How WHA Tracks Cardiovascular Care

February is National Heart Month and there is no better time than now to dig into how the WHA tracks cardiovascular care, a crucial component of high-value care, across our state.

From transparent data reporting on quality to focused work to address issues, WHA has made cardiovascular health an important part of our work over the years.

Learn more about what we do

Colon cancer screening gaps exist in Washington. What can we do to change that?

For colorectal cancer, preventative screenings should be easy, affordable, and accessible but on average in Washington state, roughly 4 out of 10 commercially-insured individuals are not receiving these tests. That gap worsens for those covered by Medicaid, Alliance data shows.  

Since February is also National Cancer Prevention Month, the Alliance wants to draw focus to this crucial preventative measure we track closely through our Community Checkup.

Learn how you can help close the gaps

In Case You Missed It: A Fresh Look at the Affordable Health Care

Focusing on the affordability of care for Washington residents is core to the mission of the Washington Health Alliance. So when we had two interns from Seattle’s The Bush School – Dahlia Wandasiewicz and Abigail Goldberger – join us this month, we asked that they look at the issue with their unique perspective.

The links will take you to blog the interns wrote after speaking to WHA staff and Emily Brice, co-executive director of the Northwest Health Law Advocates, a WHA member organization.

We appreciate the time these interns took to dig into a nuanced and complex topic. And we value their voice in our ongoing effort to ensure everyone in Washington has affordable care. Join the conversation!

Read more

Join us in April | New Speakers, Panelists Added

Balancing the Value Equation in Healthcare

April 2 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Through collective action, we can ensure health care purchasers, health plans and health care providers are best equipped to drive substantial change in the market to improve quality, cost and equity of care.

Keynote speakers include Cora Opsahl, Health Fund Director at Building Services 32BJ Benefits Fund, and Ge Bai, PhD, CPA, Professor of Accounting at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and Professor of Health Policy & Management at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

New speakers and panelists added include:

  • Greg Marchand – Director, Global Benefits, The Boeing Company
  • Christina Johansen – Managing Director, Benefit Operations, SEIU 775 Benefits Group
  • Carol Wilmes – Director of Member Pooling Programs, Association of Washington Cities
  • Matthew Lund – CEO/President, Fortune Management Inc.
  • Megan Pedersen – Director, King County Office of Labor Relations
  • Shawn Gremminger – President & CEO, National Alliance of Health Care Purchaser Coalitions
  • Judy Zerzan-Thul, MD, MPH – Chief Medical Officer, WA Health Care Authority
  • Nancy Giunto – Former Executive Director, Washington Health Alliance

In-person attendance is strongly encouraged.

Register now

If you are having issues accessing the registration link, please contact Nicholas Rondinone, Senior Communications Manager, at

Eliminating New HIV Infections in Washington

Free Zoom Webinar | April 24 from 12 to 1 p.m. PT

A tremendous amount of work is being done to address the HIV epidemic not just in the Seattle area but across Washington state.

Hear from experts on what programs are in place and join a conversation on where we can improve care to close the suppression gap.

Key learnings from this event include:

· An in-depth look at the treatment and prevention landscape in Washington.

· A detailed review of what is working and what is not.

· New approaches to close the prevention and treatment gap.

Speakers to include representative from Washington's Health Care Authority and Department of Health, along with Kelley-Ross Pharmacy Group and CHAS Health.

Register today

Our members and supporters can be the best ambassadors for our work. If you know someone who would like to learn more about membership in the Alliance, contact Denise Giambalvo, Director of Member Engagement & Business Strategy, at

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