

news & events

January 3 - January 12, 2025

Lessons for this Sunday

The Epiphany

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From the Field

2025 Annual Stewardship Campaign

Online Pledge Card

One More Merry Christmas!


Dear People of Saint Paul's,

God has always already said yes to us, in the fullness of our beings. Of course the pain we cause and suffer does not gladden God's heart. But whatever big mess of a life we bring to God, the divine response has already been embrace and love. This can make our boundaries and definitions seem superfluous. If God has already said yes to us, then what are trying to prove? Most pointedly for this note, why do we need Confirmation if we are already living a life graced by the love of God? Once God has said yes, how dare the Church have levels of inclusion, layers of belonging?

The short answer is that we don't make the adult affirmation of faith and commitment of Confirmation for God's benefit, but for ours. It is a part of our effort to make real for ourselves what has always already been true. God says yes to us and we respond by living lives that are long echoes of that divine acceptance. Confirmation is not a ticket to heaven; it is part of our attempt together to sustain the echoes of that yes in the structure of our lives.

God's yes comes to us in the details of our real, not always exciting lives. At Confirmation or Reception, we dramatize our embrace of that yes in the real here and now of how we live - in this place and at this time and with these people, I heard God's yes and took steps to give my life to it.

We'll begin an adult Confirmation and Reception class this Sunday over lunch. The class will continue to meet at that time each Sunday until the Bishop's annual visit on February 23. These sacramental acts are the official means of joining the church: Confirmation for those who have never made a mature affirmation of faith in front of a bishop; Reception for those who were confirmed in another denomination and now consider the Episcopal Church their spiritual home. More deeply, both are acts we take to help us live lives that keep echoing the yes God has said to us, to others, and to the world. I hope you'll join us for this class and consider if Confirmation is the right next step for your relationship with God. Anyone is also welcome to join us for a refresher course. Please let me know that you're coming at



To date we’ve received 139 pledges totaling $820,446. 

If you haven’t yet submitted your pledge, you may still do so! 

Please deliver or mail your pledge card to the church office, or use this link below to pledge online.

The Finance Committee is currently working on the 2025 budget and will offer it for discussion during the Sunday Forum, January 19, at 9:30 in the Berlin Room. The budget will be approved by the vestry January 20; it will then be published in the Annual Report and distributed at the Annual Meeting, January 26, at 9:30 in the River Room.

Pledge Online


Rectors' Discretionary Accounts

First Sunday Offering— Your generous non-pledged offerings (cash and designated checks to Fr. Biddy’s discretionary and Mtr. Kimberly’s Discretionary) on the first Sunday each month support our clergy’s Discretionary Account. These funds are used to meet urgent needs within our community, to further the ministries of the church when other funds are not available, and to support community programs and institutions that serve those in need.

The Nursery will be open Sun, January 5

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursery is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available this Sunday morning beginning at 9:00.

Sunday Worship Schedule for 1/05/25

8 AM Rite I

11 AM Rite II

11 AM Facebook Live

11 AM YouTube Live

5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

6:30 PM - Compline + Sit and Wait (Chapel)

All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.

McDonald's for Breakfast

Sunday, 9 - 10 AM Tyler Hall

Busy morning? Breakfast with your friends at Saint Paul's instead! We have McDonald's biscuits, burritos, and hash browns for breakfast this Sunday in Tyler Hall at 9 AM. Donations welcomed.

Children's Choirs Rehearsals

Sunday, 9:25 - 10 AM

The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9 and the St. Nicholas Choir (Pre-K through grade 2) will rehearse as scheduled, 9:25-10:00 AM.

If you or any family or friends are interested in the choir program, please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.

Godly Play (grades pk4-2)

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

St. Francis' Room, CMC

The Godly Play class will continue to learn stories from the Bible in an engaging, Montessori format. Kim Butler and Sara Dimsdale will lead our younger children in the Saint Francis Room (Godly Play Room). If your child is in the Saint Nicholas choir, they will transition from choir to formation.

