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Details for Brighton Vision Night This Sunday

Drew Karschner, Scott Bixby, and our Brighton Campus Pastor will be sharing the vision for our Brighton Campus this year and what role you can help play as Group Leaders.


See Campus Map below so you'll know where to go when you arrive.

We will begin our time together right at 5pm in the gym of our Brighton Campus (2090 South Clinton Ave. 14618).

Please allow enough time to check-in and drop off your kids, locate your fellow groupies and find a seat by 5pm. 


The Brighton Campus building is located behind a gastroenterology building and we share parking. You can park next to either building.


You can grab your meal and a drink in the back of the gym as you head in.

At 5pm we'll welcome you and have some questions for you to discuss at your tables as you eat.

Here is our Chipotle menu:

You have 4 options: 

  • Chicken Burrito
  • Carnitas Burrito
  • Veggie Burrito (Vegetarian Option)
  • Chicken Salad (Gluten Free Option)

Each burrito will come with brown rice, black beans, cheese (mix of monterey jack and white cheddar), fresh tomato salsa, & your choice of protein. Each salad comes with chicken, brown rice, black beans, cheese (mix of monterey jack and white cheddar), fresh tomato salsa and dressing on the side.

We'll also have sides of chips, salsa, guacamole, & sour cream.

Allergy Options: If you requested something different because of allergy or dietary restrictions, there will be a table with food set aside for you.

Drinks: water, coffee, soda, and tea.

Forget what menu items you chose? Click the button for a refresher.
Your RSVP Choices

Kids Stuff

1. CHECK-IN: Check-in your kids (at the check-in station to the left of the main entrance), and drop them off in the locations listed below.  

2. KIDS LOCATIONS: (See Map Below)

  • Babies (ages 0-23 months = Nursery)  
  • Preschool (ages 2-3 Room)
  • Preschool (ages 4-5 Room)  
  • Elementary (ages 6-11 = Gym) 

3. DINNER FOR KIDS: We will provide dinner and snacks

  • Nursery (0-23 months): veggie stix, animal crackers, apple sauce pouches
  • Preschool (Ages 2-5): Salvators pizza, fruit snacks, applesauce pouches, veggie stix, graham crackers, animal crackers, water bottles, juice boxes
  • Elementary (Ages 6-11): Salvators pizza, apple slices, cheese doodles, veggie stix, popcorn, cookies, water bottles, juice boxes
  • If your child needs something different for dietary reasons, please plan accordingly.  

4. KEEP YOUR PHONE HANDY: Just in case the kids volunteers need to contact you if your baby or child needs you for a few minutes.


We'll wrap things up right at 6:30pm.  You'll have a chance to explore the building before you head home.

Group Leader Resources