School pick-up and drop off: Please do not park in the First Presbyterian School/Church parking lot during either of these times. Utilize street parking along 4th and 5th streets, please.
Advent Performance: will be TONIGHT for grades 2-8. 8th-graders need to be in place in the basilica at 5:45. Grades 2-7 need to be in place at 6:00. The performance begins at 6:30 sharp.Students may wear black/navy pants and shoes with white, green, or red shirts.
* (Grades Prek-1st will perform following next Wednesday's (12/18/24) mass.)
HSA update: So far this month the HSA has created a winter wonderland in the cafeteria, hosted The Donut Bus for teachers and students, and had Santa visit on Dec. 6.
This week, HSA volunteers were on campus Tuesday helping students make Christmas gifts for loved ones. Thursday is the Feast of Guadalupe and students will receive bracelets from the Villa of Mexico City where Mary appeared to Juan Diego. The bracelets have been blessed in mass. Please keep these to remind you of the love our Mother has for us.