Monday, December 2, 2024

Dear Community Member,

The Community, Housing and Human Services Department has been working closely with the community and providers to ensure key projects get up and running.

The City & County of Spokane are looking for the community's feedback on the 2025-2030 5-Year Strategic Plan to Prevent & End Homelessness. Please scan the QR code or click here for a link to the survey.

Inclement Weather Shelter Beds

CHHS has partnered with multiple community organizations in an effort to expand shelter bed availability when the temperature reaches inclement weather activation criteria pursuant to SMC 18.05.020 which requires warming shelter beds to be activated when the temperature is predicted by the National Weather Service to be 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Unsheltered homeless individuals or other vulnerable individuals seeking shelter from inclement weather conditions can visit for bed availability and contact information.

Inclement Weather Bed Shelters for 2024-2025

Hope House

10 Beds for Women

House of Charity

35 Beds for Men

St. Margaret's Shelter

2 Family Units (7 beds per unit for Families with Children)


15 Beds (10 for Men & 5 for Families (up to 3 people with minor children)

The Way Out Center

25 Beds for Adults

2025 Annual Point-In-Time Count

The Point in Time Count and Survey (PIT) is a yearly, nationwide event with a mission: to identify and better serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The data collected during this event helps secure millions of dollars in funding for vital resources, informs policy at every level, and guides how our community allocates resources. This data is sent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Washington State Department of Commerce, giving them a snapshot of people experiencing both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness in Spokane County. 

Volunteers are needed to count and survey persons experiencing homelessness in the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, and throughout Spokane County. Volunteers are required to attend one of our virtual training sessions. If you're interested in volunteering for the 2025 Point-In-Time Count, scan the QR code below or visit

CHHS Shoutout!

The Community, Housing and Human Services Department appreciates all of the community partnerships! We would like to send a THANK YOU to the CHHS Board and the RFP Committees (Request For Proposals) for all of their dedication to the Spokane Community. Volunteerism is the bedrock of a healthy and involved community!

Eviction Prevention RFP

The Community, Housing and Human Services (CHHS) Department is pleased to announce a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Eviction Prevention. These funds are provided through the Washington State Department of Commerce System Demonstration Grant. The chosen providers will administer homelessness prevention funds which help households who are at risk of homelessness to maintain or obtain stable housing and avoid homelessness. Services include housing-focused case management and temporary rent subsidies. Completed applications are due on Sunday, December 8, 2024 by 8 pm.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) RFP

The City of Spokane’s Community, Housing, and Human Services (CHHS) Department is seeking proposals for CDBG eligible projects that are highly viable, cost-effective, project-ready, and that leverage additional funding from public and private sources. An estimated combined $4,246,000 in funding is available through this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Capital Applications that address facility improvements for non-profits, more or improved childcare facilities, multi-family rental housing rehabilitation will be prioritized for funding. Public Services/Economic Development Applications that address the community priorities of mental health services, childcare services, and job training programs will be prioritized for funding. Home Rehabilitation Applications that address repair and rehabilitation of single-family homes will be prioritized for funding. Homeownership Applications that address home ownership opportunities for households earning 80% AMI or less will be prioritized for funding. Review the complete CDBG 2025 Request for Proposals. Completed applications are due on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 by 5 pm.

Citizens are encouraged to attend CHHS Board meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month from 4-6 p.m. Meetings are held at Spokane City Hall in the City Council Briefing Center. Virtual/hybrid options are available by emailing Public comment is allowed on items relevant to the CHHS Board during the first 10 minutes of each meeting. Agendas are posted online before each meeting.

Know the Number Flyer

Outlines Service Lines

To assist the community with which number to call during different service-related needs, the City built the "Know the Number" flyer.

The flyer provides details on how and when to call, as well as what the services should be utilized for. Read the blog post for more information.

View and Share the Flyer

Consider Giving to Give Real Change

One way to give toward homeless efforts in the community is the City-operated Give Real Change program started several years ago. 

You can give at kiosks at the Spokane Transit Authority Plaza and Spokane International Airport, through your online utility bill or by contacting 311 at City Hall.

The funding has been used to support the annual Homeless Connect event, Point-in-Time Count and providers. 

We want your feedback and tidbits!

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