Today's edition of Chamblee Methodist eNewsletter is loaded with important info and key dates. Please take a few minutes to review, click-thru, and connect!
Will you help us get ready for this epic event? After Worship this Sunday, grab a bag of empty plastic eggs from the Atrium or Narthex. Take them home, fill them with goodies, and return them to the church no later than Mar. 31. Please bundle eggs filled with hard candies separately as those will be reserved & hidden for older children only.
Shamrock Supper
BBQ & Bake Sale benefitting the CFUMC Choir, with music by the Sallach Family. Please RVSP and bring cash or check for purchase of homemade desserts.
Every Easter, our altar is adorned with Easter Lilies in honor of and in memory of our loved ones. Plants are $12 each and may be ordered online or via paper form & check.
orders due Mar. 27
Lenten Study
Throughout Lent, Pastor Eric Lee will lead a weekly small group session based on the book Courage: Jesus and the Call to Brave Faith by pastor and author Tom Berlin. Join us to explore what true courage is and how God works in the lives of Christ followers.
Sundays through Apr 2, 11 am | Easter Sunday at 10 am
All Things Easter
Bookmark this webpage for a comprehensive list of Lenten Season activities and events leading up to Easter.