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February 2023 Newsletter

Breathe Represents at Energy Independence Summit

Breathe CEO Margo Sidener, Clean Cities Program Director, attended the 17th Annual Energy Independence Summit in Washington DC on February 13-15, attending roundtables on new clean transportation trends, meeting with top federal agency leaders, and participating in Capitol Hill Day meetings with House and Senate offices to showcase our work and educate decision makers about the importance of federal clean transportation incentives and investments. The federal government is investing over $100 billion to advance clean fuels and vehicles, some of which will fund our Clean Cities programs.

Pictured above, the Northern California group at the Energy Independence Summit in Washington D.C. run by Transportation and Energy Partnership

Long COVID: "Living like an empty gas tank with a leak"

In a recent study published in PLoS ONE journal, DMV CEAL team researchers researched the impact of living with Long COVID. The mixed methods study found that participants encountered difficulty coping, restrictions to everyday activities, invisibility of symptoms, and barriers to receiving care. Learn more about the experience of those living with Long COVID.

You can also access the Long COVID information and resources we provide on our own website.

What is the COPD National Action Plan?

COPD affects 1 in 8 Americans aged 45 and older. More than 16 million have been diagnosed and millions more are unaware that they have it. The COPD National Action plan is “the first-ever blueprint for a multifaceted, unified fight against this disease.” Read the Action Plan, learn more about COPD, and access helpful resources on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s website.

You will also find videos, information and resources on our COPD page.

"Promoting Environmental Justice

with Safer Building Materials"

On Wednesday, March 1 at 11am PT please join our partners at Collaborative for Health & Environment for this informative webinar. Expert panelists will explore the disproportionate exposure of pregnant people, infants, children of color and other vulnerable populations to toxic chemicals and the ways in which choosing healthier building materials can protect vulnerable populations. Register to attend.

3 Ways a Pre-Owned EV Can Earn You Up to $4,000

Breathe California is proud to support the PG&E Pre-Owned EV Rebate program. Just like Breathe California, PG&E believes that our environment is precious and that everyone should be able to afford a cleaner-fueled vehicle. That’s why they offer rebates of up to $4,000 when you purchase or lease a pre-owned electric vehicle. Plus, your EV will save you money every time you drive by reducing fuel, parts, and maintenance costs. Learn more.

If you have not already received your annual influenza shot,

do so as soon as possible. This is expected to be a bad flu season!

The Breathe California Team

Please be safe!