April 11, 2023
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

Congratulations Bob!

Chris Augustin
Director/Soil Scientist
Dickinson Research Extension Center
Robert (Bob) Paluck started his career at the Dickinson Research Extension Center in April of 1986 and has been a technician at the ranch. After riding for the brand for nearly 37 years, Bob has retired. Bob has served the people of North Dakota well be caring for our cattle, managing crops, and assisting with livestock data collection. That valuable information has then been used to improve the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers who put into practice the applied research findings.

We will all miss Bob’s perpetual smile. I am confident that the grin will be much bigger as he’ll have more time to spend with his grandkids. We are sad to see a devoted and hardworking team member leave us, but we wish Bob all the best!

Congratulations Bob and thank you for all that you have accomplished! 

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