Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) RFP
The City of Spokane’s Community, Housing, and Human Services (CHHS) Department is seeking proposals for CDBG eligible projects that are highly viable, cost-effective, project-ready, and that leverage additional funding from public and private sources. An estimated combined $4,246,000 in funding is available through this Request for Proposals (RFP).
Capital Applications that address facility improvements for non-profits, more or improved childcare facilities, multi-family rental housing rehabilitation will be prioritized for funding. Public Services/Economic Development Applications that address the community priorities of mental health services, childcare services, and job training programs will be prioritized for funding. Home Rehabilitation Applications that address repair and rehabilitation of single-family homes will be prioritized for funding. Homeownership Applications that address home ownership opportunities for households earning 80% AMI or less will be prioritized for funding. Review the complete CDBG 2025 Request for Proposals. Completed applications are due on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 by 5 pm.