Weekly eNews

February 24, 2023

Sister Hannah, CSM

Sunday Preacher &

Sunday Forum Guest

This Sunday, February 26

Join us this Sunday as we welcome special guest, Sister Hannah who is an Episcopal Nun and the Prioress of the Community of St. Mary's in Sewanee, TN. We will also be celebrating Religious Life Sunday and exploring the Episcopalians who are living under vows (including: monks, nuns, sisters, brothers, friars). We invite you to celebrate Religious Life Sunday and to learn more about the spiritual support that we offer. CLICK HERE to view the Religious Life flyer.

“Simply Gorge-ous Concert”

Royal Gorge Philharmonic

This Saturday, Feb. 25, 4:00 PM

The Royal Gorge Philharmonic will be back at St. Michael's this Saturday, February 25 at 4:00 PM with a special concert featured Organ Soloist, Daniel Foster. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets and learn more about this special concert. Questions? Contact

Lenten Soup Suppers with The Saint John’s Bible

Wednesdays, March 1

5:30 - 7:00 PM

Join us for food, fellowship, and formation on Wednesday evenings in Lent. Enjoy dinner and fellowship from 5:30 - 6:15’ish and then The Rev. Matt Holcombe will walk us through different parts of The Saint John’s Bible each Wednesday. CLICK HERE to RSVP.

A Season with

The Saint John's Bible

See The Saint John's Bible on Wednesdays during the Lent Soup Suppers and on Sunday mornings with our trained Docents. On Sunday the Bible will be on display between the services in the Gathering Space (9:00 - 10:15 AM) and after the 10:30 AM Service for 30 minutes. This is the first hand-written and illuminated Bible in English in over 500 years. CLICK HERE to learn more about The Saint John's Bible.

40-Days of Giving

Help support St. Michael’s Outreach Partners this Lent by donating 1, 5, 10, or all 40 of the essentials listed on the 40 days of Giving list. Each donation makes a difference. CLICK HERE to download the list. Pick up a donation bag and list this Sunday in the gathering space.

This Sunday, February 26

First Sunday in Lent

Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 11:45 AM

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

- Worship Bulletin

Join us for Coffee Hour & Fellowship after each Service.

Education & More!

9:15 AM Education for Children & Youth meet in St. Andrew's Hall.

9:15 AM - Education for All

- Religious Life Sunday Forum

with Sr Hannah

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

6:00 PM - Youth Council

February & March Sunday Volunteer Sign Up

An update from The Rev. Angela Lerena

February 24, 2023

First, thank you all so much for the prayers, cards, meals, and texts over the last two months. We have felt your love and support and it keeps us going. Medically, I continue to steadily improve. My double vision is improving and my ophthalmologist is hopeful that I will regain my complete vision without the use of medication. I continue to sleep and rest every day in order to heal some significant stroke scars and as I do that, my memory improves. My neurologist believes I will make a full recovery with time. 

As many of you have heard, when we went to the hospital, we found out we were expecting our second set of twins. After being released from the hospital, we had a routine ultrasound that revealed Baby B had stopped growing. This is known as a “vanishing twin.” While we have been grieving, we also know that Baby B would not have survived. Something in the DNA code was not quite right. There is nothing we, nor the hospital could have done differently to prevent this outcome. Baby A continues to grow and has a strong heartbeat and is being monitored by a great OB who we trust. She has a plan for close monitoring through the rest of the pregnancy. For the foreseeable future, I will be on short term disability while my brain and body continue to heal and help our baby grow. I miss you all greatly. Love, Angela+, Rico, Jayden & Ashton

The Space Between Us

New Group begins Feb. 27

Would you like to be a better listener?

“The Space Between Us” is a six week workshop that dives into the foundational communication topics of empathetic listening and conflict resolution, as well as providing strategies to better understand ourselves and others. This class is open for all ages. Facilitated by Owen Copps. $50 registration covers dinner and materials. CLICK HERE.

Spiritual Direction

During Lent

Sue Caruthers, Spiritual Director, is available in the prayer room on select dates during Lent. Discernment appointments are open to anyone, 30-45 minutes each with a topic of your choice. Please call Sue to schedule (719) 649-3520. Available dates: Thursday's: March 9, and March 23 - 6 - 8 PM

Wednesday's: March 1, 15, and 29 - 1 - 3 PM

Fr. Paul Lautenschlager

Sunday, March 5, 2023

On Sunday, March 5, we welcome The Rev. Paul Lautenschlager to St. Michael's to celebrate his 50th anniversary to the priesthood. Fr. Paul has served churches in Pennsylvania, Missouri, Illinois, and Colorado. Before retiring, Fr. Paul was the rector at St. Michael's from 2001 to 2012. Since his retirement, Fr. Paul has been serving as a supply priest and short term interim in 12 churches across the Sangre de Cristo Region and throughout the Diocese of Colorado. We are delighted to celebrate with Paul and Nancy!

Traditionally, Lent invites us to refrain from something as to make more room for God in our life. But what may it look like if you/we approach Lent as a gift? This year during the season of Lent, St. Michael's will be focusing on the unexpected gift of Lent. We invite you to join us for opportunities that will deepen your relationship with God and explore the gifts of community and connection. Pick up a Lent Flyer of Events this Sunday. Pick up a flyer this Sunday for a schedule of activities during Lent. CLICK HERE

Lent Information, Events, & Happenings

S.M.A.S.H. Event

March 3, 11:00 AM

It has been several years since S.M.A.S.H. (St. Michael's Active Senior Happenings) toured this museum and there have been many changes. Join us for an early lunch, 11:00 AM, at Jack Quinn's Irish Pub, 21 S. Tejon Street. And then a short 4 minute walk to the museum for our guided tour that begins at 12:30, 215 S. Tejon Street. Cost of Tour: Donation only. CLICK HERE to sign up.

