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Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Feb. 2025 Newsletter






In this Issue...

  • Creating and Sustaining Youth Advisory Boards (YABs): A Toolkit for Health and Human Services
  • PODCAST: UMass Chan the Voices features Dr. Lourah Kelly
  • The latest S.T.A.Y. Tuned podcast episodes
  • HYPE on Campus: Initial Results Webinar
  • New article: Peer Academic Supports for Success: Pilot Randomised Controlled Feasibility Trial in Early Intervention in Psychiatry
  • The CIRC Center's two new tips sheets & YouTube Shorts
  • Dr. Kathryn Sabella named CAPES Emerging Scholar
  • Follow us on Bluesky social

New Resource: An Online Toolkit

Do you want to add youth voice to your organization, but don’t know how? Come and see our new free online toolkit that provides tools and techniques for building and sustaining a young adult advisory council. 

We designed and tested it to be adaptable for the unique population your organization serves.

Explore the Online Toolkit

white woman with dark wavy hair

PODCAST: UMass Chan the Voices features Dr. Lourah Kelly

Adults ages 18 to 25 consistently report the highest rates of co-occurring alcohol use disorder and suicidal thoughts. In this episode of Voices of UMass Chan podcast, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research faculty member Lourah Kelly, PhD, discusses how she uses avatar therapy for alcohol use disorder and suicide prevention among young adults.

Listen to Dr. Kelley's Episode

New S.T.A.Y. Tuned Podcast Episodes

silhouette of head and shoulders wearing headphones

Finding Personal Fulfillment as a YA: Careers, Community & the Help That Gets Us There

In this episode we dive into the impactful work of MassAbility (formerly Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission). Amanda Baczko, from MassAbility, shares personal insights from her journey with her mental health and professional exploration, offering a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of navigating career and personal exploration with a disability.

STAY Tuned Ep. 23 

Living with a Disability - Work, Life & Self-Advocacy with Destiny Maxam

Destiny is a therapist who shares her story about self-advocacy and navigating life with chronic illness and a spinal cord injury while building a career in the mental health field.

STAY Tuned Ep. 22

View all of our podcasts and transcripts HERE.

Webinar: HYPE on Campus: Initial Results from an Educational Support Intervention for Young Adult Students with Mental Health Conditions

Hype on Campus Initial Results Webinar autoplay on YouTube

Our most recent webinar "HYPE on Campus: Initial Results from an Educational Support Intervention for Young Adult Students with Mental Health Conditions" is now available.

This webinar describes a new service for young adult college students with mental health conditions: "HYPE on Campus". This service helps young people develop critical skills, including executive functioning, so that students can meet the challenges of college and more effectively utilize resources on campus. 

Access the Webinar on our Website

group of college students around a table studying

New Publication on the Peer Academic Supports for Success: Pilot Randomised Controlled Feasibility Trial

This newly published paper by the Learning & Working RRTC (2014-2019) Peer Academic Coaching Support for College Students (PASS) team reviews the feasibility and preliminary impact of the Pass Coaching Model in this pilot randomized controlled feasibility trial.

PASS is a college student peer intervention model to help students with mental health conditions sustain academic success.

Read the Article in the Early Intervention in Psychiatry Journal

New Tip Sheets from The CIRC Center

What is Community Participation

Community participation is used in mental health services and research to refer to community-based activities that promote overall health and wellness. However, many people find this concept to be confusing, vague, and hard to understand.

This tip sheet will define “community participation,” describe relevant experiences of young adults (ages 14–26) with serious mental health conditions (SMHC) from populations that have been marginalized, and provide reflections from our various advisory boards of young adults, family members, and professionals in the field.

YT Short: Joshua breaks down community participation.

Read / Download the Tip Sheet

Demystifying Civic Engagement: How to Make Your Voice Heard (Beyond Voting!) & 5 Tips to Get Started

Civic engagement describes the process taken by individuals or groups to identify and address issues of concern within their communities.

This tip sheet outlines 5 ways to get involved in civic engagement that are in addition to voting OR that can be done before you’re old enough to vote.

YT Short: Joshua explains how to make your voice heard.

Read / Download the Tip Sheet
Kathryn Sabella white woman long blonde hair

Kathryn Sabella, PhD Named CAPES Emerging Scholar

Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research Director, Kathryn Sabella, PhD was recently named a CAPES Suicide Prevention Emerging Scholar! The goal of the CAPES Scholar program is to strengthen the suicide prevention workforce and foster the next generation of research-driven suicide prevention experts. Congratulations to Dr. Sabella and the other Year 2 cohorts. 

Learn More About CAPES

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We're on Bluesky

We are thrilled to announce that we have joined the Bluesky social app. You can find us via our handle: Be sure to follow us here and on our all social channels.


Technical Assistance activities are an extension of the research and training activities of the Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research. Our TA services can range from simple resource referrals to on-site development of a formal TA plan (including fact-finding, goals, responsibilities, timelines, and evaluation measures). We are ready to help you develop programs, polices, and practices that support the community participation, educational, and employment outcomes of youth with mental health conditions.

Please complete the form below for Technical Assistance from Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research. Please note that we do not provide clinical consultation, behavioral services, or referrals.

Request Technical Assistance


Adulting Shorts:


Memes Created by Young Adults for Young Adults

Young Adult Blogs

S.T.A.Y. Tuned:

Young Adult Podcast

Tip Sheets for Young Adults/their Supporters

Webinars about Topics on Young Adult Mental Health


Community ParticipationEmploymentEducationLife Skills

Select publications are available in Mandarin (普通话出版物 Pǔtōnghuà chūbǎn wù), Portuguese (Português), Spanish (español) and Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)


The Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research (Transitions ACR) promotes the full participation in socially valued roles of transition-age youth and young adults (ages 14-30) with serious mental health conditions. Transitions to ACR is located within the Implementation Science and Practice Advances Research Center (iSPARC) and houses The CIRC Center and Learning & Working During the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research & Training Center, among other projects.

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As a Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Research Center of Excellence located within the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School, iSPARC aims to improve the mental and behavioral health of all citizens of Massachusetts and beyond.

Some of the contents of this message are supported in part under grants with funding from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, (NIDILRR), United States Departments of Health and Human Services (NIDILRR grant numbers 90RTEM0005, 90RTCP0010 and 90RTEM0012) and co-funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services. The contents of this message do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, SAMHSA, or HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.