The First Word 12/4/23
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! Our general membership meeting was a full house and we had some great speakers discussing the new proposal ballot issue to build a new arena in Oklahoma City. Drew Dugan with the Greater OKC Chamber of Commerce and Tyler Moore Campaign Consultant shared the vision of the arena gave an exceelent presentation. The Board of Directors voted unanimously to support the ballot issue on December 12th in Oklahoma City. There is a strong coalition of business and community leaders Keep OKC Big League | Coalition and for more information on the election click here - Home | Keep OKC Big League

Special Thank You to AOGC-Bobby Stem for allowing us to use their space for our meeting!!

ACEC OK, AOGC and OKAA hosted a fundraiser with Senator Haste. We had great attendance and want to give a special Thank You to everyone who participated.

The legislative session begins on Monday, February 5th and according to Treasurer Russ revenue continues to decline “Revenues from all sources in October totaled $1.4 billion, a decrease of $73.8 million or 5.0 percent compared to the same month one year ago.” The Board of Equalization meets in December to examine what certified funds will be available to the legislature for FY 2024-2025.

Further below in the newsletter is information to sign up for the PSMJ Principals Bootcamp---a Special Thank You to Poe & Associates for providing the space for the Bootcamp!! Please see below and sign up soon for the early bird rate.

Special Elections

Comanche County voters selected their party nominees to face off in a special election to fill Lawton's Senate District 32 seat. Republican Dusty Deevers and Democrat Larry Bush won their respective primary elections. The state does not conduct runoff primaries in special elections. The Senate District 32 general election will occur on Dec. 12, the same day as a special primary election for the House District 39 seat in Edmond. SD32 includes a large portion of Lawton, including Fort Sill and Cameron University. Republicans have an advantage in the district. As of January, the district included 16,414 registered Republicans, 12,997 registered Democrats and 9,150 independents, according to State Election Board data.

Seven Republicans, two Democrats and one Libertarian are candidates in the special primary election for House District 39, vacated by Ryan Martinez, which will be held on December 12th. The general election is scheduled for February 13th.
Republican candidates – Kristen Ferate, 45; William A. Gaige Jr., 47; Tim Hale, 64; Erick Harris, 36; Ronda Lee Peterson, 61; Cris Price, 53; Ross Vanhooser, 63.
Democrat candidates – Regan Raff, 43, Paul Timmons, 62.

Senate Changes Budget Process:

The Process: Wednesdays are officially appropriations days. They have cleared the floor completely for appropriations work and don’t anticipate being on the floor on Wednesdays.

Subcommittees have been empowered, especially with agency budgets. Starting week 1, multiple subappropriations committees will be coming to appropriations with recommendations.

They will be dealing with budget and policy bills at the same time. Weeks 3-4 will be very full appropriations committees. Major change is that appropriations work will begin week 1, and the fiscal impact statement of bills will be more important than ever, and more important earlier in session.

Session begins Monday, February 5th and ends May 31st.

The R&D Amortization Update

The House passed a two-step continuing resolution to keep the federal government open and the Senate is expected to do the same by the deadline this Friday. Although the CR does not include an R&D amortization fix, Congress has other potential options for moving a fix, including attaching it to the FAA reauthorization bill or passing it as part of a stand-alone tax package.

Our ad ran nationally during the first week of the campaign with 22 spots on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox. Since then the ad ran on these three networks in the DC market exclusively, with 129 spots and counting. We’re also running the ad on local radio station WTOP, which is known for its political coverage. There have been nearly 900,000 video impressions so far on digital/connected TV and we’re using various platforms – such as YouTube –to extend the reach of the campaign.

On the earned media side, our PR firm is pitching op-eds in the six key states we identified (AZ, NV, MT, OH, PA, and GA) and we’ve had the following success so far:
  • Linda Bauer Darr’s op-ed was published in the Arizona Daily Star.
  • An op-ed from Dawn Cartier, President of CivTech, Inc., appeared in the Arizona Capitol Times.
  • Chris Anderson’s op-ed was published in the Flathead Beacon and the Missoulian, and also appeared in the print version of the Helena Independent Record.

There have been almost 1,300 emails sent to Capitol Hill since we relaunched our action alert, but not nearly enough. We need more ACEC members to reach out to their House and Senate members to stress the urgency of action now.

Congratulations, Dave Bender!

ACEC's very own, Dave Bender, was named the National Institute of Lobbying Ethics (NILE) announced that ACEC’s Dave Bender was named one of just two Top PAC Professionals of the Year. This award recognizes excellence in the field while ensuring the selection process is purely merit-based. The dedicated panel of NILE judges blindly evaluated each nominee to guarantee that the honor of being a Top Lobbyist or PAC Professional was earned solely through outstanding performance and dedication to their profession.
PAC Giving

Thank you for your generous support of our pac. We are about to enter an election year and your contribution will be critical in electing legislators supportive of our agenda.

Register Now: PSMJ Principals Bootcamp!

Back by popular demand, PSMJ is offering an Oklahoma City Bootcamp Feb 7-8. A flyer is attached with information related to the bootcamp here.

What: PSMJ Principals Bootcamp
Where: 1601 NW Expressway, OKC OK 73118
When: Feb 7-8
Early Bird (before Jan 3) Member $1,795 / Non-Member $1895
Regular Member $2,095/ Non-Member $2,195

Upcoming Events

Feb 7-8
PSMJ Principals in OKC
1601 NW Expressway, OKC OK 73118
Early Bird (before Jan 3) Member $1,795 / Non-Member $1895
Regular Member $2,095/ Non-Member $2,195

Feb 8
Board and General Membership Meeting + EEA Ceremony
4 PM Board / 5 PM General Membership / 6 PM EEA Ceremony
Oklahoma City, OK TBD

Save the Date(s)

ACEC National Conference
Washington DC
May 13-16

ACEC Midwest States Conference
Kansas City, MO
June 12-14

ACEC Fall Conference
New Orleans, LA
October 20-23

Mike Thompson
President & CEO
220 N.E. 28th Street, Suite 135
Oklahoma City, OK 73105