20s & 30s Group

Theology On Tap

Friday, March 3 - 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Bristol Brewing Company - St. Michael's 20s & 30s are invited to gather at Bristol Brewing company for Theology on Tap with Father Matt! Do you have burning theological questions? Do you want to hear what your peers are wondering about in their faith lives? If you answered yes, (or just want to hang out with your St. Mike's family) then come join us on Friday, March 3! CLICK HERE to let us know you're coming!

Youth Service Day

March 4, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Middle & High schoolers are invited to join Episcopal Youth from around the diocese of Colorado in a day of service. We will be traveling to Denver to serve at the St. Clare's Ministry which supports people experiencing homelessness and poverty in the Denver area. They do this by offering meals, clothing, and spiritual support to all who come through their doors. Please arrive at St. Michael's at 8:00 AM for departure and we will return between 5:00 - 5:30 PM! CLICK HERE to sign up.

Monmouth College Chorale Tuesday, March 7 - 7:00 PM

The Monmouth College Chorale will present a concert at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, as part of the group’s spring break performance tour to Colorado. The 31-member choir, directed by Dr. Tim Pahel, will perform a wide variety of literature. Please help support them by attending this wonderful event! Donations are accepted and will benefit the Chorale and St. Michael’s Music Program. If you are able to provide a meal for their potluck dinner, please contact This Concert will be Livestreamed.

St. Mike's Softball Team

First Game March 14

Join the St. Mike's Softball Team! We will play weekly games on Tuesday nights at Cottonwood Creek Park (3920 Dublin Blvd) beginning on March 14. Cost is $15 per person. All are welcome! (18+) We are required by the league to have an even split of female & male identifying players. Please register accordingly! CLICK HERE to sign up today! Questions? Contact Co-Captian's Brett Wandfluh or Melanie Llaña

Turkey & Syria Earthquake $1,000 Donation

ERD (Episcopal Relief & Development) with the ACT Alliance has responded to the Turkey & Syria Earthquake with 40,000 winterization kits (that include blankets, pajamas and mattresses) and has 230 buildings, including church halls, mosques, schools and municipal halls, set up shelters. St. Michael's Outreach has made a $1,000 donation through ERD to help with earthquake relief. Learn more & donate:

Parish Retreat & Family Camp Interest Form

This year St. Mike’s will be hosting a duel Parish Retreat & Family Camp on August 4-6 at YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park. There will be activities, games, and programming for all ages! Please fill out this interest form to help us decide how many rooms we should reserve for this awesome weekend!!!

CLICK HERE. Cost will range from $500 - $700 depending on family size. Questions? Email

Turkey & Greece Pilgrimage

Join The Rev. Matt Holcombe for an unforgettable journey to the lands of ancient treasures and Christian history as we walk where Paul, John, and other apostles walked from August 30 - September 9. We begin our journey in Turkey followed by a 3-day Mediterranean Cruise and multiple days in Greece. CLICK HERE to learn more or contact Rev. Matt directly.

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, February 24

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

11:30 AM - Widow's Support Group Offsite

1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in Prayer Room

7:00 PM - Royal Gorge Philharmonic Rehearsal in Sanctuary

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, February 25

8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship in St. Francis

9:00 AM - Lenten Quiet Day in St. Andrew's/St. Mary's

10:00 AM - Royal Gorge Philharmonic Rehearsal in Sanctuary

11:00 AM - Youth Ice Skating at Evergreen Lake

4:00 PM - Simply Gorge-ous Concert and Reception

Sunday, February 26

7:45 AM - 11:30 AM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under. Join us for Coffee Hour after the service in St. Mary's Hall.

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist

9:15 AM - Education for Children & Youth in St. Andrew's Hall

9:15 AM - Religious Life Sunday Forum with Sr. Hannah in the Church

9:45 AM - Choir Rehearsal

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist

6:00 PM - Youth Council

Monday, February 27

9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite

6:00 PM - The Space Between Us in St. Mary's

Tuesday, February 28

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM - Staff Meetings

9:30 AM - Spiritual Direction in Prayer Room

3:30 PM - Girl Scouts

6:30 PM - Sacred Water in St. Mary's

6:30 PM - Boy Scouts

6:45 PM - Chapel Reserved

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, March 1

12:00 PM - Healing Service and Eucharist in St Francis Chapel

12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel

1:00 PM - Prayer Room Reserved

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

5:30 PM - Lenten Soup Supper and The Saint John's Bible

5:30 PM - Middle School Youth Group in St Andrew's

7:00 PM - High School Youth Group in St Andrew's

Thursday, March 2

5:30 PM - Cub Scout Den Meeting in St. Andrew's

6:00 PM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality

6:30 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal

6:30 PM - Light for the Journey in High School Classroom

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, March 3

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

11:00 AM - S.M.A.S.H Pioneer & Jack Quinn's Offsite

6:30 PM - Theology on Tap Offsite

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, March 4

9:00 AM - Kairos in St Mary's

9:00 AM - Outreach Retreat & Fieldtrip - Offsite

9:00 AM - Youth One Day Mission Offsite

2:00 PM - Caregiver's Support Group in Chapel


Birthdays This Week:

February 26 - Josh Fenton

February 26 - Alicia Holcombe

February 27 - Jan Hill

February 27 - Caroline Marshall

February 28 - Debra Deverell

March 1 - Jim Dennison

March 2 - Al Creely

March 2 - Mary Beth Shively

March 3 - Russ Howell

March 3 - Pam Kellen

March 3 - Katie Trevillian

March 3 - Pete Wilson

Anniversaries This Week:

March 1 - Don & Lania Bryant

March 1 - Linda & Kent Waterman

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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