Preschool Programs
Sea Squirts used their five senses to explore rocks. They described and sorted rocks, used fine motor skills to clean them and paint them, and decorated rock collection boxes.
Little Dippers explored muskeg, lake, mountain, and forest ecosystems in sun, snow, and rain. They investigated animals in winter – migration, hibernation, and camouflage – through curiosity, play, teamwork, and art.
After-School Programs
Science & Snacks students made healthy apple slices into a delicious fish-shaped snack. Participants played trust-building fish-finding games, made fish prints, competed in an Alaska State Fish Art competition, learned how fish use gills for breathing, and dissected a fake fish.
Teaching Through Technology (T3) students have been preparing for the Science Olympiad competition to take place in Fairbanks, Alaska, at the end of March.
Homework Club students exercised their engineering abilities by making tall, freestanding towers out of various materials such as spaghetti and paper.
Adult Programs
Nature Yoga closed out an exciting and busy Ice Worm Festival with a mindful stretch session. Participants got a true abdominal workout as they wormed their way through stretches and ice worm facts.
PWSSC’s Science Trivia Night took place for the first time this year at the Reluctant Fisherman. Visiting researchers Dr. David Paez (USGS) and Dr. Malina Loeher (APU) led a fun-filled night of herring-themed trivia.
Our Tuesday Night Talk lecture series included three talks in Februrary. You can catch all of them on our YouTube Channel by clicking on the Lecture Series playlist. See below for a summary.
In-School Programs
In February, our educators met with grades K-6 as part of our Discovery Room program.
Kindergarteners learned about the three ingredients needed for snow (water, dust, and cold temperatures). They examined different shapes of snowflakes and practiced naming and counting shapes in their snowflake art creations.
First Graders explored how light travels through objects. They can now explain the difference between opaque, translucent, and transparent.
Second Graders said the highlight of their month was the Discovery Room pancit party. For the past two months, they have been growing bok choy. Mrs. Allison visited the class to share her knowledge of Filipino cooking and made pancit for the kids.
Third Graders visited the Science Center for a field trip. They toured the building while completing a scavenger hunt, talked to research associate Anne Schaefer to learn how she studies and bands birds, and dissected mock bird stomachs made of jello.
Fourth Graders put their knowledge of turbines to the test by designing blades for wind turbines and measuring how many volts their wind turbines produced.
- Ms. Brock’s fifth-grade class practiced identifying the five types of salmon in the ocean phase. They learned the importance of escapement (how many fish make it into the river to swim upstream to spawn) and put their fish ID skills to the test by watching videos of fish passing through weirs and trying to count how many there were of each species.
Sixth Graders continued their oil spill response education and responded to two separate oil spill simulations. The first was an oil spill in a pan, where they cleaned up a mock oil spill. The second was a simulated scenario, and were given a limited number of response vessels, response tools, and time to respond.