My Four Pillars of Healthy Weight Loss

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• Mindset

How to set and achieve your goals

Working towards a goal can make you happier, but how you set goals in the first place can make a big difference. Here’s what you need to know.


Research proves that setting goals and going in pursuit of them is linked to increased happiness. But because how you set or ‘frame’ a goal, to begin with can influence how likely you are to achieve it, it’s important to start off on the right foot. “If you plan ahead, focus on changing your behavior, and set smaller goals along the way, you are more likely to achieve success,” says clinical and health psychologist, Dr. Leah Brennan.


The smart goal-setting guide

If you want to be able to run 10km in six months’ time, Dr. Brennan suggests breaking it down into smaller goals. “If you aim to run an extra 500m every two weeks, you’re more likely to meet your mini-goals while you work towards your bigger goal.” Best of all, achieving each mini-goal will motivate you and boost your self-esteem and confidence along the way.

Dr. Brennan shares six key points to keep in mind when you’re goal setting:

1/ Be Specific

When setting a goal, it needs to be specific rather than vague. So instead of ‘I’m going to do more exercise this week’, say ‘I’m going to walk for 30 minutes a day, on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday’.


2/ Make it Measurable

How else will you know if you’re hitting the target? So make sure you can measure your goal. If your goal is to start every day with a healthy breakfast, try to track what you eat throughout the day on My Day, so you can visually see progress and keep yourself honest.


3/ Make sure it’s Achievable

A goal needs to easily fit in with your real life, which can be chaotic at times, in order to be achievable. Don’t plan to get up early every morning to exercise if you have a week of late nights ahead and will be too tired to get up.


4/ Keep it Relevant

A goal needs to be personally relevant to you on a day-to-day basis. For example, if you walk up a big hill every day on your way to work, aim to walk up it without feeling out of breath. Goals that are not relevant to you are unlikely to be motivating.


5/ Do it in Time

You need to set a time limit to keep yourself accountable and on track. Perhaps you want to run 5K? Set a time limit of how many months it will take you to get there.


6/ Reward yourself

Each mini goal deserves praise. A reward needs to be something that’s meaningful to you. For example, a massage or those new shoes you’ve had your eye on. Forget buying new running shoes if you don’t see them as a reward.😉

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