Eye on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is designed to share relevant information and upcoming events to support our commitment to promote equity and fairness among our physicians, scientists, trainees and staff members.

Donate Socks and Underwear to Support Scott-Herndon Educational Foundation Annual Drive

Did you know that socks and underwear are among the most valuable pieces of clothing for people without permanent housing? During this holiday season, please consider donating new socks and underwear to the Scott-Herndon Educational Foundation's annual drive. 


Red and green collection bins can be found in the lobbies at Main Duke Eye Center, Duke Raleigh clinic, Duke Raleigh Surgical Center, and Duke Arringdon Clinic. Donations will go to 4 different adult and teen shelters throughout the Triangle. Bins will be out until the end of December.

Toth Featured in "Mend the Gap" Podcast

Cynthia Toth, MD shared stories from her career as a female surgeon in ophthalmology during the latest Mend the Gap podcast by Healio. Laura Enyedi, MD co-hosted the podcast.

Listen Here

December Observances


December 7-15

Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the second century A.D. It is often celebrated with the lighting of menorah candles, as well as traditional foods, games, and gifts.

Human Rights Day

December 10

This day commemorates the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948. This declaration recognizes that all human beings in all nations have inherent rights and dignity.

Yalda Night

December 21

Also known as Chelleh Night, this Iranian festival marks the longest night of the year. Participants celebrate by uniting with friends and family to eat, drink, and read poetry. 


December 25

An annual Christian (and Duke) holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Some christians celebrate Christmas on different days of the year in addition to the 25th.


December 26-January 1

An African-American and Pan-African holiday celebrating family, community and culture, Kwanzaa is a secular observance with some religious participation. Each day of Kwanzaa celebrates a different life virtue.

New Year's Eve

December 31

The final night of the year, often celebrated by staying up until the start of the next calendar year at midnight.

Upcoming Events

Pronoun Primer: A Pathway to Inclusion

December 5 • Noon-1 pm

In this session, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity will a) provide an overview of gender pronouns, b) discuss their importance in creating inclusive spaces for transgender and non-binary students, and c) provide an overview of trans-inclusive pedagogical practices for implementing pronouns in and out of the classroom.


National Chats for Change: Calling In vs. Calling Out

December 6 • Noon-1 pm

Where is the line drawn between ‘calling in’ all potential allies, and compromising our values and beliefs? While we all recognize the importance of creating opportunities for civil dialogue and meaningful exchange of ideas, why does it often seem like only one ‘side’ is willing to bend in order to create a safe and brave space to exchange ideas and learn from each other? Join us as we discuss how far we’ll willing to go and how much we should be willing to sacrifice in order to allow all voices to be heard.


Health Disparities Research Works in Progress Seminar

December 14 • Noon-1 pm

These interactive seminars and workshops feature talks from junior and senior faculty investigators about current research and projects in development. The seminars include opportunities for questions and feedback from attendees.

Visit the Duke Events Calendar for a Listing of EDI Events Across Campus

If you would like an opportunity to participate in discussions related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, click here. "National Chats for Change" is a monthly webinar designed to facilitate important discussions around EDI on a national level and is provided through Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. It's available to anyone interested and generally meets from 12:00-1:00pm EST.


Sharing positivity!

Share something special that you or colleague did at work, or service to the community using this nomination form.

Upcoming Events

View a list of Diversity and Inclusion events on the Duke Event Calendar

Please email dukeeyediversity@duke.edu if you would like to suggest adding a holiday or event to our calendar of events.

Duke Eye Center Statement on Racism and Discrimination 
Duke Eye Center is comprised of a diverse community of physicians, scientists, trainees and staff members devoted to providing high quality care, innovative research, and first-class education.  We welcome and fully engage people of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives, and strive to provide a safe and secure space for all. We strictly prohibit discrimination and do not tolerate harassment based on age, education, skin color, disability, gender, gender expression and identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.   We are honored to serve Durham, the broader community of North Carolina, and beyond. Contact Us: DukeEyeDiversity@duke.edu