Weaving God's Promises

Upper Elementary Class (grades 3-5)

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

St. Patrick's Room, CMC

Our upper elementary children will continue lessons structured around the Holy Eucharist. Kitty Gordon and Jackie Pingel will lead our older children. They will meet in the Saint Patrick Room (large classroom across from the office). If your child is in the Canterbury choir, they will transition from choir to the formation class.

Middle School Formation (Grades 6-8)

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

St. Benedict's Room, CMC

Our Middle School class will resume studying the book Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn't Say by Adam Hamilton.

The Sunday Forum

Sunday, January 5, 9:30 AM, The Berlin Room

Erick Montgomery will open our 275th Anniversary Conversations at the Sunday Forum with a discussion: The Fire of 1916 and the response of Saint Paul's. Erick is Executive Director of Historic Augusta and Junior Warden of Saint Paul's.

Youth Confirmation (Grades 9-12)

Youth Confirmation: Students in grades 9-12 who have not been confirmed are encouraged to contact the clergy to let them know of your interest.

Confirmation Classes Begin January 5th

Sundays, January 5 - February 16; 12:20 PM

(Bishop Logue's Visitation will February 23.)

Facilitator: Fr. Biddy

Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is the sacramental rite in which the candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (BCP 860). God has always already said yes to us; confirmation or reception gives us an opportunity, as relatively mature people, to say yes to God and a particular way of following God. It is also how you “sign up” to be a full Episcopalian. All are welcome, including confirmed members who want a “refresher.”

This class prepares confirmands for confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation of baptismal vows on the Bishop’s visit. Lunch will be offered; details TBD.

Contact Fr. Biddy to express your interest.

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

With Prayers for Healing

Sundays, 5:30 PM

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion is a candle-lit service that emphasizes the contemplative side of worship, features some of Augusta’s best Celtic musicians, and offers prayers for healing for those attending, for others, and for the world. Come as you are and enter into a place of rest, prayer, and reflection.

Rob Foster is our guest musician this week.

Sit and Wait

Sit and Wait

Sundays, 6:30 PM, Chapel 

Sit and Wait follows the Celtic Service Sunday evenings (6:30 PM). The service begins with a Service of Compline and will end with a twenty-minute sit. The people end in silence.

Please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by phone at (706) 910-9331 for further information.

EVENTS NEXT WEEK | January 6 - January 12

Open Altar Flower Sundays

January 12 & 19, February 2, 16, and 23 are open Sundays for altar arrangements. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or “many” someones, please contact the Parish Office at The normal charge is a minimum of $125.

Tuesday's Music Live Resumes

January 7, 12 noon, Nave

Tuesday’s Music Live continues its 36th season Tuesday, January 7, with a free concert by Solomon Eichner, Pianist. More information at or by calling the Box Office at (706) 722-3463.

Mmm... (Men's Monthly Meal)

January 8, 6 PM, The River Room

Join us for our next Men’s Monthly Meal (Mmm!) scheduled Wednesday, January 8. (Men gather at 4 PM to cook, the parish gathers at 6 PM for dinner.) On the menu: Sausage Tortellini Soup, Potato Leek Soup, Homemade Creamy Tomato Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie. PLEASE RSVP on the website, so that we may be a good host.

RSVP for Dinner &/OR to Serve

Baptism Offered

Sunday, January 12

The Prayer Book notes Holy Baptism is especially appropriate on four dates: at the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All Saints’ Day or All Saints’ Sunday, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism on Saturday, January 12, 2025, on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. All who wish to be baptized are invited to contact Fr. Eric

EYC Next Sunday

January 12, 5-7 PM

Mark your calendars for next Sunday as we "wrap" up the year with a fun gift exchange. Bring a small item $10 or less for a fun exchange with our friends at Saint Bart's. Be on the lookout for an invite for a parent meeting this month to discuss EYC 2025.

Please contact Aubrey Hinkson for more information

Reception Following Celtic Service

Sunday, January 12

Save the Date — An Epiphany Celebration follows the Celtic Service, Sunday, January 12. Join us for light refreshments on the Portico (weather permitting) or the Narthex.


Dates for your calendar

January 12 - Vestry at the Sunday Forum

January 14 - W.E.E.M.

