Colorado Gives Day

December 5th, 2023

TODAY is Colorado Gives Day!!

All over our great state, Coloradans are showing up and donating to hundreds of nonprofit organizations doing incredible work to improve and support our communities.

If you haven't already, today is a wonderful day to give back and support a Mesa County nonprofit organizations like ours. A gift to the Community Food Bank stays right here in our community and supports your neighbors in need of nutritious food.

Please consider giving where you live today and donating to the Community Food Bank!

For every dollar donated, we can provide up to four nutritious meals.

Even $5 goes a long ways toward fighting hunger in our community!

Every dollar stays right here in Mesa County to serve Grand Valley neighbors in need.

Your gift today not only provides critical nutritious food access, but also supports wrap around services to address long-term food insecurity and social determinants of health factors.

The Community Food Bank is SO much more than a pantry - thanks to our incredible supporters and donors like you, we are able to also provide the additional programs:

Bilingual Resource Navigation

Nutrition Exploration

Mobile Fresh Food Access

Make a donation to the Community Food Bank

For all of you wonderful folks

who have already made a donation


Happy Colorado Gives Day!!

To our lovely volunteers and donors, we truly would not be able to meet our mission without each and every one of you. 

On behalf of our full CFB team and the clients we serve -- thank you. 

Alisha Wenger 

Executive Director

(970) 640 - 0336 ext 3

Make your Colorado Gives Day donation TODAY!! 
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Make a Donation Today!