A Message from Candace
This month, October has a number of safety designations. There is National Teen Safety Week, National Pedestrian Safety Month, National School Bus Safety Week and National Pet Wellness Month. We write about all of them on our website. We provide safety tips for those whose pets are like a member of the family. I will never understand how pet owners can leave their pets unrestrained while traveling in a car or truck. It makes you wonder if they secure their children.
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable on our roads. Today's drivers seem to believe that speeding, driving while using their cell phones and Bluetooth and ignoring stop signs are a right of passage despite the potential harm they could bring to a family out for a Sunday walk. Everyone is a pedestrian at one time or another and if we all drove the way we would want someone else to drive while our friends and family were out walking, lives would be saved.
We also share ways in which we can keep our children safe while travelling on school buses. School bus safety is a definite priority this time of year. One of the most heartbreaking statistics is that 52% – Over half of school-age pedestrians killed in school transportation related crashes were 5- to 10-years-old.
However, in light of all these depressing stats is that we have the power to change all this. All we have to do is drive safe, obey the rules, eliminate distractions and always think of ending up at our destination tragedy free. We want to help you do that! Please read and share our website and articles. Thank you.
Because I care . . .