the above link, find your listing, and review it for accuracy. Please send any desired corrections to:
  • As the Appeal is now closed, we will produce a large donor board to recognize the names of all individuals, foundations, and organizations that have contributed to the appeal, along with any dedication provided (i.e. gifts "in memory of" or "in honor of.")
  • The board will be displayed at our Interpretive Center and special events, as we did for the 2020 Appeal

Barney Street Cemetery Springtime Update

Join the team!

Cemetery Apr 14 2022_#2

The Barney Street Cemetery at the corner of Barney & Mt. Vernon Streets

April 2022 (photo by Tim May)

With the financial, in-kind, and hands-on support of our members and friends, the Museum restored the St. Joseph/Barney Street Cemetery in 1998-1999. The organization was established in 1996; this was our first big public project.

The ongoing maintenance and beautification of this site, so central to the early history of the Irish in Newport, remains one of our core initiatives, under the stewardship of board member Jack McCormack, head of the Cemetery Committee.

Earlier this year, we removed an enormous, ancient, but diseased chestnut tree from the site and are now planning for its replacement. The replacement will be a Yoshino Cherry Tree, an early bloomer and the most popular flowering cherry tree. It will be a beautiful addition to this special place which honors the memory of many of Newport's earliest Irish immigrants and is also a tranquil, park-like space in Newport's Historic Hill neighborhood. We are proud that it is one of the most beautifully maintained cemeteries in Newport County.

The purchase and installation of this new tree have been made possible through the generosity of the family and friends of the late John J. Brennan, himself an immigrant from Ireland and a former neighbor of the site. After Mr. Brennan's passing late last year, his family thoughtfully suggested memorial donations to the Museum of Newport Irish History. With the family's agreement, we are using these gifts to beautify the site and honor his memory by adding this new tree.

Now, "Spring has Sprung," and shortly, Jack will announce the next work session at the site. Current and new volunteers will be invited to join us and lend a hand. If you are interested in being added to the list of volunteers who receive our cemetery work session E-invites, please send a note to

Yoshimo Cherry Tree

Photo of a Yoshino Cherry Tree (source:

Interpretive Center to Open for 2023 Season

Photo by Allan Millora

Memorial Day Weekend will mark the 2023 Season opening for our Lower Thames Street Interpretive Center. We will be open Friday through Sunday, May 26-27-28, from Noon to 5:00 p.m.

2023 season regular hours will be Thursday through Sunday, from Noon to 5:00 p.m., through the last Sunday in October (Oct. 29).

(Closed Mon.-Wed.). Private visits at other times can be arranged by appointment by writing to

Even if you've visited in the past, we hope you will stop in and see our newly "refreshed" look, made possible by your generous gifts to our Annual Appeal. Our wonderful docent-volunteers, under the leadership of Center Manager, Steve Marino, look forward to hosting you and sharing the story of Irish immigration to Newport and the contributions made to our community by individuals of Irish descent.

For more information, please visit our website.

Interesting in joining our Docent team for the 2023 season?

Steve Marino would love to speak with you! Please get in touch with Steve at or (860) 995-7367.


Please "save the date" for our 2023 Annual Meeting,

to which all members are warmly invited.

The meeting and supper will be Sunday, June 11 beginning at 4 p.m. at Hibernian Hall in Newport. Reservations will be required, and one may attend the meeting (only) or the meeting & supper.

Details to follow.

An invitation will be mailed to all members of record.


As March 31 marked the end of the Museum's 2022-23 Fiscal Year, April 1 kicks off Membership Renewal Season.

Nearly 70% of our memberships are Annual memberships (vs. Life), which are due for renewal at this time of the year. The annual fee for an Individual membership remains $20, and a Family/Household membership is $30 (applies to all living at the same address).

Please, help us defray printing and postage expenses by taking a moment to RENEW NOW online by clicking the "Membership Renewal" button at the bottom of this e-newsletter.

If you prefer to pay by check, please send payable to "MNIH" with "Membership" in the Memo line to us at PO Box 1378, Newport, RI, 02840. If your contact information has changed, please complete a Membership Form, which you may download and print HERE.

If you are unsure of your membership status,

please email Ann at before making a payment, and she'll get right back to you.


Please do not send payments or correspondence to our

seasonal Thames Street Interpretive Center address.

Please use our Post Office Box. Thank you!

News you may have Missed

  • Irish Heritage Month final events (Mar. 23) - click here
  • St. Patrick's Day, Mar. 29 lecture (Mar. 17) - click here
  • March/Irish Heritage Month E-News (Feb. 26) - click here
  • February E-News (Feb. 5) - click here

An Achieve of past newsletters may be found on the "Newsletters" page of our website, under "Resources"

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Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

(please do not send mail to the Thames St. address)

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors contact info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website
Membership Renewals