January 15 - Senior Lunch

January 18 - MLK, Jr. Parade

January 19 - Vestry at the Sunday Forum

January 21 - Tuesday's Music Live

January 23 - Caring Prayer

January 26 - Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, January 26, 9:30 AM, The Berlin Room

Please mark your calendar: The Annual Meeting for the 275th year of Saint Paul’s Church is Sunday, January 26. Details will follow.

Summer Mission Experience

Mission dates: June 9 - June 14, 2025

Deadline to join the trip: January 31

You are invited to join Saint Paul’s parishioners, family, and friends on a mission experience this summer to Ecuador, June 9-14, 2025. Please prayerfully consider joining us as we reach out to people in need and serve as the hands of Christ.

An information sheet is available here. If you would like additional information about Quito, Ecuador, the mission work, and trip details, please contact Gene or Rose Helmich, or call 803-640-3405. The deadline to join the trip is January 31, 2025.

Other Announcements

A Few Notes on the "Management" of our Prayer List

Our official prayer list is an important part of our community of prayer, organizing our prayers for our beloveds. In order for our prayer list to be effective, we must all stay connected to the list.

Twice a year the parish will begin a new prayer list: January 1 and July 1. Of course, it is fine for a name to remain on our list for an extended period of time; we ask that you simply email the parish office to let us know you’d like a name (new or continuing) to be added to our new list.

A NEW Outreach Partnership

Goodwill Collection Bin in Tyler Hall

You will find a LARGE Blue Bin in Tyler Hall for your donations to Goodwill. As you begin spring cleaning, we invite you to share your donations for Goodwill using this new bin. Saint Paul’s will receive five $50 vouchers for each filled bin. Our clergy can share these vouchers, which may be used at Goodwill, with those seeking assistance. Contact Mtr. Kimberly for more information.


The Vestry Nominating Committee is seeking candidates whom you believe would make outstanding Vestry members for Saint Paul's. If you'd like to suggest someone, including yourself, please contact retiring Junior Warden Erick Montgomery. Prior to nominating someone else, please discuss with them their interest and willingness to serve in this role.


The basic responsibilities of the Vestry are:

  • to help define and articulate the mission of this congregation
  • to support the church's mission by word and deed
  • to support the clergy in furthering the mission of Saint Paul’s
  • to ensure effective organization and planning
  • to manage resources and finances
  • to attend monthly vestry meetings and annual vestry retreat
  • to serve as liaison to assigned parish committees

We expect to elect for three full three-year terms. If the new junior warden comes from the current vestry, we may have an additional unexpired term to fill.


To be eligible for the Vestry, a nominee must answer "yes" to all of the following questions.

  • Have you been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church?
  • Do you regularly attend worship services at Saint Paul's?
  • Are you a pledging member of Saint Paul's?


Each nominee slated to run for election to the Vestry will be invited to share a profile with the parish via our regular parish communications including the weekly newsletter.

A Note on Eligibility: Those eligible for election are those “confirmed adults in good standing eighteen years of age or older enrolled in the Congregation” (Canon 2.1). Those eligible to vote in an election are “those confirmed adults enrolled in the Congregation who are in good standing and who have reached the age of sixteen” (Canon 2.3). Those already in the process of being confirmed or received and otherwise eligible, are eligible to run and vote while waiting for the bishop’s next visit. If you are interested in being confirmed when the Bishop visits next year, please contact Fr. Biddy.

Fall Program Guide Available

"A Church for the City -- A Church for You!

Our new Fall Program Guide is available here. A printed copy is available in the Narthex and in the rack outside the parish office. We invite you to browse this publication and look for ways that you can discover or rediscover where you belong, what you are called to do, and how we might grow together in God's Presence.

Gifts to Saint Paul's Church

"All that we are and all that we have comes from God. In gratitude, we honor him by giving of ourselves and our gifts to care for his world."

--Saint Paul’s Vestry Theology of Stewardship

Gifts can be made using the link below, on-line at, or by mail to Saint Paul’s Church, 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA 30901. Thank you for your generosity.

Make a Gift


Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.
Saint Paul's Church
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